• expired

$30 off nbn Plans for The First Month (New Customers Only) @ Tangerine


Pairs well with this deal Here

Drops the price of the first month to $24.90 for 50/20 and $14.90 for 25/5

"I really doubt it but I guess you can try. Shopback condition is use promocode that is listed on shopback. (other codes will be ineligible) which is the one posted by op.

This came at a perfect time just when my Spintel 6 months discount has ended. I switch providers everytime the new customer discount ends. Came to $14.90 for first month.

Do not do this over phone or chat as they will ask you confirmation of the email of the promo which is for one big switch members. If you do the steps on the desktop like it was said here it will work." - Bang1

"Theres another box saying do you have a promo code. Enter it there!" - Carbon Door

No idea about expiry but it looks like it's been grandfathered in given this guy commented the code about a year ago.

s0805 on 27/04/2022 - 13:42
Just call tangerine and tell them you want the offer what has been provided via One big switch…i think code is OBS30

Referral Links

Referral: random (118)

Both referrer and referee receive $25 for signing up to NBN offer.

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closed Comments

  • Is this applicable for NBN 100/20 plan?

    I couldn't find anywhere to enter the code except the "DO YOU HAVE AN AGENT CODE?" box, but it said "This Agent Code is Wrong".

    • +1

      I also had this issue, I'll try calling up when they open

      • Please report back after you called them. Thanks

        • +5

          The Promo Code box only shows up on desktop (Real desktop) at Step 2 of Checkout. Desktop mode on Chrome Android doesn't have this box.

          The Agent Code box is at Step 3.

          • @Bargain Fighter: Signed up on PC, able to get 92/17 for $32.90pm for first 6 months.

            • @MR MR: Just for the first month. Not all 6 months.

      • Also interested in the response.

    • Same, shows agent code is wrong

    • It worked on my laptop, there's a specific promo code box that didn't appear/I didn't see when I tried on my phone.

      I was chatting to an assistant via chat and they told me to put in their code in the agent code box which was #feitt. I don't know if that's essential or just to give them the commission…

      They also advised that they would not cancel the previous ISP so you need to do that yourself.

      • That makes sense.. for electricity and gas they do it, for nbn I had to do it every time I switched

  • +1

    Just signed up on Wednesday and activated yesterday. Guh

  • +3

    Guys when you sign up before the page where it says where the DO YOU HAVE AN AGENT CODE?
    Theres another box saying do you have a promo code. Enter it there!

    • MVP 👊

  • I reckon you can go through Shopback and get $65 cashback as well.

    • Can't see anywhere to enter the promotion code via Shopback

      • Do it on laptop not on phone

      • Search Tangerine on the app and you should see it. It's $63 cash back.

  • +1

    I really doubt it but I guess you can try. Shopback condition is use promocode that is listed on shopback. (other codes will be ineligible) which is the one posted by op.

    This came at a perfect time just when my Spintel 6 months discount has ended. I switch providers everytime the new customer discount ends. Came to $14.90 for first month.

    Do not do this over phone or chat as they will ask you confirmation of the email of the promo which is for one big switch members. If you do the steps on the desktop like it was said here it will work.

  • +1

    OBS30 code worked smoothly!! via Desktop Thank you

  • If we have to terminate the old service, how do we ensure no gap in service? How long does it take to provision. Is there a requested date of provisioning in the signup?

    • +1

      There is a question to select a provisioning date during sign up.

  • +1

    I went through the process and noted the instruction that I had to cancel the existing NBN service myself.
    I cancelled the existing service.
    Then I received SMS saying NOT to cancel my service as it will severely delay my order.
    Not getting off to a good start here.

    • Why don't you just cancel after you have the service running?

      • Because my current service turns over on Sunday night and I don't want to be charged for another month.

        Why do they tell me to cancel and then send an SMS not to cancel? Seriously… WTF.

        • They tell you to cancel because your former provider might keep charging you. So once your new service with them is active, you might still need to cancel. As for canceling delaying your connection, that's not the case for FTTP, but might be an issue for others?

    • Service switched in this morning. They sent me an email with the sign on details which I received after the service was switched. This was a bit concerning as they sent an SMS saying it had switched but I had no details to connect with. But going fine now.

  • +1

    Also comes with 2 months free mobile plan of various data qty (I don't care as I don't use much, porting out again anyway)

  • Anyone know what timeframe they consider a new customer to be? I know Dodo doing $10 for the first month let you sign up again right away.

    • I just signed up again using my previous account from 2020 where I had NBN for the same address - no problem all offers and discounts applied.

      • What I meant was, after you cancel, how long does it take before you can use the $30 off again? On Dodo, you can sign up right away and still use any promos.

  • Isnt plan my More much better than this

    • +1

      No. This is for $30 off your first month. That means $14.90 at its cheapest. More with More, right? Dodo is $10 for the first month, so is cheaper than this, and Dodo lets you choose any speed from 25-250.

      You can cancel Dodo and immediately sign up for another month. Not sure about this. I asked, but no one has answered. Possibly because no one has tried yet. Dodo keeps putting an end date on their promos, and then extending them, while this one seems to be ongoing.

      • If you cancel it and then sign up again, I assume you used another new email to sign up? Does the service immediately resume? Is there any service disruption?

        • +1

          On Dodo? No, I use the same email. Yes, there is disruption. They usually cancel it in the middle of the day. You can sign up again immediately, or even on another FTTP port I guess, to avoid down time, but I have never tried that.

          I prefer to let it actually cancel, just in case. Then sign up at midnight so the day starts from then. Most times it connects in about 30 mins, but one time they didn't activate until 9AM the next day.

          So far I have done this four times. Twice when it was free, and twice at $10/mo.

  • They are asking for One Big Switch email.

    anyone got it?

    • +1

      I signed up and the $30 off applied immediately and you paid $30 less for your first month. How were you asked to provide One Big Switch email?

      • +1

        emailing them as a current customer

  • +1

    Code is working now.

    Sign up 100/20 @ 49.90 (first 6 months) - 30 for the first month.

    big win!

    • +1

      The 100/20 plan supposes to be $62.90 for the first 6 months. It'll be $32.90 for the first month with OBS code. Typo or how do you get $49.90?

      • Yes, it would be $57.90/mo if you stayed for six months using this code. 62.9x6(-30)%6. No idea where $49.90 came from.

        • It's for those of us getting the free FTTP upgrade

          • @CVonC: good pick up…i didn't know there is a further discount for people who get FTTP upgrade.

            sounds like a double win for me!

            my first month will be 19.90 (49.90 - 30)

            • @dts88: Nice. Yes, well that explains that then. $50/mo is pretty good for 50/20, let alone 100/20. Then you have the fact you have to stay on 100+ for 12 months, or pay fees. Of course it seems like the ISP pays the fees, not the user, so that shouldn't matter to you.

  • Dumb question but if I get upgraded to FTTP can I still access the cheapo 50/20 plans with all providers or am I locking myself into faster more expensive plans for eternity?

    • +1

      You can downgrade your plan, I did after 6 months with Superloop

      • Thank you

      • Did you get charged a fee from nbnco as some ISP say that if you downgrade your plan within 12months of changing from fttc to fttp you are charged a $200 fee eg leaptel

        • +1

          Naa no fee, I think I was on the highest fee plan for 6 month

  • Does your invoice show full charge? I had $30 discount on my check out when I applied and also got confirmed with the discount but the invoice on the account is showing without discount. Not happy.

    • +1

      Nevermind. The invoice was confusing because I had 2. But $30 discount has been applied.

      Connectionwise it's pretty good so far.

  • Hi, I am new and want to sign this NBN with this code, anybody know do I need to click" go to deal" directy to Tangerine, or via shopback to sign ? if via shopback,will this code work on desktop and will it be 12% cashback from shopback after signed ? tks all

    • You can sign up via Shopback on desktop. Mine tracked 12% almost instantly but whether they will approve or not is another thing.

      The code only works on desktop. The Promo code doesn't show up on their mobile Web.

      • isn't it better to sign up via "compare boradband" which gets you min. $63 cashback, or during bonus time, $99 cashback?? rather than the $30 off first month?

        Btw, how does the normal 12% cashback work?? is it just 12% for the first month?

  • How to check if a connection is FTTN or FTTP? 🤔

    • +1

      Put your address in any nbn retailer site it will tell you which technology you have

      • ta… figured I'm on HFC - but doesn't look like this deal is available

  • My Spintel $49 100/20 plan ends at the end of May. Should I wait to churn or get it done now?

    • Sign up now and set the date to start a few days before your Spintel ends

      • No rules how close to the 31/5 it can be before they bill me again?

  • Can this be stacked with referral code?

    • Have a crack at it maybe, give me a bell how it goes and I'll update the deal

      • Can you pm me your referral code? Tried the referral link twice and no one has responded

        • Yeah sure

        • +2

          Any luck stacking the referral code?

          • +1

            @maybeamacy: Nope, the box says "Promo / Referral code", enter one after the other overwrites it.

  • +1

    For some reason they can't find my address even though it appears in their search.

    Contacted support - web site issues. :-(

  • +2

    I just signed up on my mobile (on mobile enter the code in the Promo Code Field, which is 1 step before the Agent Code Field. You'll have to scroll down a bit to find it), because I moved to a new house with HCF and stupidly thought AGL NBN couldn't be that bad. After 2 weeks I had enough. I thought I had it sweet after I connected with dynamic IP instead of PPPPoe but after my internet cut off 5mins before 8pm (their tech support deadline) and after waiting 15mins only to be dropped straight to caller feedback because it was now after 8pm. Was last straw. Hope I get good service with Tangerine

  • +1

    Moved off spintel. Very happy for a day. Better speeds on 50/20 than 100/20 with spintel. Last night it all went down and still down.

  • +3

    Just signed up today with this, still works! Thank you OP

  • +1

    Note: says 'This Coupon Code is Expired' - 27 July 23

  • Hey OP code is expired.

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