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Save $1,100 on an iPhone 14 Series with an $79 24-Month Vodafone Plan ($1896 Plan Cost) @ Apple Store (in-Store Only)

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Seems like a long running deal.

This deal only makes sense for those that have work phone plans reimbursed. I have cap of $60 per month for phone bills. So this deal will cost me approximately $800 upfront for iPhone 14 Pro and then another $19/month out of pocket for 24 months = $456.
So total $1256 for iPhone 14 pro over the long term.

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closed Comments

  • I have cap of $60 per month for phone bills.

    How can I have this benefit?

    • +1

      Work for a company that reimburses phone bills?

      • Where are these companies?

    • you can also claim % as work expense on tax returns

    • Op literally stated how this works in the second sentence lol.

      • -1

        Where's the second sentence

  • +5

    don't do it, vodafone has the worst service of the 3. then your locked for 2 year. hell no.

    • Yea that's what I'm tossing up. I live near CBD so hopefully…not that bad? I'll be switching from Telstra however

      • It's not that bad.

        Besides there's always 2nd SIM/eSIM slot in there if signal matters that much to you. There are plenty cheap 12mth prepaid plans to fill the gap.

      • +1

        you'll want to rip your head off if you do this!!

        if you really want to test the difference, get a prepaid Vodafone sim and use it for a week before making this change

        • +1

          PS - this deal doesn’t come with their network satisfaction guarantee.

          • @karseeeejaaaa: Yea doesn't look it. So will be stuck if it sucks.

            • @omnimaqq: CBD coverage isn't bad on Voda. But you better have a backup SIM for if you ever want to leave the city in the next 2 years lol

        • Very dependent on where you frequent. For me Vodafone is the best and Telstra the worst where I spend most of my time.

  • +2

    Not gonna neg because I'm too polite, but how is this a deal? "This is a deal if someone else pays a good chunk of the price for you"??

    • Save $1,100 ………So this deal will cost me approximately $800 upfront for iPhone 14 Pro

      So, iPhone 14 Pro (not Max? & what storage model?) = $1,900 RRP (if not on sale? could be cheaper to wait for ozb deal if any)

      If you buy straight from Apple store at supposedly $1,900 RRP, whilst with this deal total outlay is $79x24m + $800 = $2,696 but you pay $800 upfront, remaining $1896 on 24 months installment. (Put that on 5% interest savings account)
      So for the extra $796 or $33p/m, you get $79 Vodafone sim plan included within the 24 months with 150GB fast data monthly, unlimited slow data once exhausted, 1000mins international calls, unlimited local calls/sms, supports international roaming, etc.

      I think this deal is more enticing for lower end / cheaper models of iPhone as the discount is the same $1,100 savings across the board on iPhone RRP.

    • It's quite difficult to find deals like this since JB's gift card deals ran out. I used to just get the gift cards and pay for $69 pm of which $60 gets reimbursed.

  • hahahhaa… and stuck for two years on Vodafail?!? You've got to be kidding.

    • What's with all the hate for what seems to be ALL network providers?

      In Optus posts we hear Failoptus (there a new one)
      In Voda posts we hear Vodafail
      In Telstra it's something else…

      Is there no good network provider in Oz?

      • Telstra

      • Facts are facts mate. Voda is widely regarded as the worst carrier in Australia. Optus has better coverage than Voda, but is no where near as good Telstra.
        Telstra as a company sucks balls and their customer service is horrendous, but their coverage is second to none.

        If your question was serious and you aren't just being annoying, then to answer your question truthfully it would be any wholesale Telstra reseller.
        I'm personally with Woolies Mobile, but you can pretty much take your pick. I like Woolies because its the Telstra network and they give 10% a shop every month. If you work it right, the discount you get more than covers the plan cost…. so they effectively pay you to use their mobile service.

        But to be stuck on Vodafone for two years, yeah no thanks. Not unless I lived in the middle of a large city and never traveled anywhere.

  • You are better off on $59 plan with $650 off
    Costs you $20 less per month = 480
    So total saving vs $79 plan is $1130 so $30 cheaper over 2 years

  • Thinking of this deal for a new phone for wife. currently paying $22 per month on optus network (reseller) for 15GB. works out about $100 or $200 more expensive over 2 years against the cheaper plan.. can anyone tell me if the included data 150GB gets refresh monthly or its across the 2 year contract length. if its over 2 year length then better to look else where probably.

    • That should be GB per month!

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