I am not sure about you guys but by analysing the incident frame by frame, it looks like a blatant hit and run. The driver should turn themselves in.
Mod: Removed zip file. Use Imgur, OzBargain upload etc.
I went through the video frame by frame and although it appears that the woman looks like they are jumping towards the car in the video, this does not appear in the still images. This is because of the nature of how the dash cam is mounted to a moving object and the how the car brakes have been put on and the suspension is making the video bounce upwards because the dash cam is also part of that car, giving the illusion that the woman is jumping to some extent at around images 13 to 15 because it is inertia from the bounce we see at 8 to 9. Pay attention to the bonnet.
That is because the car is still travelling and if you slow down and look at it frame by frame, it becomes more obvious that the person is not moving at all and it is just the car that is moving.
This is definitely in my opinion an obvious situation where the driver was wrong. I mean come on, how can you be so silly to post evidence where you are possibly committing an offence…
"A Picture tells a thousand tales"