• out of stock

$4 8GB Transcend Flash Drive shipped. Use code cheap8gb. Limit 4 Per Customer


To celebrate a month of trade, we are bringing back our cheap 8GB Flash drive deal. Use the code cheap8gb for free shipping site wide. We have also dropped the price on the 32GB Verbatim to $15. http://flingshot.com.au/products/verbatim-32gb-usb-flash-dri…. We have also dropped the price on our iTunes cards to $15 but we will just email you the code rather than shipping the physical card. http://flingshot.com.au/products/itunes-voucher-20.

Any issues email us at [email protected]

We just ran a speed test on the drives for fun, 6.1 Write 38 Read.

UPDATE 1: Just dropped the price to $4. Will refund the difference to everyone who has already purchased.

UPDATE 2: Just removed the FB like requirement. The Zuck will be crying himself to sleep tonight, so I hope you are proud of yourselves!

UPDATE 3: We have a very small amount of the USB 3 drives back in stock. http://flingshot.com.au/collections/featured/products/storag…

UPDATE 4: We have a small quantity of 256GB Crucial M4 SSD's at $238 Shipped - Australian Stock. http://flingshot.com.au/products/storage-solid-state-drives-…

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closed Comments

  • -5

    +$5 shipping. Not really a great deal when the shipping doubles the price of the product you are buying

    • +4

      Title says free shipping site wide.

      • Its awesome!!

  • +5

    If only we had free shipping site wide, with code cheap8gb ;)

    • haha my bad. Didnt see the code.

      • All good, i changed the title anyway to make it more explicit.

  • +2

    Rather pay an extra 12c on the other 8GB flash drive deal and not go through Facebook…

    • +5

      Touche, Dropped the price.

    • +13

      And removed the FB like requirement.

      • I like that.

  • +1

    Unliking as soon as I place the order. I hate doing that.

    • +5

      If you hate it so much, why even do it ;)

  • flingshot.. great name for a dating site :)

    • +7

      Who says it's not a dating site ;)

  • Seems like a good deal.
    Cheapest for a transcend 370 8GB on ebay is $5.96

    Guess I need to sign up to facebook sometime ?
    Just hope I don't get spam from it.

    • No spam, don't worry.

    • Well you might get spam from facebook, but we can't really control them…

      • Yes I didn't mean you, just facebook, but they should be OK.

        • +1

          They actually pay us $50 for each sign up. So make sure you put us in where it asks who referred you.

          I kid I kid.

      • There is no requirement to login with Facebook to make a purchase. And if you are honestly that concerned about privacy that you would not sign up for a Facebook account you probably shouldn't even be on the internet as pretty much everything you do is being tracked by your isp etc…

        • I'm with mattgal on this one, I have a strong philosophical objection to FakeBook myself…and I will not sign up for an account just to get a deal from anyone! Mandatory tracking/logging by ISPs is also vastly different to the wildly insecure/public nature of FarceBook…that is a specious analogy indeed!

          That said, kudos to you guys for making sure it is not mandatory here. :)

        • If it is specious it would only be in the other direction. Mandatory tracking of all online traffic by ISP is about a million times worse than an opt in service where you volunteer whatever information you want displayed. Yes they track your relationships etc but the amount of information you give is significantly more controllable than what your ISP is collecting on you…

        • You clearly have no idea mate…it's not how much they're collecting, it's what they're collecting & how they're (in)securing it! Fact: You have no choice in whether your ISP keeps logs…you DO have a choice as to whether you risk your own & friends identities by sharing them wantonly on FakeBook! For those happy to take the risks, great; but just make sure they're informed risks!

          Look, we know that social networking has become a powerful tool for corporate marketing now, but please don't insult us by trying to upsell it with BS comparisons just because it suits your business purposes ATM. Most of the savvy guys here say that they have fake Facebook accounts just for this kind of marketing…do you really think they'd be doing that if they didn't smell a potential security rat too?

          This isn't some tinfoil hat conspiracy here, we're talking about predictions from industry professionals. You need to speak to a few internet security analysts to find out why social networking sites (FB in particular) are being marked in the industry as currently targeted by malicious hackers. Sheesh, is google busted on everyone else's computer but mine??? :o

        • This is probably not the forum for this discussion… But I still disagree with your logic that something is somehow less bad when you have no control over it. In fact I would argue that it makes it significantly worse. And if you think that ISP's are the bastions of good data retention and protection policies I have some really bad news for you… http://thenextweb.com/au/2012/07/26/anonymous-hacks-australi…

          Facebook is an opt in service, ie you decide how much of your data you give them or even whether to sign up at all. ISP's tracking your every move online is most definitely not an opt in service, in fact you can't even opt out!

          You can brand me a "fakebook" apologist or whatever else you want, but the fact that you use silly names for the service probably says more about you than it does about facebook.

        • This is probably not the forum for this discussion…


          But I still disagree with your logic that something is somehow less bad when you have no control over it.

          Not what I'm saying at all…remember, it was you that raised the moot point of federally mandated ISP logging as the specious comparison to what you now admit "is an opt in service." I see no logic in comparing a voluntary service to a federal government requirement on ISPs that you can do nothing about?

          Let's also not forget, Flakebook has just started asking members to provide real phone numbers for future account resurrection in the wake of potential security threats…they themselves know quite well what might be coming!

          …but the fact that you use silly names for the service probably says more about you than it does about facebook.

          Ok, I'm always up for a little pop psychology…what exactly do you think that particular behaviour says about me? Serious question BTW, I'm expecting an answer…

        • I can't PM you and as I said probably not the best forum to continue this discussion. Send me a PM and I will be happy to oblige though.

        • No, just post your psych diagnosis here mate…you've raised the issue publicly, it's only fair that you address it likewise. I'm sure other OzB'ers who dislike Flogbook would also be keen to see what you think of us?

          Just a word of warning though, you'd better make it at least plausible…my last degree was rather psych heavy, and I'm very familiar with the DSM professionally; so you'd better have at least some halfway decent theories & rationales.

          Spoiler alert: I'm fully cognisant of precisely why I do it, I'm interested to see if your pop-psych theory matches the reality? ;)

        • +1

          I don't remember agreeing to give you a free psych diagnosis…

          I was planning to make a final point, since you seen to have missed it on the first go around.

          Someone who is concerned about their privacy so much so that they would avoid using Facebook, should at the very least consider whether they are giving up a lot more privacy by being online at all. Going online is still an opt in service and by opting in you give up a ton of privacy. Joining Facebook is also an opt in service and you also give up privacy by opting in, just less so.

          The fallacy you seem to be falling for or deliberately creating is a false dillemna…

          1. You have to use the Internet
          2. ISPs track your every move mandatorily
          3. You have no choice but to be tracked on the Internet.

          But this is clearly ridiculous, if you truly valued your "privacy" you would simply not use the Internet. The fact that you do reflects a decision (concious or otherwise) that the utility of using the Internet outweighs the loss of privacy by being tracked online. This is the same decision (again conscious or otherwise) that a Facebook user makes.

          It is a perfectly apt analogy actually. The only question is how much utility does it take for you need give up your privacy…

          Obviously the entire Internet is a no brainer though there are plenty of people living off the grid as they fear in the Internet as a whole what you fear in Facebook, or claim to fear at least.

          Facebook is a lot more discretionary, yet a few hundred million people use the service. Surely they can't all just be idiots? Some of them have made the concious decision that the utility of Facebook outweighs the loss of privacy, because the reality is once you are on the Internet at all you have practically forgone any sense of privacy so what's one more service going to do realistically?

          Then there are the people who say privacy is an overrated anachronistic idea and who cares if someone can find out what you like and who you know. As long as financial institutions have good measure in place against identity theft it shouldn't matter ( and they are getting better) unless you have a fundamental objection to people knowing about you, but really you are a needle in a hay stack who cares…

        • TL;DR…c'mon, you're casting aspersions on the state of mind of those of us who ridicule your beloved Fagbook; man-up & answer the question bro??? ;)

        • +1

          Fagbook… Really? Thanks for reminding me I was on the Internet. And here I was trying to have a rational discussion…

        • Well, I am running out of 'F' jibes for Frumpbook…but deflecting the issue with feigned indignity won't get you out of this one, answer the question. Simple enough request really…

        • Why are you talking about so many different F_____Books + psychology degree O_O
          Just enjoy the cheap usbs..?

        • Shh, I'm conducting an experiment of sorts here! Not that it matters much, looks like Flingshot has squealed the safety word & bolted! ;)

          P.S. I don't actually have a psych degree, my last uni program simply included quite a few psych courses & I now work with a population that is approximately 50% developmental delay and/or dual diagnosis. I'm not a mental health professional by any stretch, but I'm just always interested to hear pop psych impressions from those who like to throw them about with reckless abandon! :)

        • Haha feigned indignity, is it to much to think that maybe your use of that particular epithet was actually offensive…

          Sorry for the slow reply we were a little busy getting ozbargained by the 3 deals posted on the front page!

          Again for the record I don't actually remember agreeing to diagnose your personality issues. You have read the DSM, I am sure you can work them out for yourself.

          I did say that your use of silly names for facebook says more about you than it does about facebook, I stand by that even more so than before. I am not exactly sure where you made the leap from that to me trying to apply pop psychology to you… Pretty sure I was just trying to imply that you were immature and intolerant.

        • your use of that particular epithet was actually offensive…

          So it's ok to imply that somebody is "immature and intolerant"; but as soon as somebody mentions a key PC word you can jump on, suddenly you're all up in arms…grow up. Let's not forget, you were the first person in this conversation to get personally down & dirty…are you seriously deluded enough to think that a personal comment like "but the fact that you use silly names for the service probably says more about you than it does about facebook" is "rational discussion". Rhetorical, BTW; but I can assure you that comment is dripping with more sinister psychological overtones than just level of maturity, that's a cop-out and we both know it.

          How about you have a little think about the people with mental illnesses that you might have offended with your little slur…try to think outside your little PC box for a change. I can handle it, you might have said that to someone who was particularly upset by it. People like you disgust me, as I said you hide behind feigned indignance over whatever suits your purpose at the time. Next time you might want to have a little think about your own maturity level before you go slighting that of others!

        • +1

          I really tried to continue this over PM where it may have been slightly more appropriate but you refused. It has now devolved into exactly what I was trying to avoid. So how about we just end it here. If you feel that is a cop out then feel free to PM and let me know.

        • Sorry dude, it's my turn to apologise for a tardy reply…I was working undercover; well, by working I mean snoring, and by cover I mean blankets…damn viruses, occupational hazard in human services when you let yourself get run down. ;)

          Apologies as well for that little tirade; mental note, never post when you're exhausted…it's almost as lucidity draining as insomnia. Please forgive me, mental health is a sore point with me ATM because I just lost another mate to suicide.

          Yes, happy to end it here…no hard feelings my end! :)

        • Fair enough. Thanks.

  • Its only $4.00 for me

    • +1

      Just dropped the price.

    • Not everyone uses OZB, people who come to the site from google and shopbot etc see that we have 500+ likes and they realize that our awesome prices are not a scam.

      • There are some web based companies that will sell you 'likes'.

        I'm not sure how FB is addressing this issue but I would view 'likes' with a grain of salt.

        • I think most people do as well, but for the average person who stumbles across our site the more we can do to show we are legitimate the better.

  • Where do you put in the code? cheap8gb - I've added to cart, checkout has no fields for adding coupon code (but it doesn't tell you shipping charge either) and when I go to pay it goes straight to paypal to make payment.

    • It will give you the option on the next page.

  • I got 4 for $16 without going through facebook. Thanks flingshot

    • You probably have adblockplus or something similar installed. Don't forget to plus us at least.

      • No probs. Done! Thought these would be more popular. Maybe everyone's got too many from the last verbatim deal!

        • Thanks!

        • We have sold a lot, just not as many pluses as last time for some reason.

        • OzBargain has grown bigger, 80000+ members, most collaborated votes (pos and neg) were around 714 with the DSE deal
          Means less than 1% of registered users vote, as well as a lot of leechers on OB that aren't registered, you should look at the clicks amount instead :p

        • 714 eh? Looks like we have a target to bat now.

  • When i enter the redemption code on the Paypal screen, it says

    "Please enter the correct redemption code. Codes are not case sensitive"


    • You need to enter it where is says promo code.

    1. Will you email me the tax invoice after paid?
    2. Where to put redemption code as it go directly to Paypal? Does it mean I just fill in my full detail & creditcard detail on the payment page, then you will post me the item to me accordingly?
    • Will you email me the tax invoice after paid?

      I didn't get one, just an order confirmation…

    • We will send a tax invoice with your item. We can also email t if you require.

      Put in your payment details on the paypal screen then you can enter the code after you get to the next screen and it will remove the shipping charge.

  • Ordered 4 for $16. Great deal. Didn't ask me to input my address as far as I can tell, luckily for me it's the same address as my PayPal one.

  • great deal just bought 2 cheapest i've seen these usbs for a while now

  • Great price… thanks Flingshot!

  • Welcome back flingshot! I already got a usb from you guys from last sale..

  • +1

    Good deal.

    Tip: always listen to the OZB community

    • We made a decision that the difference between 550 likes on facebook and 1000 was probably fairly trivial, which is why we removed the requirement.

      Last time we were also concerned about multiple orders, but with a limit of 4 it shouldn't be much of an issue.

  • Thanks, good prices! Bought 2x 4gb and 1x 16gb usb3.

    Glad you got rid of the facebook requirement :)

  • Just bought 4 x 8gb for $16. Good deal Flingshot. +1 from me.

  • Bought 2 x 8GB just in case, thanks Flingshot for another great deal! :-)

  • Bought 1 x 32gb for $15 with no problems . Thanks flingshot !

  • just bought myself 3x8gb usb stick! awesome deal

  • Thanks Flingshot, got 2 USB

  • I got 3! Thanks :)

  • thanks flingshot. got 3 8gb.

  • when are the itumes codes going to be emailed ?

    • We will get them emailed out tonight.

  • Just ordered 4x8gb, 1x 16gb, 1x32gb & 1x750gb Thank you awesome deal.

  • Yes thanks Flingshot, I got 2x8GB

  • Great! Thx Flingshot :)

  • Thanks, ordered 2 x 8Gb.

  • Nice deal. Ordered 4x8Gb, 1x32Gb

  • Sold out? Damn, tried to order three.

  • Sold out - ? already ? mmmmm

    • :(

  • Bugger. Missed it

    EDIT: Bought the 32GB USB3 drive for $23 instead. Very happy with that. Thanks OP.

  • -5

    Oh Goody. Another out of stock ozbargain deal. Perhaps you could limit the number to ONE per customer next time…

    • +2

      The 32gb is still available, great value at $15 with free shipping IMHO! :)

    • -3

      Anyone else want to neg me? How dare I suggest the deal be shared amongst more people!

      • limit of 1 per customer is good but if the seller doesn't SELL OUT then they could lose out! the last thing they want is to be left stuck with lots of stock that didnt sell all because it was limited to 1 per person… its a bit of a gamble on the sellers part..

        more happy customers with 1 each or less happy customers while clearing out all stock.

      • @woz

        don't take the neg votes seriously man, the internet is full of trolls and little virgin kids nowdays :P

        probably gonna get negged for this post but like i give a flying F!

        • I was gonna neg you just for the fun of it but since we only get 5/day I'll save them for someone that actually deserves them! :p

  • shit missed it!

  • got mine today

    very happy :D

  • Received mine today also.
    Thanks Flingshot

  • Wow , great service received mine today in Perth…thanks Flingshot

  • Bugger it. I got unlucky and received a corrupted drive. I've tried emailing your support (yesterday afternoon) and have yet to receive any reply from your customer service team.

    OP, do you mind explaining it? Thank you.

    • Sorry, we had a ton of emails yesterday, must have missed yours. We will get you a new drive sent out.

      • Thanks for that. I appreciate.

        Happy to send my original back if you want to verify.


      • Hi Rep, I have placed an order long back (on the day of this post) for 2 of 8GB flash drives. Paypal has taken/taking the money from my account. I haven't got my items or any email from flingshot.

        my paypal Invoice ID: #2686.2
        Payment sent to [email protected]

        Can you please update me on this?

        • It was sent back return to sender, just emailed you.

  • Just got all my orders… great store to do business with +1

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