This was posted 12 years 6 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Canon EOS 7D Body DSLR $1100.56 ($1028.80 + $71.76 Shipping)


Yes this deal does come with camera paradise's ridiculous shipping costs but this is still the cheapest I've seen this DSLR and you get the express courior (1-3 working days)

Use AU10UK5 for $10 off
Use 3A15N8 for a further $5 off

- $10.00
- $5.00
+ $71.76
= $1100.56

Related Stores

Camera Paradise
Camera Paradise

closed Comments

  • +2

    Amazing price, great camera.

  • +1

    Although some would say CP shipping price is excessive, I'd still recommend them over DWI in terms of response time and customer service.

    • agreed

      • -1

        DWI provided me with a reciept for my 600D I just purchased before going the NYC. I'm in NYC now & the TRS didn't give me the GST refund… apparently because DWI is a HK company… I don't know what to do regarding this… has anyone in the past run into the same thing before?

        • You obviously didn't bother to read the TRS info on the Customs website. TRS is for refunding the GST on goods bought from Australian companies/retailers.

          DWI is a HK company and thus their prices do not contain GST - therefore no GST refund for you.

  • +1

    hmm, they say no import duties for AU however its over 1K it should attract import duties GST etc…(add another 1-200 bux on it :S)

    • +2

      They probably put a lower price on the customs declaration.

      • +2

        They usually do.

        • If customs really look into it, they will check its value and slap you with the tax charge. They're not dumb.

  • +1

    Yep, great price for a great camera.
    Not far off being exempt from GST, but yeah still > $1K.
    What's the latest on the 7D mkII, 6D & 70D

  • -2

    There is no GST that is the price

    • +1

      only if you're lucky or the customs invoice is falsified to show a lower price. Because it is greater than $1000, technically you can be liable for the GST of the full value including shipping. You can't just assume that the shipment will enter without being charged for.

      • +1

        I've had goods shipped to Australia that were worth $900 but because the shipping was $150, I had to pay tax on the shipment, they count it all, whatever the total is on invoice, that's what they go with.

        • I assume it came with Fedex perhaps?

  • +4

    7D firmware 2.0 was already released a while ago,

    • increased burst rate
    • manual audio level adjustment
    • set max iso for auto ISO
    • other things…

  • +3

    Can confirm you do not pay customs/GST on orders over $1k.
    I bought the D7000 & some lenses from them not so long ago. I think they have a couple of distribution centres in oz so they ship from HK to Syd or Melb then to you.

    I highly recommend them. Bought on a Fri, got a phone call from them on Sat to verify & received it Mon. Very fast delivery. Only thing to consider is the warranty might not be covered in oz as its a grey import (mine was Japanese stock). Thats the case with Nikon anyway. Check for Canon. It's CP warranty so if faulty you have to send to HK, which "I think" they pay for.

    Still highly recommend them.

    BTW - I'm not a rep just a happy customer.

  • +1

    Wonder if any these coupons would work as well? -…

  • -1

    You will pay GST on that - customs are not stupid and they need money given the government's finances.
    If they find too many falsified invoices then CP will be put on a blacklist - I do not think that would be too good.
    If what jerlou says is correct, then that is a great deal. If they ship from HK direct I would not risk it.

    • or be willing to pay a few hundred extra…

    • +1

      You cannot say that as a certainty. The last camera I bought from HK was in March. It was $1300 and I did not have to pay any import taxes/duties. Yes I assume this is because it was under-declared. And no customs officers aren't stupid - what they are is exceedingly busy. There is a very small chance that it will get pulled up at customs.If you're extremely unlucky and it does, then either you can be prepared to foot the extra $100 OR you launch a PayPal dispute with a view to getting a partial refund to offset the tax.

      Considering the prices you would be paying here are pretty much always going to more than 10% more expensive, it's most certainly worth the risk.

      • -2

        Not worth the risk for me. Also, judging from forums a lot of electronics seem to be examined these days. There is more pressure from Oz retailers as they see their profits dwindling.
        Also, under-declaration is a crime so you might have to pay a fine, too (yes, you as they cannot get the seller - before you want to attack me, read the relevant laws - customs has wide ranging powers and to do that it can be argued they are within their powers).

  • Check out the Whirlpool forum discussion on Camera Paradise.

    CP have been well discussed.


  • -4

    No thanks I rather get the Sony A77, it's a much better camera for around $1000.

    • +1

      Well, one can discuss how Sony (2nd or third tier) compare to Canon (tier 1), don't forget that camera body is only half of the story. Actually, lest than a half. If you are going to buy this body you most likely already have much more invested in the lenses, great lenses. Or you are planning to invest much more in the lenses if you are purchasing it as your starter body.
      If you plan to go with some stock lens and never to expand - don't buy DSLR, there are better cameras around for your needs. If you are just a bit serious you go with Canon or Nikon and you will stay with the brand for the rest of your life, as you accumulate so many lenses and other equipment, that the camera cost will be negligible.

    • +2

      I wouldn't say it was a "much better camera" - I'd say it was much of a muchness. Personally I would pick the A-77, but only because I'm a fan of Sony and have a number of compatible Alpha lenses. I think the decision will come down what gear you already have.

  • +1

    they guaranteed me no GST or any other import taxes, i im not sure if would trust that 100% but that just what has been posted

  • +7

    If you guys bothered to read the FAQ on their website it states that no GST will be charged to the customer - it will be billed directly to them (cameraparadise) and they will pay for it etc.

    More info: Will I be charged any GST (Australia) or VAT (the UK)?

    Will I be charged any GST (Australia) or VAT (UK)?
    No, we 100% guarantee you that you will not be charged any GST or VAT. Any additional charges will be billed to us directly. The price you pay to us is all you have to pay to receive the order.
    Australia: We achieve this by sending your orders to our logistic centres in Australia first; and then divert it to you.
    The UK: If your delivery address is in the UK, you will see a “VAT” charge during checkout. It is in fact a clearance fee for us to process your order through the UK custom and to ensure any VAT will not go to you. This clearance fee is substantially lower than the VAT you have to pay typically.
    Other countries except Australia and UK: Taxation may be charged by your government. We will not be responsible for the taxation and related fees howsoever caused. If any delay or non-receive due to customs occurs, your payment will not be refunded under any and all circumstances.

    No, we 100% guarantee you that you will not be charged any GST or VAT. Any additional charges will be billed to us directly. The price you pay to us is all you have to pay to receive the order.

    Australia: We achieve this by sending your orders to our logistic centres in Australia first; and then divert it to you.

    • Thanks, PeterN - we were all too busy arguing about it haha

    • If they are paying the GST it would almost be worth them dropping the price then. At $1100.56, retailer gets about $1000.51 cents and Aus Government getting about $100.05. Might as well cost $999.95 and happier consumer. Of course it probably gets complicated with buyers from different countries with different thresholds, changing exchange rates etc.

      • The threshold is total price and includes delivery cost- just to keep in mind. Whoever does not believe try an item on Amazon - the item can cost $990 and the postage is say $50 and Amazon will charge import tax as the total is over $1000.

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