Does Anyone know of any special deals for flights Brisbane to Singapore Return in September coming up with Singapore Airlines or Qantas?
Is now a good time to book or should I wait?
Does Anyone Know of Any Special Deals for Flights Brisbane to Singapore Return in September Coming up

I'm sorry, but I haven't come across any discounted crystal balls recently, so unfortunately, I cannot be of assistance in that regard.
Don’t count on it. F1 in SG and school holidays in September you’re unlikely to get cheap flights there in the mid to rear half of September. Cheapest I paid some years ago was a bit over $1000 flying Qantas on the F1 weekend
If you see flights for a price you’re happy to pay just buy them
Thanks Good Advise :)
For international flights on traditional full service carriers you should almost always book sooner rather than later. Airlines have a number of tickets in each price bucket and as the cheapest ones sell out then they increase the price for the next bucket and so on until the last tickets are sold for the highest price.
The only time it might get cheaper is when the airline sees low demand and tickets are not selling as well as expected. When this happens they'll often try to change the plane assigned to the flight to a smaller one with less seats so its more full or they'll open up extra frequent flyer ticket availability. Only when they can't change planes or sell the tickets as frequent flyer seats will they lower the price of the buckets through a "sale". The chance of this happening in a peek period like school holidays to a popular destination like Singapore is near zero.
Low cost carriers like Jetstar do occasionally shake this model up by having a genuine sale where prices are reduced but it's often done in a way that ensures the sale tickets are midweek at unpopular times in the hope that you'll book the return flight on a more costly ticket and balance it out. They also tend to do these sales far in advance when they have many ticket buckets to sell rather than only a few months out when far less are available.
Good luck. If I was you I'd buy your tickets for September as soon as possible.