Update at 2023-05-18:
I replied I'd like to wait until AGM and confirmed again if there's $165 required to add my aircon approval to next AGM discussion.
Here's the strata reply:
Thanks for your email, yes as per the management Agreement there is an admin charge of $165 to review the application, prepare the motion on the AGM agenda and finalise the paperwork and save on the building file.
Currently I raised a complaint on the strata's website. I texted our Committee chairman yesterday and there's no reply yet. Will wait and see.
Thanks for your all advices and encouraging words! Thanks for letting me know it's something out of ordinary and unfair. It gives me courage to action.
=======Update at 2023-05-17=======
The strata manager send the by-laws, claimed that there's legal requirement to hold a strata committee meeting for aircon installation.
I read the by-laws, and point out there's no word saying that the meeting is necessary.
Here's strata's reply:
Please seek your own independent legal advice, I have provided you the correct guidance, approval is required at a Stata Committee Meeting for your renovation or alternatively at an AGM.
A charge of $165 for Admin will be charged to add your Minor Renovation approval to the AGM.
I don't really mind to hold my application until AGM, however it seems out of reason to charge another $165 admin fees just for bring my topic to the meeting.
Is it legal for a strata to do so? I have already in touch with the committee and currently waiting for response. Is there other thing I can do?
====== Original post ======
So recently I want to install an aircon in my living room. I obtained license from aircon contractor, prepared illustration of installation, filled the approval documents, etc. I have done that before for my bedroom, and the last time my application was approved by 4 committee members without any additional meeting and charges.
This time, after I send my documents to the strata, it says I need to pay $132 for the meeting and $280.00 for the issuing of notices and minutes for the meeting approval.
Fllowed by my further enquiry, here's the strata's reply:
A Strata Committee meeting is required to approve your minor renovation. As the meeting is required by you only, the for the approval of your renovation the meeting is charged to your lot $132.00. The postage of notices and minutes on the meeting are also at your cost, normally these are $16.50 per lot as the meeting is to be by electronic voting, I can adjust this down to $2.50 per lot for the Agenda and Minutes $280.00.
At this time, I have not charged for any admin in processing your application and communication with you. This is normally charged at $165 per hour min 1 hour charge.
I'd like to understand, is it reasonable to hold a strata committee meeting just for an aircon installation? There's nothing special to my aircon installation (outdoor unit is on my balcony), and the last time the strata just send my application to the 4 committee members and then it was approved.
Also, is it reasonable to call for $165 per hour 'communication fees' just for my application emails?
I'm in Sydney and now kind of at a loss. Any tips and advice will be appreciated.