Was hunting around for a deal on Strava as my subscription has just expired and noticed that students get 50% off. Unfortunately I’m not a student but it’s still a good deal for those that are and are happy to pay for Strava Premium.
50% off Subscription Plan for Students - $50 Per Year @ Strava
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Not sure if it’s still ₺279.99. I logged in earlier and it was showing $29.99USD which is more than double what the Turkish concerts to.
Edit: I checked directly on Strava website, not via iOS app so that might be the difference.
I did it via Turkey last September, going strong
Strava did a big price increase earlier this year.
Not sure if that price is accurate now?
Yeah, it’s 799 lira now so almost as much as this price
Is there a way to get this to work on android?
any other ways to get it cheaper?
Fly to Turkey, see comment above
How much is it in Turkey?
…remember when it was completely free with no premium or restricted features?
…and we all used it and made it great by providing data for leaderboards & segments and providing them an enthusiastic & motivated user base….and then they screwed us all over by gradually locking us out of features and introducing paid memberships. ah yes….stravaahh yes, the fabled free-for-life service that also never has any advertising…… Funded by taxpayers in Turkiye?
people pay to share their gps data?
Price in Turkiye has now gone up to ₺799.99 - so depending on exchange rates it's now comparable with this deal.
How can i be a student for this deal
Manage to work up sweat most days and never heard strava.
So can be done.
A good deal, but not as cheap as flying to Türkiye