All coffee beans, ground coffee, instant coffee, coffee accessories, Green tea, Oolong Tea, Black tea, every thing in the store is 12.5%off. Many items with no extra charge for shipping. Thousands of satisfied customers.
Trung Nguyen, Indochine and VietCoffee for Coffee and Cat Nghi tea for Green and Black tea. The only Distributor in Australia with Cat Nghi's famed Lotus tea used for special occasions - 1000 lotus flowers used per 1 kg of tea, flowers hand picked in the early morning and mated to the green tea for a specially invigorating cup of green tea.
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12.5% off to Give Your Special Dad a Coffee Buzz
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closed Comments
What's the shipping costs and restrictions on organic material? Does coffee qualify as organic material? Confused.
You are not just paying for beans, you are paying for import license and everything else involved in getting these beans here but yes a tidy profit is being made and good on them. Its very easy to make money if you have contacts in Asia.
You dont need import license to import roasted beans - unless this one is roasted here?
Yes in Vietnam you can get a cold beer for a buck, a coffee off the street for 50c and hire a big bus for a day for less than $150. The local food is delicious and cheap, the beer is cheap, the wiskey is cheap and there is so much to see and do. I'm looking forward to going back! The $39.99 BX1 for the Creative 4 is actually 5 packets of the more expensive Creative coffee delivered to your door with no additional charge for postage. I agree very expensive for 250g but it's actually 1.25 kg of coffee. We do have 250g bags of Trung Nguyen for $3 but you do have to pay postage.
OMG! I bought a few of the trung Nguyen coffe from Vietnam for $2-3 per 250g bag, exactly the same on their website, and they are selling for $39.99. What the … Bargain???? Any one wants I can ask my friend to ship it over here and sell for u at half price, I'll be a rich man! BTW, u can find these in some big Asian grocery shops for much much cheaper, including the Vietnam coffee filter.