"No International Transaction Fee" Options for Temporary Visa Holders

Hi OZB community

I'm looking for some assistance and recommendations regarding debit/credit cards or bank accounts that meets both of the following:

  1. Do not charge international transaction fees when making purchases in foreign currencies.
  2. Do not require Australian citizenship or permanent residence to apply.

I have been using Paypal sometimes, but its rate is not great, and my brain is too dumb to calculate whether using their rate is cheaper, or paying AUD and then letting my bank charge an international transaction fee. Also not every store accepts Paypal.

I tried to apply for a Low Fee Gold credit card from Commbank, but they only gave me a Low Fee credit card, not gold.

Thank you in advance

Edit: Thank you all for replying. I ended up got a Revolut standard. Cheers.


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    Most of the above debit cards doesn't need Australian PR or Citizenship. Credits card may need at least 1-2 years visa validity depends on the Bank.

    • Thanks for the page! I will try to apply for one of those.

      • Also depends on which visa you have… Few years back they would only issue on 482.

  • +1

    citibank debit. bankwest debit.

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    Get Revolut, great rate for international transactions.

  • +1

    can use ING debit card (will have to jump through minor hoops).

    may be HSBC debit card does it too ?

  • 28 Degrees/ Latitude Finance used to be good. But ever since the data hack, its lustre no longer shines. Will be interesting to see how well they protect customer's information when the lawsuits go to trial (if they even do).


    A couple of positive things about their credit cards is that the personal details (incl. credit card number) are printed on the back of the card. There are also no embossed details which helps with keeping the Eksters slim.

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