This was posted 1 year 10 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off Australian SSD Web Hosting (Recurring Lifetime Discount) - from $3.48/Month @ Obble Hosting


50% Lifetime off SSD Web Hosting - LiteSpeed Web Server - From $34.75 / Year

Been a few months since one of our deals. For the month of may you can get 50% discount on all SSD hosting services (Lifetime discount, not just a one time use!)

Happy to answer any questions in the comments, even if just web-hosting related to try help out those new to hosting, websites, and everything else.

(We also offer free migration assistance for annual plans, cPanel to cPanel)

Quick info:

  • Sydney SSD Web Hosting utilizing LiteSpeed
  • Local Australian support
  • Over 4.97 / 5 star review average on all platforms
  • cPanel, Software Installer, Free SSL Certificates & more

SSD Web Hosting Page here - From $34.75 / Year

Starter SSD Intermediate SSD Premium SSD
Storage 5GB SSD 15GB SSD 30GB SSD
CPU Allowance 100% 200% 300%
Memory Allowance 2GB 4GB 6GB
Domains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Databases Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
SSL Free LetsEncrypt Free LetsEncrypt Free LetsEncrypt
Location Sydney Sydney Sydney
Control Panel cPanel cPanel cPanel
WebServer LiteSpeed LiteSpeed LiteSpeed
RRP (Monthly) $6.95 $14.95 $27.95
Discounted Price (Monthly) $3.48 $7.48 $13.98
RRP (Annual) $69.50 $149.50 $279.50
Discounted Price (Annual) $34.75 $74.75 $139.75

Terms and conditions

  • Discount valid for lifetime of the subscription, valid for upgrades & downgrades
  • Discount valid until May 31st 2023
  • Valid for only our SSD plans

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closed Comments

  • Like I have posted above, if you have any questions about anything remotely in the industry, feel free to ask here and will be happy to advise, especially for those new to this sort of stuff. It can be quite overwhelming so happy to help out (Even if you're not a customer, and don't plan on it).

    Have a great day everyone :)

    • What is 100% CPU and how does it relate to "cores" metric?

      • Hi, so it means that your website(s) can utilize up to 100% of a CPU core. 200% = 100% of 2 CPU cores, so on.

        If your sites are constantly using 100% of a core then there's probably an issue somewhere. But it allows for burst traffic and resource intensive scripts.


    • +2

      Hi. Firstly we're not a reseller host. We have dedicated servers in Sydney, for transparency these are from OVH (So we don't own the hardware). But they are full dedicated servers managed by us, and we have quite a few with them.

      I'm having a look at Siteground plans now, it depends what plan you're on, so I'll try compare based on their website info:
      - Pricing wise it seems their discounted price listed is for the first 12 months only, so then increases to $20-$50/mo, depending on plan. Ours stays at the listed price (Either $3.48-$13.98 depending on plan)
      - All of our plans have unlimited websites, they have a limit on the StartUp plan of 1 site but unlimited on their higher plans
      - Our plans are 5GB / 15GB / 30GB storage. So their smallest plan has double the space of ours, then slightly more on the other two plans just at a higher cost
      - We both provide backups, they have a longer backup retention period and more (We have lesser intervals for backups).
      - Other features seem pretty much the same, general stuff such as Free SSL, WordPress installation, Security, caching, etc is all similar.
      - They do have 30 day money back, we have 14 day money back.

      Hope that helps a bit, happy to answer any further questions. Cheers.

    • I switched recently from Siteground. I was personally annoyed that they had gotten rid of cPanel and their prices are quite steep once their promo period is over. Having said that I found their support to be very good.

      But Obble, so far so good :)

  • Didn't your "lifetime prices" just increase for those on your subsidiary Stealth, that just merged with you?

    If so, isn't it misleading to advertise a "lifetime price" when this is just not true?

    I think this is a good deal still, but I just feel some more transparency is necessary.

    • +2


      Of course - happy to answer this. Stealth is planned to merge (was a while back, but was held up) and the pricing of Stealth was planned to increase to match Obble pricing.

      Stealth was purchased a while ago and they had very low pricing (still does). With some hosting plans $2.25/month. We've incurred a lot of costs lately which is fine, we've absorbed these costs. Unfortunately on the Stealth side of things, it's becoming not very profitable (Just barely). Hence the decision to merge Stealth with Obble, to save on costs and the hassle of running two separate businesses and all things associated with that. This way the pricing can stay at the prices we have here at Obble for longer.

      But you are correct, we had a lifetime discount on Stealth and this has increased. Essentially what happened was Stealth pricing had to increase in line with Obble (Or is planned to), and anyone on an existing discount with Stealth will have their pricing increased to the Obble equivalent ($2.25/$2.50 -> $3.48/mo).

      The 50% discount will always remain, but ultimately if our actual pricing increases then the discounted price will also increase. It's something we really don't want to do. Obble hasn't had a single price increase since starting the business, and that's fine because we have been able to quite easily absorb our supplier & running costs. We still anticipate to be able to do so for quite a long time too. It was just that Stealth was/is running on such tight margins that it wasn't feasible. The cost per account for a cPanel license is something like $0.40 USD, so that's over 25% of the actual sale price.

      Happy to keep answering more questions - I really didn't mean to mislead anyone with the post or future changes. It's an unfortunate time with the cost of living & cost of everything rising.

      • +1

        Thanks for the transparency!

        So the 50% is for lifetime, but the price itself could increase. Seems reasonable and yeah, do think this is a good deal.

        • +1

          Yeah that's right. It does sound 'scammy' if we post '50% discount forever, but we could triple our prices tomorrow'.

          But technically yes - However, as mentioned above, it's not something we have planned for Obble or want to do. We have decent support here usually on OzBargain and good reviews/reputation online for a smaller hosting provider. So it's not worth losing that over a few $$.

          Thanks for your comment :)

  • Hi,
    Just wondering what you inode limits are on these plans?

    • Hi, inode limits are 400k for all plans. We can do some increases for higher plans at no charge as required (generally up to about 500/550k). Most don't get close to this limit at all.

  • Any deals on VPS?

    • +1

      You can send us an email to [email protected] and we can possibly organize a discount.

      It depends on the plan you're wanting to get. We have more flexibility on the larger plans, not so much on the small VPS plans though :(

  • If I have a current cPanel plan with another hosting company, will you be able to migrate the site & mail accounts across to your end seamlessly?
    Will I loose any emails during the transition from the other hosting company to yours?

    • I would love to know this as well. I used to be with netvirtue but they got bought up ventraip.

      • +1

        Hey - I replied above, but here it is:

        Yeah - On any annual plan, just download a 'Full cPanel Account Backup' from your existing provider, upload to our server, and we can import it for you (keeps all emails, data, etc).

        You would lose data between you taking the backup, and then updating the name servers to ours (As any emails before you update your name servers would deliver to your old host, but our backup wouldn't include these). So just keep that in mind you may have a few hours with emails delivering to the wrong provider.


    • Hi,

      Yeah - On any annual plan, just download a 'Full cPanel Account Backup' from your existing provider, upload to our server, and we can import it for you (keeps all emails, data, etc).

      You would lose data between you taking the backup, and then updating the name servers to ours (As any emails before you update your name servers would deliver to your old host, but our backup wouldn't include these). So just keep that in mind you may have a few hours with emails delivering to the wrong provider.


  • I have an existing website - is there an easy way to migrate it to this hosting, which would use

    • Not super easy to my knowledge. But if you have the freedom to use plugins, you can use a WordPress migrator plugin. I often suggest Wordpress AIO Migrator, we have a guide here:…

      But it wouldn't fall under our free migration service unfortunately. If you can use any plugin, then the above guide should work pretty easily.


      • That's why I'd like to move from to - doesn't allow use of plugins unless you're on their expensive Business plans or above. What would the migration cost be without having to use plugins?

  • +1

    Ah, I see. Do they allow access to files at all?

    It's not a migration we offer unfortunately. If they allow access to files & database then you can download these & move over to ours.

    Otherwise if it's exclusive to their .com WordPress, which I have a feeling it is, then you generally need to rebuild the site again using CMS :(

    • Glad to say I have successfully migrated over from to - the only caveat was that I needed to rebuild the site's theme from scratch (mainly because the theme I was using on doesn't exist on

  • @Obble Is this offer for new customer only or applicable to existing customers as well?

    • Hi,

      I believe you just sent in a ticket re. this - Available on new plans, not existing ones.

      But your existing one seems to have a 50% discount so we can apply that to an upgrade/migration too :)

      • Yes, I raised a ticket and would take it from the ticket from here on. I would migrate to SSD plan and avail the same discount if possible.

  • How does Obble compare to VentraIp?

    I signed up with Cove years ago for their cheap hosting prices, but since they become VentraIP, the prices (for what I need\use) have become rather high and so a cheaper alternative would be of interest.

  • Been with Obble for more than a year. Very happy with the service and support, and especially the recurring discounted price :D

  • Hi Rep,
    Currently I'm with CrazyDomain and my domain to be expired on 28/9/2024 and my Hosting is expired on 23/7/2023

    And I like to move to Obble.

    I can access to download the file but I like to change some small details on my web pages and I'm not expert need your help.


    • Hi,

      We can help migrate if you have a 'Full cPanel account backup' but web-page editing isn't a general service that we offer.

      We do have web design services and maintenance but these are at a separate charge to the regular hosting. Feel free to open a ticket directly to discuss further, or email [email protected]


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