Found something on Amazon that looked like a bargain. Ordered 1 of something titled "Bonds Men's Underwear Cotton Blend Guyfront Trunk - 3 Pack". Under colour, there are multiple options including white 1 pack, grey 1 pack, and black 1 pack. The listing is designed to attract extra attention and on a mobile, it's not possible to immediately see the 3 pack "colour options"
Once the title of the item is 3 pack I think they're in trouble for deceptive advertising if they're selling "colour" options of less than 3.
I contacted support expecting them to fix the listing and send me 2 packs. I was told to send 1 item back and they will replace it with 3 packs. Wait a day and the replacement is identical to the 1 pack I bought the first time :( Lengthy chat with support and they're sending feedback to another department about the deceptive title. Apparently, it's not a bad enough problem to take the listing down and update it. The argument is what if the 3 packs are not in stock… Simple solution - dont call the item "3 pack" in the title. Anyway organizing a refund now. Quite disappointed with the deceptive practices first seen on Ebay have reached Amazon.
Here's the listing - they might update title by the time you read this - it's less of a problem on desktop as you can see more of the other colour options but still deceptive in my books…
The art of Puffery:
Deceive the stupid and reap the profit.
100% legal in the US.
100% illegal downunder
but NEVER enforced on big ones…..