• long running

Confidence 3-ply 24-pack Toilet Paper $10.59 @ ALDI


Used to be $7.99, then $9.49 in Jan 2023, now $10.59
Yes I know it's regular price
However it's the cheapest 3ply tp currently in the market, and it's made by quilton.
So I think it worth a post, unfortunately.

In comparison, WW's home brand 24 rolls is $11.90,
Coles' home brand recycled 12 rolls $6x2=$12
Kirkland went up to $32.99 as well.
so yeah, thanks inflation.

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  • +5

    25c per 100 sheets - for those unable to read the fine print.

    • +4

      sheet dimensions required

      • +8

        If it's not A4, I'm not interested

        • +3

          You've found my secret. It only takes one sheet, per run. It's single ply but you're not likely to stick your finger through 80gsm. Save them from the recycling bin at work and never have to pay for TP again.

          They say, Reduce, reuse, recycle. Reuse is higher on the chain. So it's ethical and all that too!

          • @lancesta: Paper cuts.

          • +1

            @lancesta: Do you do duplex / double sided too just like the default setting on most office printers?

            • @D1977: I didn't think of that.. I'll just have to save the sheet for a second go. Gonna use half as much now, thanks!

  • +16

    You could post anything cheaper at Aldi as ‘long running’ I guess

  • +5

    Wasn't it $10.49 before this further price jack ffs?

  • +11

    Marginally more expensive at Amazon: 26c/100 sheets using S&S but might be worth free delivery/not lugging TP home.

    • -1

      i have mine going from 7 or 8 months ago and am too lazy to cancel. every month i get in trouble again from the partner as it goes into the pile. aldis is hard to get to for me and im not paying colesworth price for TP so i consider it worthwhile

      • +11

        The time and effort it took you to make this comment and you say you're lazy? Would've just been easier to cancel your subscription.

    • +2

      Thanks mate. Scored 48 for $17.72 delivered using the extra $5 from playing a podcast the other day 🤣

    • have gone and done that today! $22.73 S&S
      only 1c more per 100ss.

      aldi usually my go-to instore

      but amazon even better for bulky staples

    • +1

      Username checks out

    • +3

      My advice is have the luxury of 3 plys and give your backyard tree a big hug to atone

    • +3

      Au contraire - higher ply count means less risk of 'poke through'.

      • And it means less length needed to manually fold over.

    • +4

      A roll of shopping centre toilet paper is free, infinite value xD

      • +13

        Nothing like a 1 ply 200grit

      • If you work near a 5 star hotel, just pop in on the way home. The Ritz Carlton has 3 ply in the loos. I mean had…

  • FYI, this is Quilton rebranded.

    • Proof please.

      • +11

        It has been documented online: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/home/mums-facebook-post-pr…

        Same as the guy the other day who posted some multisnack pack of smiths crisps and found an aldi brand packet in there; like most things they are all made in the same factory, just different packaging and cheaper at aldi.

        • So how much do you save by getting this over Quilton? And quality is the same which is pretty poor for 3 ply

      • +2

        Can confirm.

    • +18

      I tested this theory over the pandemic when stock was scarce, i've been using quilton exclusively for years, it definitely wasn't the same (I compared side by side). Aldi was very noticeably not as soft and felt thinner/less…cushioned?, my husband agreed as well, we could instantly tell the difference. Whilst I definitely believe it is made at the same factory, it's very common for factories to have varying quality of products within them.

      • +3

        This is how supermarket generics work, they're usually made by a big brand but with a lower quality version.

      • I used to work for a vegetable supplier who supplied all major supermarkets. The good vegetables "Tier 1" went to Coles/WW, the not so good ones "Tier 2" went to Aldi

  • +4

    Our standard wipe, altho we're thinking about moving to who gives a crap.

    Aldi's Confidence 224 facial tissues use to be 99c, now $1.59, a 60% increase over about 2 years from memory. That said they're still about the cheapest around and I can report they are much better quality than the Coles home brand equivalent.

    • +9

      Who Gives a Crap seems expensive for Chinese made toilet paper. You’d think that most of the “eco-friendly” benefits that they advertise would be zeroed out by having to ship it all the way here? Not to mention where the recycled paper is being sourced from.

      • +3

        Thanks for the info. Cost wasn't the driver. Usually do some backgrounding but as daughter uses them thought she would have done the research. They barely tick any boxes for me and are now definitely off the list.

      • Tbh I thought the same but I also heard that we import the wood pulp used to make the quilton stuff. More than. Happy to be wrong though. But if it's made here with imported ingredients it's marginally better I guess from the employment side of things.

        Surely there's enough paperwaste within Australia to make TP for all.

        • +2

          We import now because industry have butchered our native forests to death. (add to that the dirty union/business govt contract deals to supply native into paper mills. This was NOT a waste stream.It was tomorrows forests) And the under values native logs are/were exported at a basement price for minimum profit.But go easy on foresters, they have only had 240 years to figure out how to grow a resource.

          And a few years back landholders were wiping out Tassie B/gum plantations because of poor investment returns. Had they waited 18 months they would not have razed trees at the cusp of delivering the dividend. And those who hung on subsequently cleaned up. But the problem of lazy corrupt state forestry remains. Hence a total addiction to pillaging native stocks, while doing nothing to wean themselves off (grow a resource) a community environmental asset. The bulk of our native stuff goes OS to come back value added.(some as pulp) Go figure.
          Even a toddler can plant a tree.

  • +2

    Choice rates Desley Toilet Paper as having a 50% puncture score. Must be similar to using bathroom in a major shopping centre chain.

    I'd prefer a higher puncture rating.

    • +1

      Your wiping must have a higher penetration rate

      • +2

        Digitalizing a process.

    • +5

      Choice? They lost their credibility when they started taking commissions and charging for their certification.

      Just covering costs of course.

      • I spoke to a journalist who works at Choice, for what it's worth he said they do not take commissions for certifications, their money comes from their subscription model, hence they are able to remain "unbiased". Take that how you will

        • +2

          Far more likely than gimmeabreak's hearsay, esp given Choice's credibility if not very existence relies on the untainted/independent ethos. My problem with Choice is their lack of expertise and experience with some of the products they review. There are FAR better reviewers of things like cameras for example. They do good work with plenty of products though.

  • +1

    Aldi's one although maybe made by quilton is marginally thinner than quiltons one.

    For quiltons 3ply I use two sheets, with Aldi's I have to use 3

  • +1

    you actually quantify your date roll ?

  • OzNormals

  • Shall I buy this to save my fingers which seems against OZbargain's philosophy?

  • +4

    Amazon quilton is cheaper with subscribe and save.

  • Aldi is 180 sheets
    WW is 190 sheets

    1cent difference per 100

    • just checked ww is 180 sheets too

  • +7

    Women love it when a man wipes with Confidence.

    • She just wasn't that impressed about getting it in her eye.;-)

  • +1

    Quality went down a lot with this new packaging. Before it was like Quilton, now it is very thin. Not worth it.

  • +1

    So I think it worth a post, unfortunately.

    Aldi regular price is more r/hailcorporate than worthy of a post.

  • -4

    I bought about 40 packs during pandemic, so winning $$$.

    • Yea me too but I got Quilton ones from amazon in bulk with Cashback, and GC offers combined from Shaback. Those old prices were good but nowadays everything is too expensive.

  • +5

    It's amazing the stupid things I'll spend time trying to work out a bargain on, vs just making more money.

    Once heard a profound saying about "spend more time trying to make more and less time trying to save" - based on my wealth, I'd say it's good advice :(

    Anyhow, I fired up a spreadsheet recently for 60 minutes and camelcamelcamel to configure alerts for a variety of 3 ply paper under a certain threshold from Amazon.
    How embarassing (and yes, the Aldi stuff is good, hence the camelcamelcamel alert being fairly aggressive)

    • +1

      Or aim to do both 😉 Obviously easier said than done!

    • P.S I do agree a small fee of a few dollars, to not have to lug the stuff home is handy for sure. Within reason.

    • +3

      Those skills are valuable in business though, maybe you should think about how you can leverage more with your skills :P

  • +6

    "Used to be $7.99, then $9.49 in Jan 2023, now $10.59"

    So it's currently the highest price it's ever been? Or am I reading this wrong?

    • You are correct. I'm guessing OP saw that other Amazon toilet paper thread post from earlier today, saw the comments repeatedly mentioning Aldi and decided to make it a separate post.

    • it is at its highest price, but every other brand has also put their price up, so it's still the cheapest 3-ply in the market.
      There is no conflict between the 2 separate facts.

  • +5

    A price increase, what a bargain!!

    • -1

      It 'sort of' is. Because the stuff has been manifestly unavailable for ages. So maybe a product you can get, VS one you can't equates to a bargain, if the price has risen slightly?

  • So is the quality like quilton or is it not as good as it used to be? No aldi near me so I'd have to go out of way, if the quality is good

  • This thread just makes me sad on so many levels.

    • I can think of one…which other levels does it make you sad

      • +2

        Going down in a lift while reading this, now been sad on many levels.

  • These are always sold out at my 2 local ALDIs T_T

  • +1

    This is good TP but I reckon Costco's Kirkland brand is better - and the rolls are wider and seem to have more sheets, 270 I think. The last I bought was $28 for 48 but I think it's now $33.

    • I scored 48 rolls, 3 ply Quilton (180 sh/per/roll) for $22.72 delivered on 12/April via Amazon. Def not a bad price considering no need to pick up

    • +2

      Just bought costco kirkland brand tp this morning, and the price is $32.99 @@

    • +1

      So, is that why you see practically every shopper come out of Costco with a giant cube of TP perched on top of their trolley? I always felt self-conscious that I didn’t have one, and was thinking maybe I was breaking an unwritten Costco rule or something.

  • +3

    Guess it's now time to forego wfh and go into work full time to do number twos

    • +1

      If you can hold sure. Also work usually gives 1 ply paper. Good luck getting your bum cleaned

      • Lol @ replying nearly 2yrs later

        • Yeah cause of recent deals and this is still long running

  • +4

    Regular price.

    Also just because it's made by quilton doesn't mean it's the same quality, it's almost always the case that a big brand makes a lower quality version for supermarket white label products.

    • -1

      Can you share a better deal?

  • +2

    So those who stock up during the early days of pandemic have won the bet. I didn't. I thought stock and prices will be normal again with the usual specials..

    • +1

      We should have stocked up even in January 2023.

    • +1

      Yeah. They won the bet. (3 cheers!)
      They also lost all social license at the same time.I watched as fragile old pensioners shopped for their usual FAIR amount, and week after week went without , staring at empty shelves minutes after opening time.
      Many borrowed to get by.
      Covid zombie scum. Pushing past ppl in wheelchairs to beat people to food and other goods.Good one.

  • Let me guess, limited time only like every other product at Aldi?

  • I pay $6.99 for 24 rolls and other rolls I steal from work. Works out well for me!

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