This was posted 1 year 9 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

HP Reverb G2 VR Headset $795.63 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

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Cheaper than last month, all time low price posted here. Great VR headset for simming. RRP $999


  • Exceptional combination of visuals and sound Equipped with industry-leading lenses and speakers from Valve, our HMD provides high quality resolution and fully immersive spatial audio. With mura-free, 2160 x 2160 LCD panels per eye, you can now see more detail than ever before.
  • A headset that adjusts to you. Get maximum comfort for longer wear time. With flexible material, increased cushion size and lenses that can be adjusted for different eye distances, each user experiences a custom fit regardless of face size and shape.
  • More cameras. Better tracking. With four cameras built into the headset and no external sensors required, you can now track more movement no matter how extreme. And with a smaller and more ergonomic design, our controllers are more natural and comfortable to hold onto.
  • Compatible across the industry. Looking for access across any and all VR content? With compatibility across both SteamVR and Windows Mixed Reality, seamless access to everything VR is now within reach. All with quick and painless setup.
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closed Comments

  • +4

    Anyone got first hand experience on how good the tracking is versus a htc vive?

    • +1

      Well a HTC vive is of course going to be better since it has dedicated base stations.

      This has very good tracking, better than the Meta 2. If you wished to improve its tracking, you can always add HTC 1.0 or 2.0 base stations to your setup which then allows for Full Body Tracking.

      • +11

        I have a reverb g2. And whilst I love it and hate meta, I wouldn’t say it’s tracking is better than the meta quest 2

        • +5

          Do you love it enough to upvote this deal 🥹

          • +1

            @UsernameChecksIn: No, I wouldn't personally buy one for this price. The product is end of life, I think support will run until 2026?

            I'd personally wait to see what Valve have up their sleeves.

        • +5

          I've got both the G2 and Quest 2 and play Beat Saber on both.
          For Beat - 1000% G2 has better inside out tracking compared to the Quest. (145 hours on BS on Steam, 25 hours on Oculus)

          I was going to move both on for the Index, but rumors suggest a refresh later this year, so i am going to stick it out with my existing headsets.

          The G2 is still a fabulous VR headset and its nearing 3 years old.

          • @11112007: I'm confused, I always read that the G2 tracking is rubbish because it uses Windows Mixed Reality tracking and as such you can't upgrade the tracking to SteamVR hand-tracking with external base stations?

            • +1

              @merajaan: Yes holistically external base station tracking is the holy grail for VR. But the comment was which headset between Quest2 and Reverb G2 had better tracking and for that answer the G2 is better.

              Is external tracking required to have a great time? No. People set high scores on Beat Saber on Quest 2 regularly with inside out tracking.

            • @merajaan: I've used Lenovo Explorer (og WMR) and Quest 2 and I'd say the Quest 2 has so much better tracking than the Explorer. That said, the G2 has 4 cameras and that probably benefits it a lot. I would have no reason to not believe the G2 tracking can't be as good as the Quest.

        • Having owned both, this is a straight up fact.

  • I was something with this resolution but as standalone as Quest. I hope something will come soon to give competition to Quest 2

    • There is no current VR headset that is expected to be stand alone anytime soon except for the Index 2, however that is most likely coming in 2025.

    • +1

      Quest 3 before the end of the year.

    • You're better of waiting till the new AMD Apu's get used in headsets that'll still take a year

  • -4

    I'd wait to see what Apple unveils in a month. It won't be a direct competitor to this (probably much more expensive for one) but it might drastically change the status quo

    • +2

      I doubt it

      • Why would they bother to launch a mee-too product without anything novel? It basically has to be exciting otherwise it would create a negative sentiment that they can't launch new product categories anymore and would affect the share price so they would be better off not launching it all at all

    • +8

      It will only use one eye and will be called the iPatch (◕‿↼)

    • -1

      People are chomping at the ankles to pay $3000 for apple glasses. Revolutionary tech

  • When will we get the price drop to 300 USD


    I was tracking the price for a long time and I think the Black Friday prices tend to be just a once a year thing so it's up to you if the money is worth waiting for.

    I will say, as someone who recently became a parent I do regret waffling so much on getting it since I really only got a solid year with it before it's started gathering dust. Life will happen so just keep that in mind.

  • +1

    No eye tracking? Not worth it going forward.

    • +3

      I can't think of a single VR headset with eye tracking for even close to this price.
      (That includes controllers like this bundle does)

      • +2

        PSVR 2, though obviously not PC compatible at this point. Meta Quest 3 will be later this year.

        The point is to not to invest in high resolution VR right now without this technology. Would imagine HP have a suitable successor for this lined up in the sub-$1300 range after having tested eye tracking technology out in an updated version of the G2.

        • +2

          Don't think HP will have a successor since Windows MR is dead.

          • @MagnamoniousRex: That's not a reason to discontinue, it's just a reason to not push R&D to its zenith and try to sell your efforts as a high-end business device. If they drop it, it'll be down to their RoI modelling.

    • +1

      was expecting mainstream XR to include eye tracking and at least staple foveated rendering by this time

    • For the price its great (I have one).

  • +3

    I was so glad to have local warranty for my HP Reverb G2 (rev 1), it was out of warranty period but I quoted Australian consumer law and HP sent out a technician first to replace the cable, then to replace the whole headset (rev 2).

    9 months later and I have had to replace the cable again at my own cost (~$110)

    A very fragile piece of technology particularly around the cable connection point to the headset.

    • A very fragile piece of technology particularly around the cable connection point to the headset.

      Yeah most VR headsets are.
      I have friends who have had to replace cables and headsets purely because of cable or cable port reasons.

    • +1

      Rev 2 is fine and doesnt have any widespread issues, I wouldnt call it fragile at all.

    • Taking a moment to be amazed that a technician was sent out ready to replace parts

  • Reading the specs, what does full RGB stripe mean? I'm coming from the $99 lenovo explorer deal, will the jump from 1440 to 2160 be huge?

    I read something about a narrow field of view compared to something, Does anyone have experience with this?

    Do the hand controllers still not work with Rechargeable batteries well ?

    Does the price drop suggest something new is coming around the corner

    • +1

      full RGB stripe

      Full subpixels, arranged in stripes

      Rather than other displays that have less subpixels per-pixel and often render less sharp

      • So you mean each of the 2160 pixels are made up of 3 rgb sub. So in reality is 3x the number dots?
        And the old lenovo That I have each of the 1440 is actually just one pixel ?

        • Fundamentally, yes. Each pixel is made up of three sub pixels.
          There are other technologies where this is not the case (I.e. PenTile) which produce a lower quality picture.

  • +4

    windows mixed reality 🤢🤢

    good luck getting your headset to work properly

    • +1

      Hahaha yeah so true , i have this exact set and i have a few bugs like steam crashing, not openning in steam vr, and ground level constantly reseting to like 40cm above ground

    • I find that with WMR the headset was fine, but sometimes stupid bluetooth trackers can give issues.

      That said, I only had trouble with my Dell WMR, havent had issues with the HP.

      Suspect its due to battery voltages, I use NiZn in mine

  • To get the games or experiences, do all of these have their own app stores again? Would oculus content work on this?

    Does this "Compatible across the industry. Looking for access across any and all VR content" mean yes?

    • Its not a stand alone usnit if thats what your were asking it uses windows mixed realaity portal (pc)

  • Curious if the inside-out tracking is much improved over the Samsung Odyssey+.

  • +4

    I would not recommend this headset for the average person wanting to get into VR unless they are set on sims. Even then it is hard to recommend it because it has so many downsides.

    WMR is practically stagnant and there are rumors HP is exiting the VR industry. The cables on this headset will need replacement over time and they cost ~$100. If the cable dies it is going to be a pain to get a replacement in the future if the rumors are true.

    The sweet spot on this headset is also very small and with pancake lenses being the new standard I can't see a reason to buy this headset.

    • Most things run on steam vr right ? What's the state of the market and what do you recommend looking at? I'm still living with the $99 lenovo explorer and haven't looked around. I'm OK with being wired to pc, and I wouldn't/can't want base station based vr.

      • +2

        Yes, most headsets can connect to Steam VR. PCVR has been stagnant for the last 2 years or so from a gaming point of view. Hardware has been hit and miss with most headsets missing the mark in some areas particularly having both a wired and wireless solution integrated into one headset.

        Recommendations depend on budget but most people in the community are waiting on the Quest 3 which apparently will be released in Q4 this year. If the trend continues, the Quest 3 should also have the option to connect a wire to the headset for wired PCVR. The Quest Pro is also good, but it was way too expensive, and most games don't do eye tracking which is one of the main features of the Quest Pro over the Quest 3. I have a Pico 4 as a stopgap while I'm waiting for the Quest 3, but honestly it is a risky buy due to quality issues.

        There aren't many natively wired headsets without needing a base station at the moment. The Shiftall MeganeX is one I can think of which doesn't require a base station but is $$$.

        I honestly would just wait and see what Meta comes out with if you aren't too bothered with them as a company.

        • +1

          I guess, I'm a bit confused how on PC you need a mid-high end GPU to do VR, then you have this stuff that's 100% portable. I don't game a lot so I haven't really even considered that non PCVR other than PS5 was a thing. It's not like you can see any devices in jb or any retail store.

          Eg for the Pico 4 , is all the software locked to the Pico store?

          I'm not keen on using a fb account to do vr, so probably no to this. Didn't know meta bought them.

          Apart from not being able to install base stations and wanting to stay in an open env like steam, I have no ideas.

      • Yeah, most games run on Steam VR. There are ways of running Oculus exclusives on a different headset, though, I haven't looked recently.

        I went from a Samsung Odyssey+ to a Quest 2. Much of my use is standalone, though I do occasionally use Airlink. PCVR is much better visually.

        At this point, I'd hang onto what you have and see what comes out next.

        • I've always been a bit confused about oculus and exclusive. The market is so small I don't get why they will try to Limit their users even further.

          What Do you see as the future of gaming? Apart from things like Beat saber which have lasted for years and probably don't need super new Tech I can't really imagine much as I haven't looked around much.

          • @furyou: Interesting question - The Q2 is my second headset. I had a Samsung Odyssey + before that. I don't feel VR will take off for gaming. I think it is going to remain niche for years to come.

            Obviously, this will vary depending on a user's own situation, but I've found that when you get home at the end of a day, you may not feel like playing VR as it often requires standing or some level of physical activity. For this reason, I don't think "flat" gaming is going anywhere. I think in years to come, there may be a bit more of a focus on portable gaming with devices like the Steam Deck.

            I still think VR is worth the buy-in - even a Quest 2, or cheap WMR headset is going to be an awesome experience. We'll know more once the next generations of headset are released. I would be holding out for that or potentially just buying Q2 if I could find one cheaply if I didn't already have a VR headset.

            HL Alyx was one of the more memorable gaming experiences. I've really like Beat Saber, Super Hot, Pistol Whip. I've also used it to chat with friends in VR which has been great.

    • +3

      WMR is practically stagnant and there are rumors HP is exiting the VR industry.

      WMR is more than likely dead. No headsets for 2.5 years, nothing announced.

      I'd be extremely hesitant to buy in based on that alone and where we are on other product cycles.

      • good riddance, absolute piece of shit, biggest regret buying this headset

        • +1

          Shame, I had a pretty good experience with my WMR Samsung Odyssey+.

    • Well put.

      I have been deliberating over the G2 since launch for sim racing but everyone I know who has one said it was a nightmare so I stuck with the rift S (and I have an oculus quest 2 which I've never even used).

      I am looking forward to eye tracking headsets when they come out.

      The PSVR2 looks good but ultimately pointless as it's on a console only and will die an untimely death like the original.
      Typical Sony self-own.

  • Im waiting for apple MR headset. reality pro

  • If you can get hold of one, Pico 4 beats this and Quest 2 for PCVR. By a distance.

  • +1

    yeah I really don't wanna go back to a wired headset been using the Quest 2 on wifi 6 to my PC for ages it works so well with pc games. I have the PSVR 2 and I am not liking the wired connection lol.

    • I hear there is a bit of lag running this way. Is that true?

      I could test it but I can't be bothered setting it up lol.

      • zero lag I play beat saber at expert+ its really good at reducing the response time, early days it wasn't as good, but now there is almost no difference between wired and wireless. providing you have a good wifi 6 or wifi 5 connection.

        • your pc needs wifi? or pc lan to router then to wifi?

          • @furyou: wifi direct from pc I use a direct connection and not go through a router.

  • I have an amazing WiFi 6 network.

    Will have to try it.

    Thank you for your feedback!

  • I had a phenomenal time with the G2 playing Dirty Rally 2, but admittedly it's been 12 months since I've last used it.

    I'd be happy to offload my used headset if anyone is interested - pm me.

  • I've had my Reverb G2 (rev 1) for just over two years now and am quite happy with it. I use it pretty much exclusively with Microsoft Flight Simulator (probably 1000+ hours wearing), but also had a brief fling with Half Life Alyx which is an excellent VR title and a good 100+ hours of American and Euro Truck Simulator. For MSFS, it is excellent although it does have a narrow visual sweetspot that I fairly quickly got used to.

    I did have problems with the original cable the headset came with, but HP gave me a free upgrade to a V2 cable when I asked them for it while it was still under warranty. The new cable is much better, but it can still take a couple of goes before WMR will fire up properly before a VR session. Once I am in VR, it is pretty rock solid.

    If mine broke, I would likely buy another as it is the lovable devil I know and the V2 headsets are reportedly much more reliable.

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