This was posted 1 year 9 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW, VIC, QLD, WA] Free Original Glazed Doughnut, Friday 12/5 for Nurses @ Krispy Kreme


Free Original Glazed Doughnut for nurses. Must show nurse ID to claim.

It's on KK's Facebook and Instagram story.

Free 1x Original Glazed® doughnut, no purchase required.
Offer valid for nurses with valid ID
Does not include emergency personnel– police, fire & ambulance, student nurses, defense force, veterans, vets, prison guards, & vets.
In-store and drive thru offer valid on Friday 12th May 2023 in all AU shops.
Customer must present nurse ID
Not available through Krispy Kreme Online Orders or via third party delivery partners
Offer is not available in Krispy Kreme South Australia, Jesters, BP, Woolworths, and 7-Eleven
This offer is not valid online, through click and collect or third-party delivery services.
Offer is not redeemable or transferable for cash or credit
Offer is not redeemable with any other offer or discount
Offer is subject to stock availability

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closed Comments

    • +8

      May 12 is International Nurses Day (also the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth) thus why nurses get the freebies.

    • +5

      They are rich enough to drive tesla's

      • Which nurse?

        • +9

          Seems you may need an Ophthalmic nurse.

        • -1

          The nurse that sells oxy and xanies on the side

    • +1

      Any good doctor knows well enough who actually runs the place. The smart ones really take care of the nurses.

      • +4

        Any good doctor or nurse in the know actually should be taking care of the cleaners. Often overlooked and are actually integral to a hospital running. Also tend to be great humble people…

      • The interdisciplinary rivalry is BS, propagated by American TV shows. We all look after each other. It's only frustrating when the paperwork is wrong.

  • -1

    Nurse should know sugar not good for them.

    • +6

      Nurse can get free insulin shot

    • +11

      Everytime I go into the break room it's filled with fancy donuts. Nurses are big on the sugar.

      I'd be eating comfort food all the time if I had to do the same job.

      • +6

        My wife is a nurse. Can confirm nurses love sugar.

        • Did she tell you what are good for you? But she ate them herself anyway XD

        • +4

          Can confirm his wife likes sugar

      • +6

        Mate, after 12 hours shift its that sugar rush that keep us going.

        • +3

          Yep my point exactly.

        • +1

          Username checks out.
          Make sure you get those trough levels done

          • +4

            @easternculture: Vanco and Tazocin 4.5g are my favourites drugs along with Dexmedetomidine.

            • @Vancomycin 1000mg: You gotta love that propofol too.
              M. Jackson can confirm

            • @Vancomycin 1000mg: Chasing the bloody tazocin whole night from ICU. Haha. On my list to ask pharmacy to add on imprest.

              • @Polaremail: I guess that afternoon nurse was too busy on ozbargain and forgot to order it from pharmacy

              • @Polaremail: Tazocin should be readily available in all the wards. Im surprised you dont have it in your location.

                We have added Cefepime and Mero as full time weapon too, for any patient with suspected sepsis or unknown source of infection.

                • @Vancomycin 1000mg: Well. Subacute in acute hospital. Pharmacy thinks we are subacute. Doctor thinks we are acute. So lots of acute pts in subacute.

                • @Vancomycin 1000mg: Tazocin is restricted. Only normally kept in ICU. Our hospital keeps an emergency supply for SoUO

                  • @maverickjohn: I believe most antibiotics are or should be restricted due to emerging antimicrobial resistance

                    • +1

                      @easternculture: Nah we have many unrestricted ABs such as ampicilicin cefazolin etc for broad spectrum empirical coverage

                      • -1

                        @maverickjohn: Having it on the shelf doesnt mean its unrestricted. Any drug that needs a prescription is considered a restricted drug. I belive you are refering to an Authority drug that requires authorisation not longer than 24hrs after starting the course.

                        • +3

                          @easternculture: No not in hospital terminology. Restricted antibiotics require an Infectious disease (ID) approval to be prescribed.
                          We have three categories.
                          Unrestricted. Any medical officer can prescribe.
                          Restricted 48hrs. Any medical officer can prescribe this antibiotic for 48 hrs but will need ID approval after 48 hrs
                          Restricted- can not be prescribed with out ID approval

                  • -1

                    @maverickjohn: Ive only worked in Oncology, Vascular and ICU. All had tazocin on imprest. In vascular ward, we had too many infected ulcers which explains why.

                    Definitly not advocating for ABx overuse.

                    • +2

                      @Vancomycin 1000mg: glad to see many nurses on ozbargain! hope you guys having some nice shifts. back in the AM. good night!

                    • @Vancomycin 1000mg: Haha all good I knew you weren't just explaining why it's not readily available everywhere.
                      Mero is even harder to come by.
                      We have had cases of CPE in our hospital . It's quite scary when it gets to that level of resistance. There isn't much out there that will work at that point.

  • +11

    What about people who identify as nurses ?

    • +4

      Nurse is a protected title I believe, so I'd assume you'd need an actual cert/qualification?

    • +3

      Must show nurse ID to claim.

      • +7

        Must show nurse ID to claim.

        What if you aren't a nurse, but identify as a nurse?

        Surely they are not going to discriminate ?

        A bit like if you identify as a female, but are biologically a male. Do you need to show proof you are female?

        • +3

          Ok. Ill try tomorrow and report back.

          Ill say "Hello, my name is EC and i identify as a nurse. Can i have my donuts pls"

        • +1

          Thanks for overexplaining it the second time, that's what makes a joke good when you take the time to knock everyone over the head with it.

      • +1

        Anyone got any deals on nurse IDs?

    • +2

      Mate, I know you’re only belabouring a point in an attempt to be (not very) clever, but in truth all you’re achieving is to disrespect nurses.

      They go through years of training to be certified, perform an extremely vital job that is often undervalued, put in many gruelling hours in difficult conditions for low pay…and I’d be willing to say most nurses have saved more lives than you’ve had hot dinners.

      And all you want is a free doughnut.

  • I don't see any post on their facebook or intagram regarding this promotion. I guess I will just stick with my good old panadol addiction then

  • Only if they had an outlet in regional cities.

  • -6

    Looks like they pulled the ad? Nurses can afford a donut. Last year they received $3000 free meals in a $353 million taxpayer funded package.

    • Ehh.. you mean public hospital salary package? Its for all hospital staffs to start with including doctors and cleaners.

      Also its FBT exemption for $2.5k or so not free meal. The actual benefit is top tax bracket of the individual for that amont. So less than half of it for the most. It's also reported as an exempted FBT amount during tax time with inflated amount which negatively affects any income test. So some people just don't claim at all as it increases their HECS repayment and what not.

      $353m may sounds a lot but that's like the whole industry with truckload of people.

      Back in the day the claim limit was unlimited then criticised by the lib gov & reduced sustentially as some fancy pants docs having fun with it. (You can google news articles talking about claiming extravaganza kid birthday party etc) While majority wasn't really getting much as it's a scheme you need to earn a lot and spend a lot to make the most out of it. Only fraction of hospital jobs a.k.a high up docs make such money.

      In summary, it's a shit job getting paid state wide fixed salary like a public service yet get none of public service benefits. Payscale is also pathetic for the job requires a degree for licensing.

      IMO the entire public health system a.k.a free hospital is rely on involuntary sacrificing them which is a shame.

      • -2

        FBT is a tax on the employer. It's $3000 bonus per employee taxed at marginal tax rate. That's still a truckload of donuts.

        There are a massive number of degree qualified public servants who can't get any freebies whatsoever and work hard for their pay.

        Nurses aren't pro bono. They get paid for what they do plus bonuses.

        • +3

          Cool story, Bro! If you think it’s such a lucrative profession why don’t you become a nurse, too, and report back when you get rich?

    • I mean it's one banana, coathanger007. What could it cost? Ten dollars?

  • just a doughnut? you should at least give them a dozen

    • +1

      May 12 doughnuts be with you

      or more, if those are full-sized boxes in the thumbnail

    • Why stop at a dozen? If they really cared they would give them 1000 free donuts

  • for your health!!

  • also the one on the right doesnt need anymore doughnuts!

    • +1

      The one on the left needs a few donuts

      • +1

        maybe she should have the other's doughnuts for her?

  • I don't see any post on their facebook or instagram regarding this promotion.

    • Click on the Instagram link in the description.

      • I did, but can't see this promotion…

        • +1

          The link only works if on your Instagram profile, you are a nurse or identify as a nurse.

      • "Does not include student nurses"


    Here is the deal
    Only 1 :(

  • +2
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