Boo'ing in Sport

So the lunatics in the media are out again because imho they got nothing better to write about as the media is filled with talentless hacks, for some reason boo'ing Buddy Franklin is being 'deemed' racists but at the same time not a single mention of the fact Tom Papley was also being booed by the opposition Collingwood supporters….

I might be 'way off' here but i dont 'really have an issue with fans booing opposition players [or even their own players if they dont perform] i think the media needs a story and the woke racism 'outrage merchants' are all the fade these days.

However im open to change is 'booing' Aborginal players racist but booing non-aboringal players not racist. Is booing just a bit of a jerk move from the crowd or is booing just part of competitive sport and the players are very well paid professionals and should accept that it creates atmosphere and is part of the game.

I dont support 'fans abusing players' ie calling someone out with a racist slur etc but i think booing is part of the game, fans generally do it to put opposition players off and i kind of feel like the talentless hacks in the media media are the racist for suggesting there is anything racist about it…esp not mentioning other players getting boo'ed because they are not a 'racial minority'

Buddy has been questioned, he doesnt want to talk about it. When the 'journos' questioned him he seemed to not give a stuff and is more seem geniunly more uncomfortable being lime light of this issue then being boo'ed on the pitch - credit to him for not making a big deal of it and just trying to get on with footy.

on the flip side, Collingwood football club has apologiesed to Buddy in a attempt to not be painted as racists which in the crazy PC world we live in i understand.

Poll Options

  • 113
    Fans pay their money they can boo if they want
  • 40
    Boo'ing is not ok
  • 5
    Booing is ok but boo'ing Aborginal players is racist
  • 8
    I dont know but i agree the media are hacks


    • Believe me it will get to no booing umpires at he rate they are going .
      It might cause the poor fellows ( shit woke people the better word ) too much stress .

      • Believe me it will get to no booing umpires at he rate they are going .

        How will they enforce that when 50,000 people boo a really poor decision?

      • Using the term 'woke' = dead set bigot.

  • +3

    Boo this post. Booooo!!!

  • +1

    The sheer hypocrisy of the Sydney Swans, condemning the booing of a 36yo, when their own supporters in late 2022 all booed Jack Ginnivan when he injured his arm and came off the field when he was just a kid playing his first year of footy…………

  • +2

    I've don't boo.

    Why not just cheer the player/team you support?

    • Why not just cheer the player/team you support?

      We do

      and we boo the player/team we don't support?

      What's wrong with that?

      • +2

        You missed the 'just' in my question.

        Why issue an exclamation of contempt/disapproval to an opposing player/team just for playing or playing well? Without them, you don't have a game nor an opportunity to support your player/team.

        • -1

          You missed the 'just' in my question

          No, I quoted it…

          Why issue an exclamation of contempt/disapproval to an opposing player/team just for playing or playing well?

          Why not ?

  • +1

    The AFL is getting soft and if they don't watch it they will lose fans. eg forcing big AFL personalities to say no booing the past week or so .
    It's a joke/

    • -1

      forcing big AFL personalities to say no booing the past week or so .


  • +1

    "Well, I was saying boo-urns."

  • +1

    how can boo'ing a black player be racist, but boo'ing a white player is not.

    racism is called way to weakly now to take advantage of it, same with bullying. don't invite a colleague to your wedding but invite others, thats bullying now

    i will be labelled racist for saying this

    • -1

      how can boo'ing a black player be racist, but boo'ing a white player is not.

      Because Caroline Wilson said it is…

      • she probrably also thinks it unfair men get paid more in sport than women

        • -1

          she is full of contradictions…

          • +1

            @jv: in england soccer players have full songs written about them roasting the shit out of them.

            • @Donaldhump:

              in england soccer players have full songs written about them roasting the shit out of them.

              Like this? 🤣

              • @jv: funnily enough I am toon supporter, but yeh i don't think shearer cares.

    • +1

      racism is called way to weakly now

      They just pull out the race card when they don't have any substance to their argument…

    • Chomsky?
      I'm impressed. But wasted wisdom here,old chap

  • +2

    The AFL & the players have become soft IMHO. Gone are the days of hard tackles, jeering, booing etc because this whole country has become obsessed with being PC. It's got to stop. Do yourself a favour & go watch a grass roots football game. Blokes just going hard at the ball & each other. A huge bonus is you can buy full strength beer too! Or watch an NRL game.

    • Or watch an NRL game.

      Do the crowd boo there?

      • +1


        Do the crowd boo there?

        If it's justified, Yes!

        • +1

          Booing Buddy and Papley last Sunday was justified…

          For 'some reason' Swans only complained about booing Buddy, they don't like Papley much.

    • I took my kids down to the local park and ran into a great game. The away team was big burly tattoo guys and the home Ferret Skinny Dudes . All the away team wanted to do was try to fight the ferrets as they were absolutely killing them on the scoreboard :)

  • +1

    I think everyone has fallen for the AFL media stimulation.
    - Let's get everyone talking about AFL, all year, by continually raising new "issues"
    - Let's get the crowd revved up before and during every game with razzamatazz and loud music etc., to get them "engaged" in the game
    - Let's criticise the crowd behaviour, get more discussion

  • +2

    In professional sport, it’s part of the atmosphere, but should it be? I can’t answer that, but if it is instigated against a player for reacting to a rascist remark then it’s not on. If it’s against players for poor sportsmanship then it’s fair game IMO.

    I do know that it should not be a part of any community/amateur sport or kid’s game. Sport should be inclusive at its grass roots level.

    • If it’s against players for poor sportsmanship

      Which was the case for most people booing Adam Goodes.

  • How about booing is exceptable if the onfield behaviour is poor?

    True equality should be that all are treated equally no matter their race.

    You shouldnt boo someone for no reason.

    A person shouldnt be booed for their race.

    But also one race shouldnt be protected and other races not protected.

    • +1

      A person shouldnt be booed for their race.

      This isn't the 1980's

  • +1

    There's nothing cuter than little kids yelling out "Chewie on your boot". When someone is kicking for goal. Should we ban that too?

    • -1

      Ridiculous comparison. It's the motive , of the targeted campaign online and at the games, and it's clear what that is.
      There's a lot of ppl here who seem to be very heavily invested in defending the continuation of this trend. I wonder why?

      • +1

        Perhaps some of them have a different but equally valid perspective to you.

  • -3

    In the case of this kind of >boo-ing<. ( Targeted at indig players)
    Gutless racism resides at one end of the spectrum and mindless bullying at the other.
    Wrapped in an endless stream of effluent looking for an illegitimate excuse to get away with it. That's how brave racism is. It takes at least 50K accomplices to bury the bravado in, or a dark web anon account.
    If it walks like a duck, looks like,smells like and sounds like a duck…..

  • Truth burns,innit?. Negs don't change that truth. They just amplify it.
    PS I'm loving the "hide users dross' button. The thread has halved in size.

    • +2

      You have over 800 posts since joining 3 months ago. Have you considered taking a rest?

      • Reading things that make you uncomfortable? Or is their a rule you'd like me to adhere to for YOUR benefit?

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