Anyone receive there free DOT 4 Brake Fluid?

It's been two months, unless you purchased something and requested your free fluid did anyone else get there's?

I know there's been e-mailed etc etc, but surely, 60 days later? hmm…

EDIT: New e-mail received 11:30am 13/08/12

At this stage the expected time frames for delivery for people that registered on or before the 6th July is as follows:
Adelaide Metro: Today/Tomorrow (That's your pallet of fluid pictured above!)
Perth Metro: Mid to late next week
Brisbane Metro: By the end of August
Sydney/Melbourne Metro: By middle of September
Rest of Australia (and PO Boxes): By the end of September

Related Stores

Brakes Direct
Brakes Direct


  • +1

    havent got mine yet either, not too fussed tbh.

  • +1

    I haven't got mine.

    But I didn't put any phone number in the form so I might never get anything.

  • +1

    I haven't received anything yet, pretty sure I gave my number though, so yeah.

    It looked like they were preparing the deliveries, from the photos in the emails, but who knows!

  • +1

    No have not received it yet, but they promised to deliver and there was an update email a few weeks ago. Hopefully see it soon.

  • +1

    Nope me neither.

  • +1

    didn't get mine either.

  • +1

    ditto everyone else, nothing yet.

    • i wouldn't be jumping to that conclusion just yet. as was said in emails etc they had bought out aus stocks and importing more would be a long slow process.

      on the flip side, if you are right they will piss off a LOT of potential customers and cost themselves massive sales.

      with any luck they might send out another update soon as to whats happening.

    • +8

      Interesting thoughts! Consider this:

      • We never posted this up, it was posted up by someone who actually received the offer, and we NEVER intended this to go viral…
      • We've kept people constantly up to date, and as we've said all the time, if anyone needed it urgently we were happy to send them out straight away rather than put it on bulk freight. To give you an idea, to send a bottle out on it's own is about $9 freight. Consolidating them onto pallets and sending them into depots directly is about $5. Over 15,000 samples that's A LOT of money saved, and on a product we're giving away for nothing, is worth a lot to us.
      • Unlikely you're going to be conned by a company that readily emails out contact details for all it's state branches and of which you're welcome to call and inquire.

      As we've said all along, any questions or dramas just let us know!


      Australia - 1300 724 943
      New Zealand - 09 951 5726

      • +3

        Good on ya mate, I hope this pays off for you guys, I know for sure I will look your way next time I am in need of car stuff.

  • I got an email from them saying that they are managing to put 1000 a week into the post, but that they got 11,000 takers on the free offer. So it may be a while.

  • No

  • +2

    email just came. looks like we havnt been "conned" etc.

    Firstly, apologies for the delay in getting your free Penrite Brake Fluid sample out to you! We appreciate the frustration with this (and certainly isn't representative of our regular service levels!), but we never expected this offer to go viral! As I type this we're nearly up to 15,000 samples to send, and this has put massive pressure on not only ourselves, but also on Penrite to actually supply the product!

    As we've said in every email, if you need a bottle urgently, please let us know and we'll send it out straight away separate to the bulk freight!!!

    At this stage the expected time frames for delivery for people that registered on or before the 6th July is as follows:

    Adelaide Metro: Today/Tomorrow (That's your pallet of fluid pictured above!)
    Perth Metro: Mid to late next week
    Brisbane Metro: By the end of August
    Sydney/Melbourne Metro: By middle of September
    Rest of Australia (and PO Boxes): By the end of September
  • yeah i haven't received mine either, but my email also said that people who gave fake info are less likely to receive item, and that some brake fluid was put aside for customers who needed the brake fluid as part of a service or brake package or something like that, since most emails are spam i tend to just glance over the details….

    • Yep. Probably 1 in 5 registrations is either fake or incomplete. Once we've gone through and sent out all the people that did the right thing, we'll go through an attempt to make contact with those that used fake details. I can say this though, if you used a Mailinator (or similar) email address, you'll be pretty low down the list of people we contact! If anyone falls into this category feel free to give us a bell and submit your correct details!


      • Why not just send out an email to all the "fake/incomplete" registrants asking them to reregister by following a confirmation link, if they successfully confirm they are still interested in the product then send it out. Would filter out all the temporary email addresses.

        • +1

          Yep, that's pretty much exactly what we'll do. The email will contain what fields are currently incomplete. Chasing up the incompletes are fairly low priority though as there's 13,000ish people who did the right thing to service first!

  • +3

    For those that still aren't convinced, as we said in that email, the pallet to Adelaide should be delivered today/tomorrow, and someone already posted on our Facebook page that they got theirs this morning:
    Complete with pics!

  • +1

    Got mine!! Came with two BD lanyards too! These guys rock man. I'm ordering my pads and rotors from
    them for sure.

    • +1

      Cheers mate, speak soon!

  • My brother (in Adelaide) got his yesterday.

    • Thanks for letting us know!

      • +1

        Thanks for the promo! :)

  • +1

    Note something else also guys, Brakes Direct is a subsidiary of the MUCH larger GSL RallySport group, for those that haven't heard of Brakes Direct, and are dubious as to who we are, just Google our parent company.

    Also, we're the title sponsor of one of only two international FIA motorsport events in Australia this year (the other being the Formula 1), so we're hardly an unknown business! ;)

    We also sponsored Australian rally Ace Chris Atkinson over the Rally Finland earlier this month:…

    Not wanting to blow our own trumpet here, just know there's a lot of people with the 'Never heard of these guys, this is some sort of scam' mentality…

    As always guys, any dramas, technical questions (or indeed orders!) feel free to give us a call!


  • +2

    Just received my bottle (WA)

  • +1

    just got mine.
    waiting for the car to arrive.

  • hmmm…. seems i missed out from the SA deliveries. go me!!! :|

    oh well

    • i dont think they would ship according to what state your in

  • if you read my previous posts…….. they did ship each state separately… i was also the guy that emailed them after there last email from them to point out this thread for them to post in/update.

  • +5

    We have indeed shipped per state. Because of the shear volume (like over 15,000) we're putting each state onto pallets, and sending directly into the state depot of the freight company, rather than send 15,000 individual interstates. So for example, the first metro Perth lot was 595 Metro plus 1 pallet to Perth. A LOT cheaper than sending 595 individual parcels to Perth!

    Reasons why you may not have got you bottle yet:

    • We haven't sent it out. Keep up to date with our emails. If you unsubscribed, then you won't be getting the updates. You also wouldn't have gotten the special offers we've done to try to compensate for the delay!

    • You registered after the 6th July. The first cut off for the bulk shipments was the 6th July. Once all Pre July 6 registrations are done we'll move on. As we've always said, if you need it urgently LET US KNOW! (Please, for legit reasons. Not just 'because'. Although we will accept 'Because I need some cheap paint stripper!' LOL)

    • Your details were incomplete, duplicate or fake. This was an offer of value (not some 0.00001c eBook etc.) so we needed proper details as we are sending to a physical address. Correct details (including phone number when going to private addresses) is a basic requirement for any freight company. Funny though, didn't realize so many people had the same phone number 0401 234 567!

    Once all the people who registered correctly are sent out, only then will we bother chasing up those that felt the need to use fake or incomplete details. But be assured it is our aim to send a bottle out to every person who registered!

    As always guys, any questions or dramas just let us know! 1300 724 943.


  • Spam up. Thanks Brake Direct. How about you don't use us as a mailing list till ALL the freebies have been delivered?

    • Nah, give them a break. You can see from the feedback that they are shipping them and there is a bloody lot to send out.

  • +1

    I Received mine about two weeks ago

  • After waiting; I sent an e-mail as suggested above and within 20 minutes I was replied to, with a tracking number. Next day delivered. Excellent! Cheers!

    • Which email did you send it to?
      Also what location are you?
      Have all the sydney ones been sent out? Thanks!

      • Just reply to the email address that you got from them with the updates.

        I'm in Sydney.

  • +1

    still no brake fluid for me - anyone else ?

    • same still none

    • funny, i was just thinking i should look up this thread to see if anyone else got anywhere with this. still nothing for me. its now 6 months on and i have a feeling we got screwed (in as much as you can get screwed by not getting something free)

      i guess it was a marketing stunt that backfired on them.

  • Yup, still waiting in Sydney.

  • Still waiting, in Sydney.

  • REP, any updates on this??

  • +1

    I have actually moved house it has been that long ahaha

  • Still waiting in Melbourne

  • still waiting in sydney, looks like rep has gone quiet

  • Yep still didnt get mine, like most "freebies"

  • i emailed them just before x-mas, got an email a few days ago to say its finally been dispatched. ill post again once i actually receive it.

    apparently i didnt give them my real fone number, which is quite possible/probable caus i dont like the idea of getting fone spammed for a $5 bottle of fluid. so if your really that worried about it then email them asking

    • ok courier just left. finally got my fluid and lanyards.

      while i sorta sympathise with brakes direct, its there own fault for not understanding the market they were trying to get into (viral internet marketing).

      will i actually ever buy anything from them after this? probably not.

      if anyone cares enough still, send them an email. if not just keep bitching on here about never receiving anything.

      • +4

        That's pretty ungrateful of you nosdan.

      • +3

        i would rather be told it wouldnt be honored, than to be left hanging so to speak

  • Boyfriend received his, I never received mine.

    Looks like the e-mail updates from these guys stopped as well. It's been about 4 months, I've given up hope.

  • still waiting

    appears they'll only send it if you send them a follow-up email …

  • Well I emailed them last week politely asking and received no reply, just the big hairy ignore, so I think its safe to say this is dead in the water.

    • I emailed them on Wednesday, they responded Thursday and sent the bottle along with a tracking email. Next day at 6pm was delivered by courier. they are a very good company and I will be ordering from them in the future.

      • Which email did you use - might give it another go.

        • +1

          i emailed [email protected] (several times and always got a reply)

          got the reply from [email protected]

          if you emailed from a free email account (gmail etc) it might have been flagged as spam there end (not that thats an excuse imo) so if you have a "Real" (isp account) email try using that

          edit: also, i always used a legit email to them (my ISP email) and all of my 5 or 6 emails i sent were answered.

        • Just replied to there last email update saying not received. And I use gmail.

  • A friend got his bottle.

    I have not received mine.

    I called them once, and sent an email follow up.

    All I ever get is promises that they are catching up with deliveries.

  • I still haven't got my bottle yet I'm getting spammed by them.

    Hmmm the funny thing is, I've actually got a couple of SuperPro/Whiteline goodies that I'll need to order but will definitely reconsider buying them from elsewhere due to this.

    EDIT: I've asked them for a price for a couple sets of brake pads, gave them the OEM part number and have specifically asked for their equivalent. One of their salesbloke's response - we don't do OEM parts. Err hello I've asked for EQUIVALENT. If I can provide an equivalent Bendix part number then I'd be a parts interpreter.

  • +1

    I never received mine too. Hmm probably a good strategy to be proactive with communications in the early days, send out a % of orders, then after many months let it slide and hope no one notices.. Ahh I have to buy brakes for 3 cars soon, think I'll skip this company.

  • I created a post about the fluids and now I just realised there's a thread about this already.

    Nope haven't received mine either, and it's been some 10 months now

  • Didnt get mine, empty promises from the company.

  • to state the obvious could we say this was a 'scam' (insofar as misleading)???

    • Probably more like a mistake to allow so many orders in the first place, and looking for a elegant under the radar escape plan . Either that or bad marketing plan.

      • yea i think they simply miscalculated the cheaparseness of people on the internet (counting myself proudly in that group) it was not something they expected to go viral and in hindsight limiting to throwing them in on peoples first orders or something would have been wise.

  • I received a bottle about 10 days ago - had to follow up with them though.
    Thanks Brakes Direct :)

  • I received mine recently although I did follow up via a Facebook message. They were quite nice about it and apologetic about the delay - quite understandable due to unexpected demand.

  • Slight update since my little rant up there ^^^

    Needed a set of QFM pads for one of my cars and no one managed to beat their price (plus I have a $10 PayPal/eBay voucher to burn) so ordered the pads, send them an email asking them to throw the brake fluid in and they've agreed to do it. All good now.

  • No brake fluid.

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