Vonex to Discontinue Legacy Whirlpool Saver VoIP Plans

I've been on my dirt cheap no monthly fee Whirlpool Saver plan originally offered by MyNetFone, which was bought out by Vonex.

Received an email today to say they will migrate my accounts and put me on a Vonex plan which is $5/month, exclusive of call charges.

I'm wondering what to do as while having a VoIP account is handy, especially for long phone calls (eg customer service queues), I don't use it that much.

I only have a mobile, tossed the home phone a while ago.

Any suggestions for cost effective VoIP? I'm with TPG internet so could investigate their offers.

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  • +9

    Sounds like you no longer need VoIP. Problem solved. Money saved.

    • Come on, let's all get a drink.

      • +2

        Literally a post asking about having to pay $5 a month for a service.
        You’d spend more on the drink on a Friday in most places.

        Either pay the $5 or don’t. Really, first world problem.
        Go with Crazytel and pay for what you use…

    • Yeah just get an unlimited calls plan with your mobile provider of choice.
      Most resellers even offer unlimited calls and texts now a days problem solved.
      Plus you can even get international minutes included with some plans as well.
      You really only need VOIP if you like having a landline phone, but you need a mobile phone with most forms of NBN now a days as even most FTTP connections don't ship with backup power its an add on service.
      Oh the other reason for a voip service is if your running a business and don't want to give your mobile number out to everyone as it looks more pro having a proper landline number.

  • +3

    I was previously on the Pennytel $5 a month plan that got migrated to MNF and then Vonex. I transferred my DID to Crazytel's CrazySaver Plan, which is a PAYG plan that charges 35c per month for my number.


    • Thanks!

    • MNF allows you to make free calls between MNF lines (on-net calls) even they are under different accounts. Can we have that for crazytel?

      • Yes.

        • I couldn't see this anywhere. Could you please tell?

          • +1

            @sysnrma: It shows as part "Plan Inclusions" page i.e. "Free calls to Crazytel users including calls to CrazyPBX users". It's highlighted in red.

    • On same boat since vonex start charging me $10 month fee. Once you transferred your number to crazytel do you need to monthly fee for the number as you can purchase DID from them for $1 monthly.

      • +1

        You can PAYG, buy a plan or if you only need to keep your number for incoming calls then its only $0.35c per month.

  • In the same boat, need VOIP for emergency home phone and calling cheap international calls, don't use it that often but do need it now and then typical cost is $10 a year with calls =$5 a year for DID and call costs as calls so cheap.
    No way paying $5 a month.

    Thanks firestormx, crazytel looks a good option and can transfer vonex number to it?

    • need VOIP for emergency home phone

      For when the power or the internet is down?

      • +1

        sorry did not mean emergency - wrong word, was tired, ment backup

    • Yes, you should be able to port your number to Crazytel. In my case, my number was originally a Telstra landline number that got ported to TPG's ADSL2+ homephone plan and then later ported to MNF when we switched over to NBN.

    • You do realize that if your internet goes down due to a power outage your VOIP services won't work? This is due to the internet being down. So you need a mobile service for emergencies or a backup generator.
      Or both.

      • I have a $10/month f&f plan with Telstra. I like the fast connection and great range but I use it rarely as I WFH with wifi. No home phone. Telstra call charges are not cheap so I need a backup for long calls and the occasional international. Low cost VoIP with Voiper is great for this.

  • I had the very same $5/year MNF VOIP plan for quite some time. Finally convinced the SO that we don't need to have a landline number. All our mobiles are on unlimited calls anyway. So cut them off just a month or two after they became Vonex

    • So cut them off just a month or two after they became Vonex

      Cheaper to do it before.

      • My post might have been unclear. We no longer have a VOIP plan. Haven't had one for a while. I was recounting an event from a few months ago. At that point, there were no changes to their rates yet.

  • +1

    Any suggestions for cost effective VoIP?

    Crazytel. 35 cents per month.

    • Hmmm… Isn't the crazytel payg $0/month?
      I guess I'm missing some hidden cost?

      • +1

        I'm missing some hidden cost?

        The DID

        • Aaaah - I just found this in the critical information summary.
          I guess this applies even if porting your own number?
          It looks like it may have increase to $1/month:

          • +1


            It looks like it may have increase to $1/month:

            No, 35 cents per month on the whirlpool plan.
            $4.20 a year.

            • @jv: Aaah - is there a link to this plan?
              I found an old mention on Whirlpool but this seems to be a $2/month plan (and the link didn't seem to work).

              • +1


                Aaah - is there a link to this plan?

                In the Whirlpool CrazyTel thread… First comment.

  • Agree, any suggestions?

    Mum finds using a mobile difficult with her eyesight and prefers the "old fashioned" phones. With everything else, the extra $5 per month + calls do add up for something that is really only there for the DID with the many external services and friends she has registered with over the many years.

  • If your going to use a desk phone your better off using a Voip phone and having an internet setup that fails over to 4G or even 5G, that way the voice quality will be a lot better especially if you go with a provider that prioritizes voice traffic over their network.

  • +2

    I'm not particularly impressed with Vonex. Pretty short sighted of them to de-incentivise residential VOIP services adoption. As per the discussion above, I imagine people will simply cancel their VOIP and revert to their mobile.

  • I replied back to the Vonex email regarding migration of my no monthly fee Whirlpool Saver plan originally offered by MyNetFone to the "Loyalty saver" Vonex plan which is $5/month, asking if they had a plan with $0 monthly fee (as I use for incoming calls).

    They replied back with their standard list of plans & stated:

    "We wish to inform you that as per our General Terms and Conditions we required at least a 30-day written notice prior to the actual cancellation of the service, and any remaining credits on the account are non-refundable yet consumable for any calls and service charges before account closure."

    Surely I can change providers as I wish, especially if they are changing my contract conditions?
    If I hadn't asked the question & just ported my number to Crazytel (which seems to be the best option), does this mean that Vonex would have rejected the port?

    If I have to give 30 days notice it means they will change my plan before I can port out to Crazytel.

    I appreciate any thoughts on this.

    • I canceled via email and was told my account would be closed at the next scheduled billing date, which is what happened.

      • Hmmm…. I don't want to lose my DID number though, so I'm not sure the order of applying for a new account at Crazytel to port before or after what time I cancel Vonex? Or will crazytel initiate the cancellation of my vonex service as part of the porting?
        Or do I port my DID to Crazytel first, and then cancel Vonex?

        • Something to consider … crazytel will charge $10 for each port request that is rejected. Vonex are doing their migration thing tomorrow, so maybe wait for this to finish before porting.

          • @zaqwsx3: In my original email from Vonex they said:
            "All services will be migrated between Thursday, 25th May and Saturday, 1st July 2023. Your migration will occur in early June, 2023."

            They say they are giving me a $5 credit so I guess the first month is free anyway.

            I'm still not sure of what I should do first - cancel with Vonex to give them 30 days notice or just start the porting with Crazytel.
            Or maybe the porting to Crazytel wont cancel my Vonex service & I can do this later?

            • @Gaz1: Put your porting request through at Crazytel or whoever your new provider is going to be. If its only a home phone number then a CatA simple port should be fine and should only take 5 days or so.
              If its a business critical number and you have alarms attached or other services bundled such as internet put it through as a CatC complex port, this will take longer and cost more but will make sure you keep your number.
              Also if your porting multiple numbers they need to go through as a CatC.

              • @[Deactivated]: Thanks for your comments.
                Its just a simple home phone line & I don't use it that much so don't mind how long it takes.
                If I create an account & do a port request with Crazytel does this cancel my Vonex plan?
                If not, they I can do the port to crazytel first & cancel Vonex once the crazytel service is working.
                I'm just not clear about the order I should do things considering Vonex wants 30 days notice.

                • +2

                  @Gaz1: I am about to do the same.

                  My Method (have completed step 1 already and tested quality):

                  • 1: Set up a plan over a CrazyTel first. Use the link noted above i.e. Whirlpool forums to get the extra discounted DID number for 0.35c p/m month rather than $1.00p/m.

                    • Sidenote:You can check that you are on the right plan once signed up.
                      Method: On the left pane within your Crazytel account, select the Number Management -> Buy A Number, it will show the proposed monthly fee as 0.35c (not $1.00). You can stop there i.e. don't buy anything as you will be porting your number over

                  • 2: Port your Vonex number across to CrazyTel which is free.

                  • 3: Once ported then cancel your account with Vonex.
                  • @Borg: That's great!
                    I figured it would be risky to give Vonex 30 days notice first in case they lose my number.
                    Your procedure makes a lot of sense - thanks so much for the detailed explanation!

                • @Gaz1: No porting your number won't automatically cancel your existing plan. Put the request through with Crazytel and once they receive the request Vonex will need to approve it, well whoever Vonexes carrier is will need to approve it first and release the number. Then it will be ported to whoever Crazytel use as a carrier (this is all done in the background).
                  A basic port takes around 5 days. I'd wait till the number is ported to Crazytel then go ahead and cancel your old Vonex account canceling your account in the middle of the process can lead to issues.
                  Your number will continue to work up until its ported and then its just a matter of configuring your new settings.
                  Unless crazytel offer some kind of temperary number during porting but that type of thing is normally aimed at business customers.
                  Though you could always ask.

  • My DID number is paid to Dec 2023 as per invoiced by them in Dec 2022 i.e. annual $5 DID fee. Surely they can't just cancel this now and start charging $5 a month as of July Or can they (legally) I wonder?
    My migration isn't until early June at some point

    • Yeah they are discontinuing a bunch of old discounted plans. So you will need to port out or pay the $5 a month.

  • Hehe - I got an email from them as well. Haven't used MNF for years - I think my a/c was from Koala telecom days?
    Anyway, shot them an email asking for a refund and to close the account.
    Maybe no dice, but let's see what they say.

    • Did you have some credit left (to hope for a refund)?
      Part of my plan was to pay for a $15 credit (which I still have) & I seem to recall that this was refundable at any stage - I can't really be sure & can't find reference for this. Either way I guess the new owners don't have to honour this anyway.

      • I am in the same boat and have $25 credit left on my account from MyNetFone.

        I submitted for a refund in Jan. I was told by CS that it would take up to 7 weeks….crazy or what. I am still waiting and called them yesterday complaining about this. CS were very apologetic and are following this up for me.

        Other: Account Access FYI: Don't bother trying to log into your Vonex account as the Webportal access for all the accounts that are being migrated have been disabled since April until fully migrated. You need to call them to view, manage or change anything. What a joke!

        • Are you waiting for the refund before you port the number?
          Did you find anywhere in Mynetfone conditions, etc that it said you could get a refund (they told me no refunds of credits)?

          • @Gaz1: Yes, i.e. before porting number.
            By chance I just received an email a sec ago stating what you noted.

            We wish to inform you that as per our General Terms and Conditions we required at least a 30-day written notice prior to the actual cancellation of the service; this serves as that notice and any remaining credits on the account are non-refundable yet consumable for any calls and service charges before account closure.

            In my case, this doesn't apply as I haven't asked for account cancellation (yet). I am chasing the residual credit that was transferred across from MyNetFone last year for multiple accounts I had with them. The credit has nothing to do with my existing ongoing Vonex "Whirlpool" account and was top up credit I added for a MNF "Neo Saver".

            Wow, Vonex are a corporate nightmare to deal with indeed. Luckily I have history emails with them that confirms that the refund was agreed to but just failed to sent. I can't say I will ever recommend Vonex to anyone after this kerfuffle.

  • Poor effort from Vonex. I received an email on the 25/5 saying my account will be changed from the $0/month plan to $5/month starting early June. Less than a week's notice to change and can't do anything at the moment because the account is frozen to check the portal. A big change like this should have at least been given a month's notice. Will have to wait until it's fully migrated then port out to somewhere else. From the comments above, looks like Crazytel is the go.

    • IF you know your number, the did you want to port, just put the port request through with your new provider.
      A Cat A port only takes 5 days to complete generally. You just need your account number and a copy of an invoice to email the new provider.

  • Thanks Sweet3st for this post,

    Just sent an email to Cancel.

  • If I use Belong Data sim @ $15pm, can I use Crazytel with the 1 megabit shaped data without the quality going down the toilet? I'd like to have Telstra (wholesale) signal and have a PAYG sip plan of some form… sort of a "best of both worlds" option for myself.

  • Are there anyone still yet to be informed about the migration? I have the $5/year plan with Vonex as well but still haven't received anything about the migration. Just one for the service disruption due t technology migration in late April.

  • I ported out my two mnf numbers to Aussie Broadband for free. Higher call costs but no monthly fee and I keep numbers I've had for years and people still call me on, admittedly rarely. Good for finding my mobile in the couch cushions though.

    Vonex dicked me around. Took nearly two weeks, they demanded a request in writing and then they emptied my account balance. Got the run around ringing them and fobbed off with promises to get back to me. I didn't sign up to these **** or their conditions. Class action anyone?

    • Emptied my account balance as well. Only a small amount left so whatever.

      • Lots of small = big
        Scammers rely on so whatever.

    • Oops, looks like I was too quick to condemn. Vonex did get finally back to me and asked for an account no. to refund my final balance.

    • I raised a complaint to the TIO - I never agreed to any monthly charge from Vonex, and did not agree to be migrated to their plan. They still have not refunded me. I was on an old PennyTel plan (no monthly fee).

      • They weren't going to refund me any amount, but then I said I'll raise to the TIO and they have now asked me for bank details to refund. I had about $20 credit with them which wasn't much, but the minimal notification Vonex gave and started charging on their new plans is not right. Their platform is also terrible. I've just ported to CrazyTel and their platform is so much better and detailed.

  • I am unable to log into the portal still, It says my account doesnt exist. My mum's phone works some days and stops working other days. I notice i get the occasional email saying there was a missed call from this no. to this no. etc, i presume those are the times when the phone isnt actually working.

  • I also got the run around from Vonex. I had 6 legacy MNF accounts (whirlpool savers, turbo savers etc). Got onto cancelling them all when they first started announcing by email that they've killed the website and you had to deal with them by email from then on. Got written confirmation by email that my accounts would be cancelled in May and my main account to be changed to the new Aussie Hero. June came, still no progress on website, no change in service so didn't pay attention. July came then only started to see some incoices on the website and realised they migrated all my accounts to the basic PAYG, emptied my account and ignored the fact that I had cancelled them and upgraded the main account. So for the whole June they charged me per min and made me pay for accounts that were supposed to be cancelled. Phone support was unhelpful. Yes they will refund my money because I had written evidence but days went by and my account was still negative and now unusable. Started process to port my number to crazytel but only got approval once I manually topped up my account back above $5. I don't hold up hope I'll ever get a refund. I'm glad the card I used for autotop-up has expired so they can't keep direct debitting.

    • Hound them about it, as they are shocking at trying to keep funds that don't belong to them. I got my monies back which like yourself were optional top ups on MNF accounts. I wasn't letting it slide in principle even for only $23. I moved to Crazytel and happy never to deal with nor ever recommend Vonex. Disgusting company to deal with (in my personal experience ar least).

      • How easy was it to move to Crazytel? Did you port your numbers?

        • Yeap was fairy straight forward. See my earlier comment here

          • @Borg: yeah i read that earlier and have submitted the ports through. now my issue is the sip isnt registering. :( i've moved house, new google nest wifi with iinet (nokia) 5g modem. another whole issue i need to troubleshoot.

            • @2nite: Perhaps test using their Free VoIP App on Mobile phone. Rules out local SIP or firewall issues.

  • Thanks for the info. Ive got a couple numbers too and I wish to keep them. Crazytel here I come!

  • Just for the record, I did get a full refund of my account balance.
    After a second TIO complaint, I received my original $10 refundable deposit back (I was on the original PT plan)

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