ASOS coming to Australia

Friend got Linkedin job offer for some online marketing role.
Thats all I know.

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  • +1

    If only it was Uniqlo…

    • haha…i heard Uniqlo was coming to Aus too

      • awesome. i picked up an awesome brown with yellow stripes tracksuit in Chiba.

  • I am wondering what's the benefit for consumers when those shops are "coming to Australia", when most of the time the transaction is over the Internet and the delivery from overseas…

    • +4

      Probably higher prices adjusted up for the AUS market.

      • When you have to pay for the higher wage for their Australian online marketers, add 10% GST and higher expected profit — yes I can see that it would have cost more here.

    • Possibly shorter delivery times. You'd have a skeleton staff in Aust with some warehouse people. Bulk ship the clothes over and then post from here.

      Mind you higher postage costs, rents and wages might increase prices (and GST but I don't mind paying that).

  • I do not even find asos cheap for name brands, find better deals in DJ/Myer here when they have sales. The ASOS house brand is very cheap though, not sure about quality.

  • +3

    I don't think shops setting up in Australia are ever beneficial for customers. Prices are always more expensive than if you got it posted from overseas. They then force you to order from their Australian site by refusing to ship from another country.

  • faster delivery..asos can have a warehouse in oz so the logistics will be cheaper and can pass to consumers

    • Faster delivery yes

      so the logistics will be cheaper and can pass to consumers

      No way, have you seen how cheap it is to post a large item from Overseas (UK) to Australia compared to posting a large item interstate in Australia?

      • I tried to send a box from london to sydney with a couple of suits and a pair of shoes (in the box ASOS send suits in)and they tried to charge me 100 pounds, so it isn't cheap at all if you aren't a big company.
        Luckily some family had space left in their luggage we could use.

        • Well, if you used a country like the Netherlands or germany you could send over 31.5kg for that price which is pretty good considering the costs in Australia.

  • Doubt they have a logistics base in Australia (apart from returns, which they are already operating locally). GST and higher delivery cost domestically would kill their advantage. This sounds like they are just expanding on their current Australian team.

  • +1

    Agree with zhenjie, this is old news - I'd be surprised if they didn't already have a marketing presence in Australia, although maybe before it was through an agency.

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