I want a GaN charger. Higher number = better, and Pro makes it even better, no?
I want a GaN charger. Higher number = better, and Pro makes it even better, no?
It's probaby a CN plug which is just an upsidedown AU plug. The listing has "AU Plug" in the title. If it's not insulated, I'll just return it.
CN plug also has thinner pins that provide a less secure fit.
The plug isn't insulated, but I have plenty of old plugs that aren't and are pretty dodgy. I can change the plug but the GPO and powerboard I'm going to use isn't easy to access (under the bed). So I think just leaving it would be a better decision than getting a plug at Bunnings and cutting the plug off this. They should have just put a figure-8 input at the back. I'll prob just keep it because it's 50 bucks and I have no kids. But if the plug is like really bad I'll return it.
@rosebank: There's a difference between old non insulated plugs and Chinese plugs.
As mentioned above, the pins on Chinese plugs are a bit thinner and can be a loose fit and sometimes arc in the socket.
Give it a wiggle and have a listen. If its firm and you don't hear any arcing then probably will be ok.
@bamzero: I have stuff with CN plugs, most of them fit fine, but yes if it's shit I'll return it.
Here's an older post for a Gan3 100W: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/724020
Also uninsulated. Baseus seem to make decent gear, and most people are happy with it
@rosebank: If you change the plug, make sure you don’tgo off the colours and do a continuity check to see which pins go to what.
I don’t know if baseus do this but I’ve heard of lots of instances of the internal wiring not following colour coding because china use reversible wiring so they get lazy because it doesn’t matter for them.
@SmoothCactus: I'm not gonna cut it. I have other CN plugs and they're fine, and I think this one is too. Most people who actually own these think they're fine. I think this unisulated plug is a bit overblown, at least for my use case. One guy below got the older 100W version and it has survived 5 overseas holidays.
I think I'm good.
I have two Baseus chargers, the plugs are actually a very tight fit.
@spectrix: I guess it can differ between plugs. But the reason why those horrible grey "export only" travel adapters don't fit is because the pins are too thin. It also explained why I was unable to plug my Australian device into a socket in China (which baffled me initially); my plug had fatter pins than the socket could handle.
The plug of my Xiaomi powerstrip has thinner pins, and it does not fit snugly into a socket.
If it's not insulated, I'll just return it.
I'm almost certain that it's a CN Plug that's not insulated.
Issue could have been resolved if they went with a replaceable Figure-8 Plug.
These units feature an earthed 240V pass through, so not possible to use a figure 8 plug. However it would have been great if they'd used a removable IEC C5 (three prong version ) instead.
Like this - https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/comsol-mal…
Previously got a Banggood deal for the gan3 pro and it is a great unit doesn't heat up , has made me get rid of all older cheap single USB a wall plugs
You will regret it if your new charger stopped working one day and you don't have a charger around ;)
You will regret it if your new charger stopped working one day and you don't have a charger around ;)
How do you know that they haven't bought as many new GAN3 chargers as the ones they got rid of?
There's a higher chance for electric shock especially for children as there is more potential for exposure to live metal.
You could probably find some stats after Australia made insulated pounds mandatory.
Thanks not buying
True, but most of these things are Chinese and come with uninsulated "AU" plugs, depends on your use case and risk tolerance I suppose. I don't have kids
Edit: I'll edit the title
So the changes were made in 2000 under AS/NZS 3112:2000, the reason for the change was because of fatalities involving folks not pushing the plug all the way, causing the pins to be exposed.
Being uninsulated isnt really problematic as long as you push your plug all the way in. I feel like this is protecting against a very specific type of folk..
I guess if you commonly fail to do this or think there’s a chance you’ll leave plugs half pushed in… this isn’t for you.
Do people recommend a particular product then?
Travelling to the USA in sept and need to buy a board to plug into a travel adapter that will power all our things.
I didn't buy this one, but I got the 100W version a year ago and highly recommend it for travelling as plugs not only USB-C (fast charging) but AU devices (e.g. Oral B charging base, laptops etc) and also useful for places where they don't have multi-sockets e.g. next to your bed in a villa etc. Match it up with an International Universal Travel Adapter and works like a charm, I've brought it to 5 overseas holidays since I got it and it's a lifesaver.
I'm thinking about bringing this on an overseaas trip. Is your plug insulated? Have you had any issues?
Is your plug insulated?
Uninsulated CN plugs for corded versions. Baseus does not offer insulated AU plugs.
I plan on taking a 165w 4-port Satechi and a few figure 8 cables. I'll likely take a 1 or 2 port charger as a backup.
I had a Zyron 65w that had interchangeable pins for different countries, but I sold it with a laptop. I don't know if they're any good because I barely used it
Thanks for reply, accidently unpublished my comment to nest it under the correct parent reply.
Keep them winter heating specials coming lol
For anyone worried about the plug. It’s really not much of a problem… fitment seems to be fine with no issues. If you’re really concerned, just plug it in and then flick the power switch on your wall.
Realistically, for any of you so concerned that you’re saying you wouldn’t buy it because of it, ive gotta ask - how often are you plugging and unplugging this device?
The only risk I can imagine is if you have kids who stick their fingers between the prongs while plugging it in… in which case you have bigger issues
I agree. There are not many options for a GaN5 charger like this. If you have kids that can access the plug, then yeah, just don't buy it.
45W, 15W and 2x 5W when all USB ports are plugged in and in use, seems pretty limiting.
Pretty normal for gan chargers to spread wattage over the ports this way.
I keep hearing people say it's a non insulated plug. Has there been any case of issue caused by that?