Hi all,
Looking to upgrade from our iinet supplied wifi router, just wondering what OzBargainers might recommend? Mum regularly says the internet is either slow on the laptop or drops out. Though the internet works fine with me (ethernet), the router has been dropped a few time and the antennas are a little broken at the base (they flop like basset hound ears instead of sticking up like rabbit ears), so I may as well upgrade.
I also plays games and watch youtube so perhaps being doing this is draining the bandwidth to her, though I wouldn't think gaming uses much bandwidth, or at least enough to cause her internet to not work/load. We're on 50mbit with iinet.
I was originally looking at one around the $100 mark, but noticed on 'Umart' website there were quite a few around the $50 mark. Don't know much about routers these days, so I'm not sure what's good & what to avoid. We primarily use it to connect to the NBN and run ipad/smartphones, laptops & my PC (which I game on), so something with
- Gigabit ethernet ports (I prefer),
- WiFi 2.5ghz + 5.0ghz for the phones/laptops
- VPN feature
Are there any features or anything special with routers that techies recommend or are they mostly much the same?
Is getting a router with a USB to connect a phone as an internet hotspot worth it? Cost much extra?
Are there any particular (budget) routers that come up from time-to-time that Ozbargainers fist-bump the air for ?
[EDIT] Just read something here https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2100697. Though its 10years old, does a certain chip in a router make it better/worse?
Thanks in advance,
Also looking for a recommendation on a router. Just got NBN 50/20 same as OP connected so will follow for any recommendations