I think this is record low. Plus Kayo & Binge apps now available on Amazon App Store so no more sideloading needed.
Don't forget 7% CB for Amazon Device at CR & SB.
It says "FREE delivery on your first order" so should be free delivery even if you don't have Prime.
Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite $29 (Was $59) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Last edited 24/05/2023 - 10:46 by 1 other user

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Wow, never noticed the Lite is missing volume controls, that is bizarre.
Maybe it doesn’t have an IR blaster? Seems like it would be cheaper to just produce one remote for all the Fire Stick lines rather than gimp one of them.
Yeah that's what I would've thought, weird.
Even stranger thought that it doesn't have a software volume control for the unit like Android STBs
Lite doesn't have CEC support (TV control over HDMI). That's why it can't change the volume.
@Ryanek: thats odd because the reverse works for me (i lost the firestick remote)
i can use my tv remote to control the fire stick litemaybe its only one way or something?
Wait for Fire TV Stick 4K Max to go on special , which supports Most TV volume controls also supports WIFI 6 and 2gb Ram and supports Dolby Atom Audio
Agreed to wait for the Fire Stick 4K Max as it is the better buy.
If you want Ethernet, that’s no hard and you don’t have pay a fortune for the Anaxone Fire Stuck Ethernet adapter. The UGreen one works well.
The one thing ppl don’t consider is you really need an Amazon Prime account to make these sing but the downloader app will let you Sideload most of what you want, if you don’t.
The lite version I dunno, these aren’t exactly top of the line but they are very functional devices for the price, but the Fire Stick 4K and 4K Max are the devices I would choose.
They are restrictive with onboard RAM but they get quite a few firmware updates so I feel they are well supported.
The MAX is also $59 - Code FTVUPGRADE
Code didn't work for me
Oh, I got an email this morning - it must be targeted
@bamzero: Yeah maybe - I have 3 MAX's and used to have a lite - it must be targeted to anyone that has one registered on their account
whats the diff between lite and max?
FHD vs 4k
guess i'm not going to really notice it on my 4 year old tv lol
4K, Remote that has volume and power buttons for TV control, more powerful unit
Binge apps now available on Amazon App Store
Oh wasn't aware of this. Nice!
Oh it’s new so you didn’t miss anything!
wait waht? when did this happen? i swear i checked a few days ago and it wasn't there.
Today. The apks weren’t working for a few months, I was close to cancelling my Binge. About time they officially support it!
Oh this is great news haha, I was watching Binge on their built in browser called Silk or something.
My apk stopped working a couple weeks ago and I finally saw the binge app on the Amazon store today. So glad
Took them long enough, but FINALLY, yes !!!
Cheapest was 19$ a year or so back at Myer and other places
Those were clearance sales to get rid of old stock before they released the one with the updated remote.
The problem for Lite is that it's old and slow. Even if you're doing 1080p only you should consider buy Stick 4K Max as they get as cheap from time to time.
The old Lite sucks but new Lite is not that bad. It has same hardware with Fire Stick 4K (not MAX) with 4K disabled. But hey once you go MAX you can’t go back to lite :)
That answers my question, I've got 3x 4k maxes so I probably won't get this too then.
The old Lite sucks but new Lite is not that bad.
2022 release is the exact same 1st Gen dongle as the 2020 release.
Only the remote has been updated.
There was an older one (2017??) which sucks. 2020 and 2022 Lite are the same Stick wise and not that bad
the lack of native kayo support is what always kills these deals, people don't want to tinker with side loading and updating the APK every 90 days
The OP said that Kayo is now available through Amazon App Store.
Is that not right?I’m on my way to work and don’t know if it’s true but it’s advertised by Amazon so should be that way.
You're correct! I just ran off to check mind right now :)
Just access kayo from the Internet using the Firestick. No need to side load any apps.
Wow had no idea kayo and binge were now on that store!
Edit - confirming OP is correct here! Nice
The kayo news is more exciting than the deal
When they're cheap like this, they're worth it - like many others I have removed Amazon's OS and am using open source Android TV - it works fine for watching SBS, ABC, Amazon video, advertisement-removed Youtube, etc etc. Only recommended for folks who can handle/enjoy a little tinkering though. See this thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-unofficial-11-lineage…
Wait what I never knew you could do that now I must play around with this new information Thanks
Is not record low. They have been $29 before.
Paid $22.50 for one of these from the good guys and paid $34.50 for a 4k Max when they had to two for $59 deal on Amazon
Pretty sure those were the lowest ever prices.
I dont understand how the ozbargain community are so willing to all pay $30 a month to that Murdoch flop just to watch some sports and movies. Like seriously?
Because most people aren't so tied up in politics that they let it effect their daily lives… If people want to watch their NRL or AFL and they find $25 a month (or some of the cheaper deals on here) to be good value for that entertainment, then they'll go for it.
No one in the centre really believes the big scary right wing "Murdoch" is running the media in this country…as it's pretty obvious 90% of the media has a left wing bias.
Its not a matter of whos scary and whos running what. Its a matter of whether $30 a month is good value for NRL and AFL playback? Honestly that answer is objectively NO.
How can you be so self centred that you feel you can make that decision for everyone?
Not to mention, you are obviously wrong.
You have no idea about how much people are willing to pay to watch sports and how much broadcast rights cost these days.
Get some perspective and maybe look up the cost of a single sport gamepass like, NFL, or NBA? I believe it's something like $250-300 to watch all the games of just one of those sports for a season.
Kayo, for $27.50 a month (if you aren't getting a discount, I'm currently paying $5) gives you every game of the NRL, AFL, NBL, F1, and quite a number of games of NBA and NFL. Those are just the big ones I can think of, probably lots of other less mainstream sports too.
It's the best value (legal) sports streaming service around.
@Binchicken22: Hahaha you sound like you're either american, or a die hard aussie sports fan. Both of which are a major L. NRL games were nearly all free to watch a few years ago on channel 9. Now the cost of $30 a month is good value to watch these games that used to be free??? You cant justify the price of the expensive as service just because you get a discount lmao.
I had kayo and binge for free for a whole year and i still thought it was a crap service even though i didnt pay a cent. The NBA and F1 are the best sports Kayo offers and they dont even play all the nba playoffs games (TNT) or dont even have the multi-viewer in f1. So you are paying a premium service which you are receiving a majorly underwhelming amount of features and value.
Therefore, you are wrong, it is not the best value legal sports streaming service.Therefore, you are wrong, it is not the best value legal sports streaming service.
Curious to know what is then, right now that's available in Australia?
….aaaaand there's your answer.
The media doesn't agree with my point of view so it's clearly biased.
Funny though, I don't see a left wing version of Sky News anywhere.
It's called the ABC…
Do you not see the irony in you guys whinging about Murdoch bias the whole time and then when someone points out the left wing bias you are like,
"oH wHeN iT dOsEnT fIT yOuR vIeW pOiNt iTs BiAs Is It?!?!"
@Binchicken22: No mate. And I'll tell you why. The LNP stacked the ABC board with mates, and STILL couldn't rake it over the coal for "left wing bias".
Either the LNP's mates were incredibly shit, or there wasn't any consistent bias. Take your pick.
Meanwhile any idiot, sure even RWNJ's, can see that Murdoch has been supporting the political right for some years. Do I need to post the photoshops of labor MP's in nazi uniforms?
The LNP really are very good at convincing people to support things that are not in their best interest. Remember when smart people voted LNP and the workers voted Labor?
Reddit sport streams and Usenet gives all I need.
$50 for an annual Usenet sub trumps paying for streaming……imo……YMMV of course.
Exactly mate! Reddit streams FTW! What do you use Usenet for btw?
isn't usenet just access to more stolen (pirated) content? and you're paying for it?
I'm not saying that I don't do that…Could be viewed that way I suppose. Shared once via the internet by whichever nefarious individual decided to record a show, remove the ads and make it clean…… For TV of course.
No on sharing unlike P2P and been around since before the internet in theory. There must be a reason it's still going and the powers that be are unable to do anything, unlike P2P.
I pay for my annual access and I'm sure the providers of my service make a donation to the arts sector. 🙂
Depends how you use it.
It's also a message board and image sharing resource.Still pretty popular for the ultra nerdy topics; It's like chatting on IRC.
Still popular on an international scale, just not mainstream.@MasterScythe: I thought all the message board part of Usenet these days was just spam. I dunno why you'd use it over a forum, it doesn't seem to have any advantages that I can think of.
I dont understand how the ozbargain community are so willing to all pay $30 a month to that Murdoch flop just to watch some sports and movies. Like seriously?
There are ways to get kayo cheaper or free (eg. Western bulldogs digital membership, telstea used to have something). If you share with someone pretty good value imo and it's the only legit and reliable way to watch all Afl, nrl, cricket, f1, espn, bein sports etc.
Reddit streams imo very unreliable (occasionally I'll use it for boxing or mma ppv's and it's hit and miss). And there's no chance I'm going to get my dad for example to work out how to use reddit streams, he can barely browse the Web! He just wants to sit on the couch and use the remote to watch stuff.
I could care less about political agendas I just wanna watch sport.
Everything else.
Sonarr, Radarr with NZBGet takes care of everything.
If you have a Nas or old PC that can run something like FreeNas or Xpenology then your quids in
Google those if you're not sure what they are and join the party.
Would this be a good upgrade of an old Telstra TV (Roku 3)?
I got rid of all my Telstra TVs and replaced with fire stick 4k and 4k max (bought it when it first was on sale for $39).
Have the Chromecast 4k too, but fire tv feels much snappier.
Telstra tv was more of a pain of you wanted custom apps
Doesnt have volume controls , its so annoying
Does this not being 4k mean the extra money I forked out to upgrade to 4k tv 7 years ago is useless and will only be watching 1080p?!
But if the video source is 1080p anyway it won't make a difference.
Then I don’t get why this thing is still popular. Surely you’ll be using it for years to come and paying another $50 or so to get 4k version is a smart idea!
I mean even if you still manage to only watch 1080p content today, likely 4k will become way more common even with streaming live sports in the next couple of years.Not everyone has a 4K TV though, and a lot of the 32 inch and smaller TVs being sold today are only 720p.
Most tv shows, sports etc are 1080p at most. It's really only movies that can be 4k. By the time all content is 4k, newer tech is out and cheaper. People here are using it for kayo, which is 1080p max
Tbh I don't really see the problem - this is older tech.
Also, it depends on your use case. Old person, bedroom tv etc. We really don't know.
also depends how well your TV can upscale 1080p to 4K (if at all).
Does this work on an old smart tv from a cheaper brand in which YouTube has stopped working and Netflix is slow to respond ?
Also is it worth waiting for Chromecast with Google Tv HD if it could be bought around 49 or so (currently $59) or even less in Facebook marketplace instead of FireTV stick lite ?
It would work exactly like a DVD player. so you need an HDMI plug and switch the source.
Imo I'd wait until a more powerful firestick is released at a cheaper price
Thanks op for tipping off the kayo app is now mercifully available. The Kodi way was ok but it's nice to have the real app.
Thanks, didn’t know binge app now available. The sideloaded ones stopped working recently.
I have the firestick max , grabbed it on sale last year. Its really zippy and has a ton of apps. Much faster than my google tv.
Its really easy to add international apps as well, you just change your amazon subscriptions to the country you want e.g UK , download the wanted apps , or send them to your device via browser , then change your address back.
One issue if using DNS redirection for geo-restricted content , firestick now ignores Any DNS settings you put in when it detects your network is using ipv6, You either need to set up dns redirection directly via router or disable local ipv6. Theres a lot of outdated DNS guides that don’t mention this fact.
If anyone knows of a better way around this, please share.Very useful tip, and very relevant because there's literally no reason a home user would need v6 locally. Just move up a class of v4 range if you need hundreds more IPs
got this for $23 last year. works great but lacks volume controls on remote. if ur OK with it then this is a gd device and neat UI.
I hate that the main menu doesn't work if you don't have Internet access. You can still launch apps via settings menu but it's clunky.
Pay the extra and get the 4K Max. I use the 4K max for my IPTV, and it works amazing.
Im looking at the max on amazon and its confusing.. do i get the standard or the usb power adaptor as well? Do you know if you can install steam for game streaming?
The 4K max comes with everything already, so no need to buy the adapter. Not sure about steam though, maybe google it mate.
What’s the best streaming stick/box that can be flashed to block YouTube ads?
This with smarttubenext is your saviour :)
Youtube without any ads whatsoeverExcellent! Thanks
The max is well worth getting, even on 1080 TV
Anyone worked out how to use one of these as an Apple AirPlay receiver? Is there an app you can install?
Fire 4K max or Chromecast 4K?
Tempted to get it just for the remote… Kodi works with Bluetooth remote…
Can it change the refresh rate when using Netflix, Disney+ and other Apps?
Bought one for my Mom.
Easy to install, works well, fast enough, has all the TV stations that her Hisense TV didn’t.What’s not to like for $29?
Is this like Chromecast Google where you can cast like plex etc and netflix
keep in mind the remote lacks volume controls
I bought this firestick lite, i have installed prime and netflix but when i search every other app (binge, kayo, nine now etc) in the app store it has unavailable next to the shopping cart/download button. Am i doing something wrong?
If anyone else keeps getting an annoying music notification you can stop it using tech doctor uk's debloat toolbox
Disable com.Amazon.device.sale.service
It's cheap but I kind of regret getting it. Feels quite slow and missing TV controls like volume. But for my $200 Big W projector it felt like about as much as I should pay for an add-on device