This was posted 1 year 9 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Woolworths Foldable Bag & Reusable Shopping Bag $0.49 Each (Was $0.99) @ Woolworths


Edit: looks like the deal is gone overnight in QLD, SA, WA, NT & ACT.
However it's still 49c in VIC, NSW & TAS, not sure why.

Edit2: Looks like Foldable Bag has gone up back to regular price but Reusable Shopping Bag remains $0.49

I love these foldable bags.
It's tiny and compact when folded, very handy to put 2-3 in my jacket's pocket when I get off the driver seat,
yet very strong and durable. I never break one unless you use a pair of scissors to cut it.
It can easily carry at least 7kg, but it's not big enough for 3L milk or large box of cereals or meat.
I usually leave a cartbox in my car boot and put those large items in it so I don't need a bag.

It was once 3 for $1.98 back in 2021 so I think it's at historic low price now.
Bought 10 anyway lol.

Reusable Shopping Bags are also 49c now, they are larger but not durable at all. I don't like it.…
$1.50 Ikea blue bags are much better than it.…

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closed Comments

  • Why not 4 or 5, jackets are so roomy nowadays

    • Not for most ozbargainers.

  • +2

    I take the paper ones for free when receiving woolies deliveries.

    • you mean the oddly designed plastic ones? that they use for online deliveries ?- They are quite weak compared to other ones

      • You mean the bags for refrigerated/frozen goods? I swear they make them as hard to reuse as possible

        • I think so, its like there plastic bag, but Wider in width, shorter in height.
          and so much thinner in thickness.

          They often have a white label attached on outside of them saying online ORDER details

          edit: the middle one there I think

          • @USER DC: Yeah sounds like the kind I normally get with frozen goods (and maybe refrigerated? Been a while since I've done deliveries)

            Think it's for their own benefit managing orders as even if you don't pay for bags frozen stuff come in those.

            Edit: think the middle is just the standard ones? But definitely know the ones you're referring to. The "some items may come packaged in reusable bags for food safety reasons" on that page might be the reason for these.

          • +1

            @USER DC: yeah its used for the online orders. called the 'online' bag

      • +2

        No the brown paper ones.

        • +1

          They are actually 25¢ each.

          I am old enough to remember when coles and woolies would put all you goods in paper bags for free, let alone the grey plastic ones (still have a few of those, but they are starting to biodegrade unfortunately. Last things I want to wrap my shoes in now for the suitcase.)
          The Corporate types must have just loved the extra kick to profits those plastic bag bans created.

    • When you click & collect they're not free. You pay $2 per order for them.
      Are they free when you get deliveries?

      • +2

        They're free if you're on delivery unlimited

      • Last time I did click and collect I selected no bags and they put them in bags. I ordered 30 packets of beef jerky so I guess they figured bags were mandatory.

  • +5

    The real question… Fold or scrunch. :D

    • +2

      An ex workmate of mine made a website to ask this question many years ago, it went ballistic for a while.

  • +5

    i had one, the stitching came apart after 1 shop.

      • +5

        thanks, i had cold milk in them

        • -6

          How was getting a replacement?
          Did the replacement come apart?

          (Please go into great detail, maybe add a dragon or two)

          • +2

            @ihfree: havent been back to woolies.
            bad experience with the bag so ill avoid them

          • -1


            Yikes! Talk about flawed logic and copium.

            Only you are in control of your emotional state.

            Oh, it's a joke. In that case Wow. So funny. How original. Much laugh. 1/7.

            -ihfree's "Cool Story", 2023 (AKA "Requiem for Being Insufferable")

            • +2

              @SpainKing: Thanks for the cherry pick of my comments - I'd suggest reading them them in context rather than a hit job. I could do the same with your comment history - but out of context quotes is a pretty low move.

              Humour is highly subjective. Not all jokes land and sometimes they are downvoted. Playing it safe for fear of downvotes makes for boring discussion.

              In this case, one bag tearing by itself isn't really too useful information and effectively a "cool story", IMO. I've had many a product fail and received a replacement which has functioned fine. The initial failure by itself isn't too meaningful.

              If Ozbargain, disagrees and wants to downvote my comments or even this comment, so be it.

              • +1

                @ihfree: I would read them in context but that doesn't seem like a great investment of time given how I saw you react with the context here. I don't have to cherry pick when those were all in the past month

                No doubt my own comment history could be used to make me look bad; I accept that it was probably not the best way to act in those moments. Quoting you doesn't feel like it should be considered any more of a low blow than it was when you originally made the statements mocking others

                Humour is highly subjective, most people agree that being a dick unnecessarily isn't super funny though. Using memes that are past their prime like 'Cool story bro, more dragons next time", "Damn Daniel", "What're those‽" is often regarded as passé/cringe, especially when in an attempt to bring others down

                "Playing it safe" ≠ "condescending others for sharing their experience". All you've done is made it less likely for the OP to share their experience in future for fear of being belittled

                What they said is more useful to the discussion than you saying "cool story". It provides roughly as much as someone saying "lol". It feels like the use of the phrase is purely to make you feel superior to whoever you're responding to without providing anything valuable in return

                I think it's evident that OzBargainers don't endorse that kind of behaviour given the votes your initial comments got. Regardless, I appreciate you explaining yourself and doing it so reasonably/respectfully, I hope this serves to explain my actions in turn

                • @SpainKing: Thank you for the response. It's always nice getting a reply over a simple neg.

                  Though, it does seem that you do not understand my point. You have stripped the quoted comments of their context. You have quoted my responses to what I consider comments made in bad faith to misinform, gaslight, or imply that mental help is required. I could even take things a step further and say that you are agreeing with the views put forward by those posters by criticising my responses to them - Anti-Vegan/vegetarian, pro animal-cruelty, climate change denying poster, alt-right SpainKing…

                  As an example, I could take this recent comment of yours -

                  A reaction like this is pathetic.

                  People are free to react how they want and shouldn't be gaslit!

                  Anyway, I appreciate the intent of your comment, even if I don't entirely agree, and will take elements into account in future.

                  • +1

                    @ihfree: I responded because you weren't throwing a tantrum and being unreasonable. Getting a neg on my comment isn't a big deal, especially when I'm communicating with the culprit

                    No context was stripped away from this situation, you were just responding like a dick. This led me to the assumption that you would've made similar responses elsewhere so I sought them out. In context your quotes are reasonable and condescending. This likely means that while you had some sense of superiority or power posting the comment, whoever you responded to is likely to be further engrained in their views

                    You're not just taking it a step further, it's more of a logical leap of faith to say my criticisms of you must make me a member of a tribe that hates animals, the planet or vegans. It's like accusing someone of being a sexist when they say they don't like carrots.

                    My criticism of you was regarding this situation, using all the context available in the situation. The fact that I used comments you made elsewhere doesn't influence that or change the context here

                    A reaction like this is pathetic

                    Again, this was using the commenters own words to make a point. You also removed the end of my comment which seems dissonant for someone talking about how important context is

                    People can act/react how they want and others are free to criticise, as that itself is a reaction. Playing it safe by not calling out bully-ish behaviour just allows that behaviour to continue unimpeded and I would like OzBargain to be a bit less negative and allow people to share their experiences (when relevant) without fear of being mocked

                    Glad to hear even with our disagreements it may have influenced your behaviour, sorry for being so critical and longwinded. Enjoy your Sunday

                    • +1


                      whoever you responded to is likely to be further engrained in their views

                      I don't like misinformation and they're not changing their mind regardless - they're trolling and they are treated as such. I believe you are effectively gas lighting here, intentional or not.

                      As a previous member of a few niche communities frequently under attack from trolls, I will admit my actions are a bit more on the harsh side to this form of communication.

                      If they are open to proper communication, i'm up for that as well.

                      You're not just taking it a step further..

                      Yeah, actually this is another common pattern used to discredit people. You've stood up in defence of users with questionable views. You are now in with them. I don't agree with it and think it's another low blow. I've just given it as an example of another negative way of communicating on forums which I think falls in roughly with your original tactic.

                      You also removed the end of my comment which seems dissonant for someone talking about how important context is

                      Once again, just an example. It's a full sentence - so there's that. It's part of your communication that has been stripped of its context. You are basically complaining about the same thing I have complained about.

                      I stand by what I said - you've used an extremely toxic method attempting to discredit me. It's not really all that big a deal - given where it is, but still.

                      Playing it safe by not calling out bully-ish behaviour just allows that behaviour to continue unimpeded and I would like OzBargain to be a bit less negative and allow people to share their experiences (when relevant) without fear of being mocked

                      This is a great goal and I support that. I think we've spent far too much time on this. Likewise - Enjoy your Sunday

        • +2

          I hate the woolies 3 Liter milks. They don’t have a seal within the cap and leak when you lie them down in the fridge. Coles home brand milk has a seal in them. I live remote and have to make big shops. 15l milk in a shop is normal.

    • +1

      I have two and use them almost eveytime i shop. Almost bern two years. Looks obviously old but still works.

  • -2

    Thanks, bought 100

    • +10

      Username does not check out

    • +2

      Why so little

    • Was cleaning out “my” car (daughter calls it hers these days) the other day and found about 20 of these bags in there, and she doesn’t do the grocery shop. I figure she just buys one every time she needs some snacks or something around at a friends, never thinking to take one in with her.

      • +1

        the supermarkets love these types of people

  • -4

    Paying for around 2-3 bags a week 30c to 45c is no deterrent to carry bags . They should have made it $1 and then maybe some people will use trolleys instead. Besides that the little saving the world inconvenience here is not saving the world from the 2 largest countries that doesn't give a stuff.

    BTW 99c for me no special .

    • Bet you are fun at parties.

  • +10

    i just use empty boxes from store now.

    • +1

      Ditto, do this as well if I don't have bags with me.

    • +14

      Yes, please take them! It makes our job much easier and we don’t have to compact so much cardboard

      • I know WW is phasing out the 15c bag, but do you know if they are going to keep the foldable bag?
        If they will no longer be available, I think I will go get some more.

        • +1

          No word on the foldable bags unfortunately, as far as I know they will continue to be available.

    • +3

      One technically could also simply just take some bags from their Red Cycle bin (given you do not make mess I doubt they'll have problems)

      I have seen customers put like Brand new like bags there too

      • +5

        Thought the red cycle bins are no longer in store (since the program is binned)

        • +1

          Oh, yeah seems like you are right

    • Boxes were fashionable back when franklins had the box dumping corner at the checkouts….

      Now that also, woolworths and coles stock shelves in boxes, i see a lot more people grabbing those boxes.

    • -1

      i find the "half" boxes like the powerade and pringles ones are easier to carry around than a shopping basket. then it's straight into the car.

      bonus: the cats get a new bed/shred toy

  • +4

    I used to use the plastic ones as bin liners. But now that they just have the paper bags, is there anything wrong with just using them once and recycling them? Isn't the wood used for the paper a source of carbon capture, compared to reusing a bag like this one which doesn't help fund more carbon capture.

    • +4

      Guess you have to. I wonder how much energy it takes to continually manufacture, use and recycle paper bags, rather than continually using one plastic bag.

      • +1

        Yes, I did ask ChatGPT that. Chat thinks that the energy factor could be nullified by using renewable energy, but there would be no escaping the water used to manufacture the paper bags. Whether the water cost would be worth the carbon capture Chat could not tell me.

      • Problem is most don't recycle them.

    • Using no bag would be more environmentally friendly

      • Using no bag captures no carbon. By using paper bags you are helping fund new plantations for artificial forests.

        • +1

          still some carbon from using tap water to clean the bin. The good about paper bags is they are broken down easily

      • Using no bag would be more environmentally friendly

        That's a great idea.

        Just drive there and back multiple times per day and only buy what you can carry.

        That will save the environment.

        • That meant for the bin. Though for shopping I have all items straight from trolley into a box or this - no bag sorted

          • -2


            Though for shopping I have all items straight from trolley

            You'd need two trolleys then at the register.

            • @jv: 2 large trolleys could feed a big family for 2 weeks aha

          • @bcYield: That’s still technically a bag though.

            • @jjjaar: Well we can call it a container, a long-term used one

        • Is your car smaller because you didn't use a bag..your the winner of the stupid comment award…

  • +6

    'member when bags were free? I 'member

    • Member the 80s?

      • +1

        Why yes I do. It was a better world. Square bottle of bundy could be bought for $9.50.
        No iPhones so parents couldn’t track you.
        Petrol for 33¢/l, and no excise at all in Queensland.

        Grocery bags were free.

        Also midnight oil were young.

        • Oh, I member

    • Do you remember the milk man and the egg man?

      The idea is to reduce plastic waste.

  • +1

    I bought heaps of bags for 20c each when they used to sell "Bag for good" . My car boot is full of them so I always have some extra if I forget to carry from home.

    • -1

      i still have a small stash i got for free across my multiple everyday rewards accounts. only put a few small holes in the first bag - still using it for light duty stuff.

  • +14

    don't know why my mates pay 300+ for a bag when this is literally less than a dollar…idiots.

    • +5

      Write “GUCCI” (or their fave label) on it in permanent market and give it to them for their birthday.

  • Bought this about 8 years ago, back when they came in a nice holder bag. Still have them, a few had stitching loosen up, but easily fixed. The trick is to not load each bag up too much. Going to stock up more, since Woolies will stop selling this once finished.

    • Yes! It is a nice bag with a clip and everything. Wonder why they stopped selling it like that

  • I just use a 15c bag and an elastic band if necessary lol, bigger size and still fits in pocket XD

  • +5

    remember the “bag for life” ….i have about 6 which are now broken, and seems woolies doesn’t sell them anymore as their police was “ we will swap broken ones and recycle the broken one” ….. with the days of free bags gone selling bags must be lucrative for supermarkets …..

    • +6

      This is how they got out of replacing them like they promised -just by discontinuing them.

    • +7

      I took one in last weekend and they swapped it for a bag like OP's

  • I have 4 cooler bags(mix of woolies, coles and aldi bought). These live in my car boot. Been using them for few years now with no issues. These are strong, easily hold 2x 3ltr milk bottles+ other stuff. I think these are the ones can be sold for re use.
    Yes, these can not be folderld and carry in jacket pocket.
    ..all the other ones including the cloth bags size/ quality has gone down significantly in the recent years as the supermarkets seem to be using them to.make money as opposed to contributing to the environment.
    Super markets should be forced to release these reusable bags cost and sale numbers to ensure any profit they are making should donated to environmental protection use.

    • I miss the original reusable bags that were made of the thicker material and had the insert on the bottom. I’ve got a couple of Coles bags like that which are probably nearing 20yo and they’re still useable. The handles are looking a little tatty and the fabric is stained here & there but I reckon they’ve saved using thousands of poly bags over the years, and they have outlived a couple of these woven nylon bags as well.

  • +1

    Ikea bag is great for the hobo asthetic.

    • +1

      Woolies bag is so iconic, coles can't even compete. We need a bag tier list

  • ZOMG foldable

  • +2

    I use Ikea blue bag for the shopping. Super sturdy!
    All grocery goes directly in the single bag!
    Transfer the big bag into trolley and then in the car. No need to pick multiple bags! :-)
    Checkout is super fast and no unnecessary plastic.

  • -1

    I buy bulk plastic bags off ebay

    To counter my massive guilt i often open up overpackaged food at woolies and just throw it in their bins

    There is no massive guilt….

    • often wonder when i go shopping whether im buying food or mainly packaging and air?

  • $0.99 in the woolies app
    Perhaps they are cheaper in store.

    • +1

      the deal is over. were half price last night but then went full price. didn't last long.

      • Mongrels

      • i bought the pm today for 50c

    • Still showing 49c on the website for me in Vic.

    • Can confirm it's still $0.49 in app in Victoria

  • I'm in WA. Both bags OP mentioned have been showing $0.99 when deal was posted last night and this morning in the app

    Edit: I changed postcode to Vic and the first bag is also $0.99.
    However the second bag (classic tote) OP posted is half price $0.49 in Vic. Checked 3 postcodes in Vic

    • Just checked all the capital cities, in app, in store, looks like only Vic, NSW & Tas are still 49c (foldable)

      • How strange I can't get 49c for the foldable one when I checked a few Vic postcodes

        • I checked QV (3000), Chadstone and Southland. All of them shows 49c.

          • @AsukaST: I checked the 3 stores you mentioned and shows 49c only when I type in the app. When I used your link above, it still assesses my app with the Vic postcode but shows 99c

  • +1

    Confirmed 49c at Doncaster East store.

    Ticketed price is 99c but scans as 49c

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