During COVID, the RBA started quantitative easing - for the first time in Australia (in a significant way at least), my sources say this was ~$300,000,000,000 of bonds bought (300b of public debt)
My understanding is that this 300b was new money (created by fiat, by the RBA). Since our annual expenditure servicing our debt is now the same as the annual cost of Medicare (and growing) why can't the RBA simply cancel the debt?
Yes your comment goes a long way to prove that the masses are thick.
The current financial system has issues, but it is also quite good.
The issue generally lie with people who do understand how the system works and leverage that to their own advantage (abuse the system at the expense of others).
People with knowledge of any system always have advantages over those that do not know.
I am sure if you had that knowledge you would also take advantage of it as well (humans and greed).
As you appear to lack that knowledge, all you can do is rage against the machine.