Metamucil Vs Psyllium Husk Powder

Hey all

I read a comment the other day of someone suggesting to just buy psyllium husk powder as a replacement for metamucil. Is there any merit to this advice? they are significantly different in price:

Coles Wellness Road Psyllium Husk Powder 450g - $8(

Metamucil Fibre Supplement Regular 72 Dose 504g - $20.89(

Does metamucil have any added benefits? of course there is the flavour, but I figured I am better off just using cordial if I must have flavour, or (more research needed)I could add it to my cooking. Wondering your thoughts on this? any other tips like this - where buying the base ingredient is better than the branded usual?


  • +11

    Metamucil is basically psyllium husk powder, the main difference is that it's citrus flavoured and sweet so it's easier and more convenient for you to prepare. You are paying for the convenience factor and the flavouring.

    Plain psyllium husk is obviously cheaper but is absolutely tasteless and probably has larger particle sizes than metamucil, so it's best to use it for cooking and making smoothies rather than being mixed in juice (if you do use it in a juice, add only small amounts (teaspoon) at a time and consume the juice quickly before it forms into a gel or semi solid). Since it binds things together some people do use it as a substitute for eggs or when they need baked goods that are gluten-free.

    • Wow thank you for all the info, ill start adding it to cooking then!

  • I think it becomes very gel-like after absorbing water, so adding it to cooking would significantly thicken whatever you are cooking. This may be a bad idea for the texture of the food - like do you want a soup turning into a semi solid jelly? I would just drink it like Metamucil.

  • +1

    Sort of similar to what others above said.

    The plain husk powder is best for adding to milkshakes/etc … On it's own with water is very yuck.

    Did briefly try the plain husk powder, but quickly went back to metamucil purely for taste + convenience.

  • +1

    I used to mix psyllium husk with some cordial, but u got to quickly stir it like hell and drink it, it gets gluggy a lot faster than metamucil and then it feels and tastes really gross. Although it was more than half the price I went back to Metamucil lol. Aldi also has a metamucil version, when i bought it a few years ago it was $14, not sure how much now

  • +1

    I take the plain husk in capsule form. I try to remember to take it anyway. I've tried taking it in water but the gritty sludge is too much for me. It seems to work, eventually anyway. You need to keep taking it consistently if your goal is to improve your shits.

    • Absolutely, thats what made it so killer to deal with price wise, it would be an every second shop purchase and when your shop is $80-90 a week that $20 for metamucil sticks out like dogs nuts. I find its worth the effort but if there is a cheaper option then I am going to give that a crack. I can deal with the texture I usually just skull it and then chase with half a bottle of water.

      • I buy the powder on Amazon.

        $26 delivered for a 1kg bag which lasts ages as I take two teaspoons in water every morning.

        My wife will only take the capsules and that's way more expensive!

      • try oat bran

      • Aldi has its own version of Metamucil but I found it a bit too grainy.

  • Psylium husk is fine. I drink it when I need to. 1-2 teaspoons in a glass of water, gulp it down instantly if you prefer that, or if you want a more gelatinous texture let it sit for 1 min.

    Tastes bearable in water. A bit bready. If you mix it into juice you cannot taste it at all.

    Works great to give a consistent and regular poop

    • Psylium husk or the powder version ??? … there is a difference between the 2.

      also the powder is more concentrated …
      eg. roughly 2x more the amount of fibre (per gram weight) as compared to husk alone.

      • Huh interesting I didn't realize there was a powder version! I've just been using the regular one. Usually get it from chemist warehouse or Coles brand

  • Add psyllium husk to your breakfast cereal or porridge.

  • I got some psyllium husk caps from amazon. They didn't work at all.

    Metamucil works every time.

    Well worth the extra dollars for me.

  • I've found that psyllium husk works just fine for me. I usually mix it with flax seed powder, chia seeds, and rolled oats, then let it all soak overnight. In the morning, I top it off with blueberries, banana, and 1/2 apple for breakfast. The taste is a bit on the bland side, but adding a bit of honey really brings out the flavor. Give it a try and see how you like it!

  • "Does metamucil have any added benefits?"

    Just palatability.

  • +1

    I am better off just using cordial if I must have flavour

    As long as it doesn't have refined sugar.

  • Metamucil has a fair bit added to it apart from psyllium. Best to just go with plain psyllium, or for more effectiveness some combination powders are pretty good but expensive.

  • coles just raised the price to $12 !!
    trying bran now..

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