No COVID Vax or Test Required to Visit Japan from 29 Apr 2023

Not news, but as I just confirmed and there are a number of us who took advantage of the recent Japan flight deals, I thought I'd spread the word:

No COVID Vax or Test Required to Visit Japan from 29 Apr 2023


  • +2

    I thought I'd spread the word

    Which word.. COVID?

    • +1

      HAven't you heard?

      • I was really hoping this would be the link before I clicked. You didn’t disappoint!

        …. And now I have the song in my head

  • -6

    WAVE 5 incoming so that will change soon :-/

    • I thought they were going covthrax or 'bird flu' next?

    • Must’ve missed wave 2-4

      Sort of like every Fast Furious movie

    • They tried monkeypox but everyone was over it and no one seemed to care

  • +1

    Vaccination for what?

    • +1

      Amended, fine sir.

      • -3

        What’s COVID? Never heard of it

        • Buy a TV already! That's where all the action is.

        • Something to do with 5G

  • -7

    When will the Japanese stop the widespread mask wearing?

    • +16

      When they stop being a considerate, other-centred society

    • Having been to Japan in the before times and the after times I wouldn’t say the use of masks was notably different

      • -1


      • How do the locals feel about foreigners not wearing masks in the after times?

    • I share this sentiment so I am not sure why you're being negged.

      Asking a question is a legitimate action the last time I checked.

      • Except it’s a ridiculous question.
        Besides, I’m pretty sure when it comes to masks only questions approved by the thought leaders should be asked…

      • +1

        Speaking of which, I believe the rules of mask wearing has changed since March.…

        • +5

          The Japanese don't follow mask wearing rules. Their society of being respectful, non-self centered people is why they wear masks particularly on public transit.

          • +1

            @beyonddd: Or is it bc they have an obedient, deferential culture that shuns individuality and personal sovereignty?

            • +1

              @wisdomtooth: I think this is more likely.

              It is almost offensive to say just because people don't wear mask it absolutely means they are self-centred. There are myriad of reasons ranging from being considerate to shut-in mentality which is common in Japan.

              Source: Cousin lives and works in Japan.

    • +1

      Japanese people wear masks to be considerate of other people.
      This occurred prior to covid.
      source : I lived in Japan for 4 year.

  • +6

    It didn't work anyway.

    • -1

      It does work. Morality rate from covid is much higher for unvaccinated seniors in the US than vaccinated seniors. Like 17 times higher.

      • +1

        Yes for old people but anyway that's not what a vaccination does. People who took it still get the disease and can die from it. It is at best a therapeutic that doesn't work as well as eating well, getting exercise and spending time in the sun.

        Maybe we should have mandated living a healthy lifestyle instead as that would have saved a lot more lives and prevented a lot of the deaths of despair, particularly in young people, over the last few years.

        • +1

          So are you telling me that the seniors who got the vaccine were all people who ate well and did lots of exercise, and the people who didn't get vaccinated just happened to eat loads of junk food and didn't exercise much, which explains why they were 17 times more likely to die from covid than their vaccinated peers?

          • -1

            @AustriaBargain: That's not what I wrote at all.

            I wrote that it didn't work for the far majority of people and made no difference to young people in regards to mortality. That you could still get the disease, spread it and die despite being 'vaccinated' which it appears it was never a vaccination to begin with.

            It was a dud product and potentially harmful to the majority of people.

            • -1

              @studentl0an: You can still get pregnant even if you put a condom on before sex. Are you saying you raw dog it every time? You can still get food poisoning even if you cook the chicken first, do you only eat raw chicken?

  • -6

    another divisive conspiracy clickbait thread by stealth

    personal sovereignty? Started with Cook innit? Or was it covid?

    "Well may you say God save the cookers, because no-one else intends to lift a finger to do it."

    • Can you at least come up with your own pejoratives? :)

      • Computer says , no

  • -4

    Block the Ozb cookers comments, look how sparse the place looks

    • +2

      It's just you talking to yourself, as usual.

      • Then that makes at least 2 of us .

  • +1

    Finally some common sense

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