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Samsung Ultimate Air Purifier AX90 $499 ($424 with 15% Loyalty Voucher) Delivered @ Samsung

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Morning Bargain hunters!

For all those who were waiting for Samsung Ultimate Air Purifier AX90, here is the opportunity. Best price so far from Samsung itself. In case you have one of those 15% loyalty vouchers, it reduces to $424. A word of precaution, do not wait for long. Samsung keeps changing prices very frequently.

To obtain the 30% or 15% off discount:

  • Go to the Samsung Australia website and create an account
  • Add your existing devices using their serial number
  • Email [email protected] advising your (i) Samsung products owned with serial numbers (ii) Samsung account email address (iii) looking for Samsung Ultimate Air Purifier AX90 and request coupon
  • You will receive an email (in my case, one hour later) with the coupon and validity date
  • If using online chat, it is a different department and depending on who you are routed to may only be given 15% maximum
  • in my understanding only TVs qualify for a 30% discount.

Reference and courtesy: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/770786

Note: In case you miss it, just keep an eye on the website :).

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closed Comments

  • oos

    • can be added to cart via the air purifier page not on product page

    • Really! I just got one! May be you need to login first?

      • +2

        sorry man looks like its going in and out of stock, can be purchased on product page now. wouldnt count on getting it in the next 3 months though with samsungs recent shipping reputation

        • I agree. Our order took 4 months to arrive and surprising Samsung doesn’t ship products with a tracking number.

  • also 30% tv code not working for this one

    • Yeah, I think each product has a specific code. I had requested for Air Purifier and it worked for me.

  • +2

    Ordered in October, delivery scheduled on three occasions that were either rescheduled or not attempted, so refund requested end of November. Still fighting for the refund (constantly getting the "we're sorry and we'll escalate this" run around), so I'm going to have to do a chargeback to Afterpay.

    Never ordering anything from Samsung ever again

  • I just bought Winix zero 5 for over 500$ and today this came on sale…

  • I just bought one from JB HI-FI yesterday for $499 (price match) from an online retail store

  • This apparently takes two filters? That's $250 a year or $300 if you buy two individually. https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/samsung-ax7500k

    • +1

      My Xiaomi Air Purifier 3 filter replacement is based on time - if it's like that, don't trust it. I went to replace the filter, and the filter in it looked about as good as the replacement I was going to put in. Reset the timer and it'll probably be good for another year or two.

  • Would you recommend 1 of these and moving it between living and bedroom or better getting 2 smaller units considering this has 2 filters, upkeep would be the same just initial outlay would be obviously higher?

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