• out of stock

Mugs $0.01 @ Officeworks + Free Pickup from Officeworks Store


Top one is Hot Mum

Mug Always Right White

Mug All About Me White
Thanks to Hilal

Yummy Mummy
Thanks to Steptoe for confirming the above mugs at least in NSW

Seem to be able to order these. The pink one listed before was out of stock but these seem to be in stock.
Stock seems to vary State by State and person by person.
Screenshot for Proof


This is part of Mother's Day deals for 2012.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    all out of stock

    • edited for in stock ones.
      I ordered some and still in stock

    • managed to order 5 for 5c, cant go wrong!!

      • +1

        Sheesh - 2 for Free, or 7 for 5c. It's OzBargain remember.

        • +1

          thats not the case here, you can't pay cash, credit card or paypal only, and they don't round off to the nearest.. good luck lol

        • revoked my vote because it doesn't work anymore.

        • well thats a poor reason to revoke. it was a good deal and was available at the time of posting its not spawnpoints fault that officeworks ran out of stock

      • what was your delivery fee?

    • Yummy Mummy?

  • I'm getting them all except hot mum and the keep calm one still shows in stock for me :)

  • -6


  • -6

    thanks ordered perth wa. christmas presents done!

  • http://m.officeworks.com.au/mt/www.officeworks.com.au/retail… This is the "keep calm and agree with mum" mug, it's online only so I don't know why it shows different for different states ?!

    • I dunno, check with Officeworks. Obviously stock is different for at least 4 different people on this thread. I assumed it was different state by state. Victoria seems to be one with least stock while NSW seems to have all of them in stock.

      QLD, NT, SA, WA unknown.

      • sort the mugs section by price.. :)

  • +2


    Product UE114864W cannot be back ordered
    Product UE114865W cannot be back ordered
    Product UE114866W cannot be back ordered
    Product UE114867W cannot be back ordered
    Product UE114869W cannot be back ordered

    I'm in NSW, does it matter which store I pick? I picked North Ryde.

  • +1
    • cant be back ordered - nsw, spewing

    • Dang, I think I missed out by a minute..

  • I cant checkout in nsw -_-"
    Out of order

  • +13

    Looks like i qualify for free shipping :) http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii314/antilagGTR/office.p…

    • Good one!

  • Wincest.

    • +1

      Is that the next issue of Windows?

  • All out of stock for me (NSW).

  • BS!!!!! checkout and say no more!!!

    • +2

      Same. Officeworks needs a better checkout system!

  • Sold out in Adelaide.

  • +4

    all the kids in Tasmania bought their mothers this mug…

    • +4

      Well, it is Tasmania… they probably have more than one mother…

      • Their mother is usually their sister, so they only need 1 mug…

        • -1

          But they usually have two heads, therefore still need two mugs.

  • It is ok for me to add in the cart but when I select store to pick up it says unable to find any store near the postcode I put in. Wats wrong? There is an officework 5km away from my house…

  • -6

    Sorry - we were unable to continue, please check the following messages

    QW-MUG ALL ABOUT ME WHITE(UE114866W) is out of stock online. Please call 1300 633 423 to find if this product is stocked in a store near you. The product has been removed from your shopping cart.
    QW-MUG ALWAYS RIGHT WHITE(UE114867W) is out of stock online. Please call 1300 633 423 to find if this product is stocked in a store near you. The product has been removed from your shopping cart.
    QW-MUG HOT MUM WHITE(UE114865W) is out of stock online. Please call 1300 633 423 to find if this product is stocked in a store near you. The product has been removed from your shopping cart.
    QW-MUG YUMMY MUMMY BLACK(UE114869W) is out of stock online. Please call 1300 633 423 to find if this product is stocked in a store near you. The product has been removed from your shopping cart.
    • +4


      "Please do not vote negative just because a deal is sold out. If the title of a deal needs to be updated to reflect the deal no longer available, please use the REPORT link instead for mods to update the deal. Negative votes made for this reason will be revoked by mods. "

      • +1

        Good to know at least some people know the voting guidelines

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