Seen any deals/bargain for a case of 24/30 beer cans/bottles?
Beer deals/bargains

Stellarg on 15/08/2012 - 15:05
awesome, thanks QW3RTY :)
Happy to help a beer drinker in need.
Oettinger pils - Dan's everday price $29.95 24x330ml 4.7% exellent value and brewed under the Germany purity law.
Tooeys extra dry platinum's used to be my go to beer but a little under a year ago they reduced the alcohol content from 6.5% to 5.2% and the price barely moved and the taste took a turn for the worst,so i moved on and by chance came across Oettinger and like a true ozbargainer i did the sums and it actually is better value then the old Tooeys.I've never had a hangover with the Oettinger's! which i put down to it having no preservatives.
Taste is quiet generic,best served really cold.
For Sydney:
Boags Premium Lager - $42.99/case (Vintage Cellars) = Save $12
VB - $34.90/case (Dan Murphy's) = Save $7
Tiger Beer - $40/case (BWS) = Save $12
Crown Lager - $45/case (Liquorland) = Save $10
These are all 24 stubby cases.