Running into issues Installing Powermesh Garage Controller

Hi fellas,

has anyone bought and installed one of the powermesh garage controllers to their existing garage motor?
i purchased one of these recently but have run into an issue.

i have a B&D sectional roller doors with a SD-08 Motor attached. When following the instructions from zimi regarding the installation everything was simple and easy to follow until i got to the part where i need to connect the positive (red cable) to the OSC terminal of the motor. i realised that from build that i already have a cable running into that terminal and have figured out its been used to run my home alarm remote which has several functions, one of which is to open and close the garage door. Note this is not B&D remote but a generic one that has been programmed to control home alarm and garage door functions. i thought it was a simple as trying to squeeze in both cables into the OSC terminal and theoretically it should work fine. However turned out not to work, i can get the powermesh garage controller to work if it was the sole cable in the OSC terminal but not when combined with the other aux input. my terminal block for the garage motor doesn't have an secondary aux input so i need to use the only OSC terminal available.

Any help and ideas.


  • Possibly needs a diode on the existing cable to the home alarm remote so that current from the Powermesh does not flow in that direction. A diode does induce a small voltage drop so you would then need to ensure the alarm can still operate the door with a diode installed, if the voltage drop is too much then a MOSFET could be used.
    Fwiw, probably best to put a diode on each trigger wire.

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