Have been searching a few stores for a large extra mug for a gift. Looking at atleast 700ml+ , abit hesitant to buy something from amazon would rather a inperson buy for this one. Haven't had much luck with the regular home good stores.
Searching for an Extra Large Coffee Mug

Better off with a thermos, coffee gets cold too fast. One with a pump would be even better.
I saw some rather large ceramic mugs at Coles last week. Not sure if they’d be 700ml though.
One style was labeled as a soup mug and was very wide, the other was labeled as a ceramic travel mug and looked more like a regular coffee mug but a bit wider and a lot taller.Look for a soup or food mug. I've bought them from woolies before and they'd easily be 700ml. Nothing stopping you from putting coffee in them. Gift shops will often have novelty giant mugs as well though they'll cost a lot more.
Yeti 30oz
Salt and Pepper have soup mugs that are 500ml. That's as big as I could find in person.
seems like this would tick the requirements, apart from your amazon hesitancy.
slightly above 700ml
(this ones slightly more suitably sized, https://www.amazon.com.au/Silver-Buffalo-FRD20133-Friends-Mu…)
Your local Vinnies
CorningWare KC39847 Pop-Ins Mug with Vented Plastic Cover, Pool Blue, 591ml https://amzn.asia/d/2Wl9pzp
how about this?
otherwise here are your choices: