If you sent an email to a person and they forward it to a third party, normally you would not know that was done or have any idea what they wrote on their email to that third party. However, I have been told that can be done if you have IInet email account. Does anyone know if this is true?
Forwarding Email Threads

However, I have been told that can be done if you have IInet email account. Does anyone know if this is true?
Told what? You get notified of someone forwarding your email? Yeah nah.
Email is just electronic mail. You writing a email is no different to sending a letter to someone. They can do what they like at the other end.
OP would like Auspost to notify he/she that the letter has been forwarded to a 3rd party.
Email is just electronic mail. You writing a email is no different to sending a letter to someone. They can do what they like at the other end.
It's a little different in that it's not inside an 'envelope', anyone handing it along the way can have a read if they want.
Just like the post worker who can open it up and have a read? :)
Either way, once the receiver gets the message, you have no control over what they do with it.
No not just like a post worker opening your envelope. Email doesn't have any kind of envelope.
So it's more like a post card, with the text freely visible on the outside.
@trapper: Sure, lets go with postcard…… If it helps you sleep at night.
But real issue the OP is worried about, isn't the people reading it along the way, but what the receiver can do with it and that is just like normal mail, whatever they want to.
shouldnt you like ask the person who told you it could be done, to walk you through the process? like to verify the information
or was it easier to create an account and ask here?if you are emailing d!ck pics, dont send them as attachments, send them as imagebb links that auto-delete within a few hours that way when you sober up you can deny everything in the email threads
OP, Viva Insights, a plugin for some Outlook 365 implementations does indicate the number of "forwards" for a given email message.
Wouldn't that be a breach of privacy if so?