This was posted 1 year 10 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, XSX, PC] Star Wars Jedi Survivor, [Switch] Zelda Tears of The Kingdom $69 Each + Delivery @ Mighty Ape


Star Wars Jedi Survivor Pre-order price of $69 at Mighty Ape + postage.

Saw this on an IGN post so can't take credit.
Best pre-order price I've seen for those who want it around launch. Haven't bought from Mighty Ape before so can't comment on their speed of delivery. Most other retailers have pre-orders for $84

Xbox link:…

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom for Switch is also $69 plus postage,…

Normally I'd lead with Zelda, but the cost saving isn't seemingly as high once you factor in postage. Other retailers have pre-orders at $74

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Mighty Ape Australia
Mighty Ape Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    waiting for the 4080 to drop in price before I buy this :p At this rate, it will be FREE before I get a 4080 ;-)

    • -2

      Maybe once the 6080ti comes out in 6 months!?!
      Though they will only have 200 at a time for sale replenishing every 6 months and they’ll cost $4000

  • Gutted Jedi Survivor is only on next gen consoles.

    Speaking of… apparently scalpers are selling their PS5's for cheap… but I don't want to give in.

    • +6

      Lots and lots and lots of scams around. Be very careful. If it's too good to be true, it is.

    • +4

      personally im glad its next gen only.. so many next gen games being kept down by being developed for the previous gen, its almost 3 years into this gen now and this shouldnt be a thing anymore.

  • +3

    Doesn’t mention what DRM platform for PC..
    Chances are it’ll be.. sigh origin

    • Yeah most of the listings online don't show DRM so gotta pay that convenience tax for steam

      • +3

        Hopefully green man or fanatical will come through in the next week or two.

        Humble is almost not worth checking these days

    • Not called Origin anymore, but yeah it's the same old shit. Had to install F1 2022 multiple times before I could get it to work, downloading it fresh every time…

      • +2

        It’s so bad they changed the name.
        I can’t even play fallen order in my deck the launcher crashes.
        Well done EA

        • EA games which has replaced Origin is actually pretty good now

        • I start to finish'd it the other week on Deck, though I had a few (profanity) arounds initially with their app. Ended up using some program to remove the EA shit, which then made it refuse to launch at all, then used the same program to reset the game entirely (reinstalling EA's shit in the process) and it worked fine from there…did lose about half an hour though bc it synced EA's outdated save and wrote over my local and Steam Cloud saves.

          Was enough of a shitty experience that I downloaded the PS3 version of Burnout instead of buying the PC one lmao.

    • I bought Fallen Order on Epic, still have to launch it through Origin though.

  • +2

    Ships from New Zealand. Postage $5.99

  • +2

    $69 for jedi survivor is insane! standard digital is $109, bloody ripofff… let alone the deluxe at $139…. ludicrous, its 2 crappy skin packs…

    • +3

      That's why it's always worth getting the PS5 Disc version physical copies usually always cheaper/can be traded in and in this case it's a DL code I've heard so doesn't make sense lol

  • +1

    Does the Xbox Series code for jedi survivor work for Xbox One (X) too?

    EDIT: Just realised the game isn't even coming out on Xbox One. Damn

  • Also, guessing Zelda you can get cheaper digitally if you buy two games with those game credits? Assuming it'd be eligible.

  • +2

    Really wish they'd just e-mail the code for PC games. Doesn't even come with a disk anyway.

    • Did you see the Diablo IV collector's edition for PC? It didn't include a disk… nor did it include a code.

      • +1

        I believe that's just the collector's edition there's no specific platforms ones, just a separate item.

        I don't know if I agree with it or not tbh.

  • Have a feeling it will be badly optimised also.
    And with a 3070, probly wait it out until a few patches come thru

  • Heard this game is 120gbs+

    • Believe it’s closer to 140-150 for consoles.

      Going to take a big chunk of storage.

    • Downloaded today for Series X was roughly 134gb, believe it's closer to 50gb for Series S consoles

  • +5

    I'm not pre ordering anything with the state of the last few big PC releases (Hogwarts, Last of Us).

    • …Cyberpunk 2077
      Well it's never really been a good idea to preorder in general, unless there's a preorder discount and you purchase on steam so you can refund.

  • FYI JB wouldn't price match (at least through Live chat) as Mighty Ape is considered a grey import by them as they ship from New Zealand.

    Instore experience may differ.

  • Amazon should price match Zelda right?

    • nah when they price match mightyape they always add shipping on top of the price

  • +3

    Thanks OP. Took some convincing but JB price matched instore and I used $10 perks to bring it down to $59

  • Is the PS5 version of Jedi Survivor from Mighty Ape digital or disc based?

    • +1

      PS5 and XSX should both be disc, PC listing was the only one that explicitly stated code in box, although I can no longer see it so may be presold out.

      • Thanks, baby. I'll wait for digital sale.

  • Do you need to play the first games from either zelda or sw to understand what's going on in the games in the post?

  • Jedi survivor has a switch version?

  • Game is installing on console now. Managed to get the game for $59 from JB including $10 off from Perks after showing them Mighty Ape deal. They were a bit hesitant to do this due to shipping charges/grey import concerns, but they ended up accepting it. Can't really complain.

  • Can anyone confirm whether the PS5 version is code or disk?

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