Mobileciti has this for $349 for 16gb
Is this the cheapest? My friend really wants this but I don't think it's worth it as its Tegra 2. What you guys think?
Ok for the price? Or should he wait for price drop?
Sony Tablet S

and whats wrong with the tegra 2?
i'm surprised people have to even ask
this place usually has experts crawling with android tablet knowledge
where are they gone?
this isnt even hard… here's an excerpt:
Most of those manufacturers are claiming that their tablets have good multimedia capabilities and are proudly promising 1080P video decoding thanks to mojo from the Nvidia Tegra 2 chip. And in a way it makes sense: the Nvidia chipsets and video cards for PC are probably the best at decoding high definition H264 video. Most people purchasing these tablets to play high resolution video will probably be disappointed though because when you look at the specifications of the Tegra 2 platform you will notice that unlike its PC cousins the chip is unable to decode most 1080p H264 videos.
you guys SERIOUSLY didn't know about Tegra 2 issues? really?
bottom line… basic inability at 1,080p… skipping at 720p…
Wtf, dont beleive everything you read. why would you decode 1080p on a tablet is really pointless.
Stop talking crap tegra 2 is fine for most things.
Sony tablet is a nice tablet, i feel its a bit cheap plastic like for a sony product
you do know that people do things that you dont do on tablet
one has the expectation that a tablet that is HD can play back HD video… i dunno… i'm just funny about
also when one does a google search on 'Tegra and HD video' I'm expecting glowing reports on how good it is, not how bad it is
normally when one finds a lot of google negative reviews, golly gosh gee… maybe I should read it and believe it rather than a random guy called Mikinoz on a forum somewhere… i'm just funny that way believing trusted websites…
Or a random guy called tonjzx, no people use the tablets for other things….. omg hold the phone.
Trusted websites, google search, yada yada. care to name some or happy to speculate? you rant and rave, i prefer proof.
I am talking from my own experience, with tegra 2 tablets. Hows your experience reading about it going for you?
glad things are going good for you
i'm sorry that a simple google search is beyond your capability which is strange since you apparently have two tablets
maybe its the tegra 2 at issue
anyway, i bid you a good day and hope your travels go well
i won't buy it and leave it at that
Lol sad really, thats all you have. least i had some sort of example, yours was google .
Guess my 2, is 2 more than you.
Bye bye tosser
Yeah thought so as I had an Iconia and it was laggy. Maybe the prime for $150 more is better.
Which Iconia do you have? And does it get laggy with 1080p or 720p? Thanks :)
Get the AussieTab for $300. Uses RK3066 CPU with 4-core Mali 400 GPU.
Feedback on WP seems to suggest it has pretty good quality and good battery life.
Ok will have to check that one out. But isn't it just a Cube UG30GT or whatever its called?
'aussietab' brings up nothing in google
i'm not sure about 10" tabs but right now, very little beats the Ainol Fire for 7"
"very little beats the Ainol Fire for 7" sounds like a pick up line at the mardi gra lol
I think he meant aussiepad had same issue but somehow I found it.…
too old
the tegra 2 seems to have issues with certain things i dont want to deal with