Using Friend's Corporate Code at Marriott


I am looking to stay at a Marriott in Australia and a friend of mine has told me his corporate code, just wondering how likely am I to get asked for ID at the hotel upon check-in?

And does anyone have any experience talking their way out of using a corporate code that was not thiers?


  • +4

    I'm not sure about Marriot but IHG group doesn't really ask about corporate code. I have stayed at multiple hotels in the IHG group with GE corporate code and they haven't asked for an employee ID. If they do ask, just say that you didn't bring it with you since you were in a rush.

  • +3

    Accor doesn’t ask either

  • +2

    If you have prepaid already then non-issue. No one will check.

  • +1

    As long as you don't do a big booking with multiple rooms, they won't check. If you're really paranoid you can just get your mate's payslip and edit the name on it.

  • +1

    If they ask for corporate ID just pretend to pat your pockets looking for it then tell them you must have left it at the office.

  • +1

    The only place I've ever been asked is the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne (and I had it). Other places never asked.

  • I've used Marriott code a lot even though no longer work for that employer - no one has ever asked me.

    From reading similar questions on Reddit from those who are on the road most of the year, it seems very very slim chance anyone asks.

  • The worst that can happen is you get some free accommodation provided by the government.

  • The star sydney does

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