Guys where do you order your stuff to home/workplace??

guys where do you order your stuff to home/workplace??

lots of workplaces are stopping personal mail coming to workplaces.


  • Depends. If no signage is required then it goes home, if it is,then I still write my home address but the local post office will hold it.

    Problems arrise when couriers are involved though, as often the depo's are to far away. I find that depending on your realtionship with the boss you maybe be able to persuade him to allow you to have mailed delivered to your workplace.

    If this isn't allowed, you can always consider getting it delivered elsewhere. I find most couriers don't care who signs so long as someone does. Try getting things delivered to retired parents/grandparents, or perhaps friends/neighbour that work from home.

  • Workplace. Always workplace.

    The couriers will always drop it off during business hours, and during business hours, I'm always at work. (Funny that!)
    So, to avoid having to use my lunch break or Saturday to line up at the Post-Office, it gets delivered at signed for at reception.

    Easy peasy.

  • Someelse's work place. Home delivery just sucks and never works. My work places have had VERY bad warehouse organisation in the past and present place does not allow personal deliveries. I have no problem with this policy, but it is an increasingly large problem. I think amazon's idea of storage/drop boxes in the US is interesting.

  • What's the reason for workplaces banning personal deliveries? Its just another parcel flowing through the system….

    • One parcel a month is probably fine. What about 10? 100? What about parcels that are not claimed? Sent in error? Purchaser wants to not accept? What about liability if the parcel is lost? What if the wrong employee claims the parcel? What about liability if the contents are damaged?

      I fully understand why you do NOT want to go there.

      • On those sort of scales its understandable.

  • Work and Home, sometimes that's the same place :)
    Cant see the point in workplaces stopping deliveries either but I guess it depends on the workplace.

  • I get a PO Box at the local post Office. Also handy for keeping your home address anonymous!! I only get a small letter box, smallest available. When a parcel arrives they put a slip in the box telling me to pick up the parcel from the counter. I have also signed up for their auto e-mail notification service. As I dont want to go to the post office unless there is anything in there, whenever something gets put in it I get an email to let me know to go to the post office.

    Most annoying thing is that apparently it is law that you can ban junk mail but not political mail. Whenever there is an election I get emails telling me to go to my PO Box, I wonder what parcel has arrived. When I get there there is a letter from some local politician (which normally goes straight in the bin unopened!).

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