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Free a2 Milk Lactose-Free 1L (Full Cream or Light) @ Woolworths via Everyday Rewards (Activation Required, In-store Only)


Offer can only be enjoyed once during the promotional period. At Woolworths Supermarkets and Woolworths Metro only. This offer is not available on Everyday Market from Woolworths purchases, at Woolworths Online, any Ampol Woolworths MetroGo or via Metro 60.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    +1 from homelander

  • +1

    Got this last week. Quality milk.

    • +3

      I prefer A1 quality milk… I wouldn’t touch this second-class stuff if it was free

      • +1

        As far as LF milk goes, I prefer this over home brand and Rokeby Farms (regularly $2 on special, or $3.20). Zymils is better but $4 is a bit rich lol.

        If we are comparing dollar for dollar though then no, I wouldn't pay for it being the same price as Zymils.

        The power of free I guess 🤣

        • +1

          Zymil has taken a bath quality wise over 2 years

          • @mousie: .. and is still the best imo. There's really not much competition in the LF market lol

            How I'd love to see a Norco LF available nearby.

            • +1

              @pennypincher98: There's a little competition. I've seen a few in WA. *not all brands have all variants.
              HiLo or Low Fat=H
              Full Cream=FC

              Brownes (H/FC)
              Harvey Fresh (S/H/FC)
              Hunter Brew (FC)
              Paul Zymils (S/H/FC)
              A2 (H/FC)
              Coles (H/FC)
              Woolworths (H/FC)

              Liddells (S/H/FC)
              Harvey Fresh (S/H/FC)
              Paul Zymils (S/H/FC)
              Coles (H/FC)
              IGA CommunityCo (H/FC)
              Woolworths (H/FC)

              I could've of missed some..

              Tried most. Paul's fresh was top shelf when they first came out. No where near me sells it now. Harvey my goto for fresh (Brownes good too) and liddells for uht.

              I regularly drink Fresh/UHT HiLo - I don't drink coffee or tea so rarely have FC.

              • @cobknob: Barramba in NSW..
                Not ozbargain worthy though, it's luxury

  • +3

    There have been no 1 litre bottles of this in any of the Woolies within 40km of me since I got the offer about 4-5 days ago. Disappointed.

    • That usually happens with most Woolies freebies.

      • +2

        and Coles freebies.

        • I find the Coles ones are easier to find.

    • +3

      I'm happy to use yours and give you an honest review on it if you like.

    • +5

      Why downvote when it is similar to other popular OzBargain posts that run out of stock quickly

      • his 1 downvote will contribute to his local stores having 100 more in stock tomorrow

    • +1

      Try after 8pm if possible, that's when i got mine while they they were restocking

    • +1

      That’s no reason to Neg the deal.

      • -2

        Of course it is.

        Read the voting rules.

        • -1

          I have. Have you?

          Negative votes are not allowed just because a deal doesn’t apply to somebody.

          • -2


            I have. Have you?

            Yes, so then you know that voting -ve is allowed.

            just because a deal doesn’t apply to somebody.

            It looks like you haven't read the reason for the -ve vote.

            • @jv: What is the reason for the negative vote, according to you?

              • @A-B:

                "There have been no 1 litre bottles of this in any of the Woolies within 40km of me since I got the offer about 4-5 days ago."

    • -1

      Well there would've been a shipment within the 5 days you've received this offer but you just were too slow.

    • I found them at the third store I went to. It was a Metro.

    • My local Woolies is lucky to have more than 5 bottles of LF milk normally. It’s pretty common to only have LF skim home brand in stock.

    • +1

      There were a few in Middle Camberwell. Though it's not in with the normal milk section. It's in the lactose free milk section.
      It was hard to find in that it looks like all the others.
      Also, my offer said last day to redeem was today.

  • Got this last week. $3.90 usual price in NSW.

  • Damn. Didnt get this but got a happy anniversary. Shop at woolies spend 0.01c and get 5000 pts.

    • Wow. Mine was spend 1c for 500 points.still won't get me much closer to getting $10 off a shop

      • Get everyday rewards extra membership - better value!

    • The trick is spending exactly one-hundredth of a cent. A bit of a challenge, but you can try insisting that they charge you for cooling off in the veggies sprayer. Or maybe go in real early and say, “The bakery smells great… you should charge for admission!”

  • +8

    I just want milk that tastes like free milk.

    • There are many sources of free milk that are not cow based.

    • +3

      Low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light skim, omega 3, high calcium with vitamin D and folate or extra dollop?

  • +1

    does it taste like milk? can i use this to make lactose free yogurt?

    • +1

      yeah it tastes like milk, but dont know what you add to you yoghurt to make it lactose free after the fact.

      • +1
        • +4

          Don't need to add any lactase enzymes. In lactose-free milk the lactose is converted to galactose and glucose (by the addition of lactase) so there is no remaining lactose. Fermenting yoghurt from lactose-free milk means you utilise the glucose instead, as most bacteria can ferment from glucose (fermenting galactose is less common), so you end up with lactose-free yoghurt because lactose isn't a product of fermentation, it's a substrate. A Lactobacillus lactis and Lactobacillus bulgaricus starter culture will ferment yoghurt from glucose fine, something like a Lactobacillus helveticus will utilise both galactose and glucose so there would be no remaining carbohydrates in your yoghurt.

          • +3

            @bobbysac: To add to that, lactose-free milk tastes sweeter but contains the same amount of sugar, just in the form of glucose. Our body tastes glucose as sweeter because it is easy for us to digest, thus it is preferred in it's simple glucose form.

        • +1

          Keep in mind lactose free products are batch tested for lactose and are 99% generally lactose free to the extent the lab test sensitivity is. Tablets or drops taken with lactose containing foods will not convert all the lactose in your product to galactose before it reaches your small intestines which is where all the problems start. The drops sound a lot better than tabs I've used in the past but how do I use em with a soft serve dam it!

  • Why would you buy a cow

    • +2

      Because you want more than a litre?

    • +4

      You wouldn't download a cow

      • +1

        I'd pirate one!

        • The Pirate Moo

          • +1

            @bdl: Was thinking about that classic piracy trailer for dvds

  • +1

    When does promo period end?

    • +1

      I think it might be different for everyone. Mine showed up last week and ended today.

  • +3

    Got this yesterday. It scans up the full price but it gets taken off the total after you press PAY (if using the self checkout).

    From what i can see, the lactose free version seems like just the regular A2 milk but with added lactase enzymes which is great since I don’t need to remind myself to take lacteeze before consuming.

    • +2

      This confused me as I’m meant to be on a strictly no-lactose diet at the moment. I’m still not sure whether it doesn’t contain lactose or if it does but also has the enzyme, or if there’s a difference.

      The nutritional info says each serving has Lactose - ND (meaning Not Detected) so I’ve just been drinking it hoping that it doesn’t have lactose

      • +5

        The point of them adding lactase to the milk already means all the lactose is aleady all broken down to glucose so your body doesn't need to try to convert the lactose to glucose.

        Basically if lactase is added to something containing lactose then eventually all the lactose will be removed. If they can't detect it then that's because all the lactose is gone and has ended up as glucose in your milk.

        • +2

          Thanks! Makes sense

          • +3

            @ChadHominem: No worries - hope it helps.

            If you're testing for intolerances a good place to start is a hydrogen breath test. They give you sugars (lactose, fructose etc.) and if they don't end up being broken down to glucose in your body, then they end up as undigested and ferment in your colon by bacteria, which produces hydrogen gas. So the tests measure hydrogen gas as it indicates an intolerance to certain sugars.

            • +1

              @bobbysac: Thanks, I didn’t know about that test. Might give it a try!

              I’m actually not testing for intolerances, just trying to kill off certain gut bacteria with antibiotics and dietary restrictions. My doctor and dietitian advised me to avoid sugar or things like lactose that convert into sugar for a few months. Although now you’ve mentioned that the lactose has already to converted to glucose in the milk I’m wondering whether that’s still consuming sugar. Maybe I should drink something else lol

              • @ChadHominem: Oh right, fair enough, hope the restriction diet works out for you.

                Hydrogen breath test also can test for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) where they just give you glucose instead, so it gives additional info than just on intolerances.

                But yeah definitely stick with the GPs advice, just something to consider.

  • Got mine on the weekend. Wife prefers the lactose free. Nothing better than free lactose free.

  • +1

    I only drink lactose free milk so I was pretty happy to get this offer. It took me visiting 3 Woolworths to actually find one that stocked it. It tastes fine and even better when it's free

    • +1

      The free tour of two additional Woolworths supermarkets really is the icing on the cake with a fee-free freebie such as this completely-free, free-of-cost, free product promotion

      • +3

        The Amazing Race: Everyday (Rewards) Edition

    • It took me visiting 3 Woolworths to actually find one that stocked it.

      So how much did it cost you in time & fuel to get this for free?

      • +1

        Ozbargainer values their time at $0/hr and with solar recharging eneloop powered e-bike it cost $0 after initial purchase of specialised solar panels, rechargeable eneloops and custom made e-bike. But hey, it saves $3 on bus fares!

  • +1

    Dropped in at 9.30pm to pickup some regular milk and grabbed this too. Didn't realise they charged me for it until I got home, even know I boosted the offer and scanned my card 😯

    • +1


    • A2 helps you poo - if you're lactose intolerant

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