Anyone on here refinanced their mortgage with a full offset account & obtained a substantial cash incentive?
Of those, did you still get a substantial incentive when the entire mortgage was offset by the savings account?
How often have you refinanced continually using mortgage offset accounts? Every 6 months? 12 months?
(If anyone's wondering, having the entire mortgage offset with savings gives you an effective interest rate of whatever the mortgage rate is, circa ~ 6%. Additionally it's untaxed, unlike a savings account, so the effective rate is circa 8-10% depending on your personal income tax rate. You can then use the savings if & when required)
Yes have done it many times, at least once every 12 months. Always get the cahsback.
Only some brokers will consider the 'net loan balance' as part of their own additional cashback scheme. However, banks only seem to care about the loan value (and don't care that it has been offset).