Serious Lamb Taster Wrap for $3 at McDonald's

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Serious Lamb Taster Wrap for $3 at McDonald's. $3 seems like a bargain for a wrap

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  • Not a deal but very tasty.

    • +4

      no it's not, it taste like crap.

      • lol ^

      • +16

        you've tasted crap?!

  • +1

    The meal thing is more worth it. $5 with chips and fries. However, you can buy this for $3, small fries for $1 and get a free medium drink with the student edge card!! :)

    • +12

      with chips and fries? same thing?

    • +4

      "chips and fries", fail.

    • +1

      Must spend over $3 for free drink with Student Edge card and discount not to be used with any other offer or in conjunction with a McValue Meal® or any 'Loose Change Menu' item.
      Technically the small fries won't bring your purchase "over" the minimum $3 since its part of the loose change menu.

      • Oh I always use it they never really said anything. most of the time they don't even know what the card is. But thanks for the heads up? You learn something new everyday aye.

      • +1

        I use it all the time with the loose change menu items. Sometimes i only buy the loose change menu items.

    • +4

      obviously they meant drink

      • +1

        Sorry guys yes I did!!! I was still in bed :) it is a Sunday morning hehehe

  • +2

    it's probably not even lamb meat lol

    • +2

      Serious Lamb™

      Serious Lamb are 100% Indonesian owned manufacturers of edible recycled paper products.

  • What's the deal here? Without reference to any sort of savings or to a previous price, this is more of an FYI rather than a deal.

    Moved to forums.

  • +1

    I didnt like the taste, it definately doesnt taste like lamb.

    • I agree, it didn't live up to the "serious" lamb taste.

      If anything, it tasted rather funny.

  • -1

    When I tried it, If i blocked my nose when I ate it, The texture is exactly the same as the beef pattie in a big mac (Try to eat those expensive Jelly-bellys without your sense of smell - they all taste the same!). Eat it normally and you'll get the classic smell of lamb.

    IMO it tastes bad :\ Not a fan of it at all. Probably the reason why nowhere else in the world have they served lamb in a maccas.

    • I thought it came from a McDonalds branch over in India, If only I could remember what news place covered it.

  • -6

    i did the food testing for mcd couple months back and they pay me money as well to try this food. i like the taste

    • +4

      how to get a job like that?

      • +1

        dont take the job again. give it to someone with normal tastebuds please

  • I've got a mate who loves the huge burger, I was gonna try one the other day til I read the fat content…holy shit:… :o

  • just had the serious lamb burger… its big but also terrible.. very bland

  • Just had the wrap… its pretty small

  • what is a student edge card?

  • I found it bland too. Maybe a tastier sauce would make it better

  • I've eaten about three of the lamb tasters. They were delicious, except the last time I ordered when it tasted very different, bland and I could only finish half of it.

  • I've the lamb wrap once. Was not impressed. it left a long not so fresh after taste in my mouth. Didnt get any for the night

  • It's sorta yuck.
    I tried it out once in the city, it tasted pretty ordinary.. in fact pretty bad. I gave it another chance but it tasted even worse. I don't even think it's lamb.

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