Was at 7-eleven filling up today and saw this ad on top of the bowser, saying Free Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph with any fuel purchase with the fine print saying that the fuel purchase must be $2 or more.
I saw this at the North Rocks 7/11 but i'm not sure if it's limited there or state/nation wide cos it's not on their website.
Free Daily/Sunday Telegraph at 7/11 with Any $2+ Fuel Purchase

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No deal, you'd have to pay me to take that paper…
still its free so you're filling up anything, you may as well take one cos newspaper has other uses apart from the stuff inside it. would've been 100x time better deal if it was SMH though
Sweet! Free propaganda with every $2 fuel purchase.
Free coffee was also offered to us when we did this yesterday
Was filling up in west suburbs, vic. Counter person asked if I wanted a free Herald Sun with my fuel purchase. Bonus. Oh 7 eleven.
That is how the Murdoch newspaper 'artificially' increase their subscription number.
that would explain the 10c a litre price rise at my local store. 139.9 and everyone else was 129.9, everytime they have a promotoion and $1 day then the price in petrol goes up.
Todays paper has jen hawkins in a bikini on the front page, can't complain about that.
I saw this at my local 711. Got a daily T yesterday.