AGL Value Saver on Their Website Higher than My Current Plan

I'm on Agl in NSW , as I will install solar soon this month so I checked their value saver and solar plan on their website , and found out my current rate actually is like 20% lower than what they listed on website.

Any ideas why ?

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    • Afraid if it a error then they will price up my rate

    • ChatAGL

  • -1

    I have sumo energy its cheap and I haven’t had a power blackout yet

  • +4

    Any ideas why ?

    Costs have gone up and you've been grandfathered in. I doubt you'll keep your current rate when the solar install goes through but you might get lucky.

    • I have the low season and high season demand charge . Agl said if don't switch plan , the max 5c fit. For winter seem better keep the current plan

  • Any ideas why ?


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