I give mine felix wet food and royal canin dry food. I usually give her 2 wet food sachets a day (morning and night) and some biscuits. Is that good enough? Would it be okay if I only fed her 1 sachet a day but more dry food? I read the felix package and they're saying 1 sachet per 1kg… but that seems like so much and would cost me a fortune. Let me know what you do.
How Much Do You Feed Your Cat a Day?

I just acquired a 4m old .. 60g a day wet + easy access dry… Seems to be surviving…
2 mice, 1 lorikeet. ono
3 cats here, 2 are 14 months (siblings, one male, one female) and one is a 16 year old female. The male cat is sensitive to grain and eating fast, old lady is fussy, young lady will eat literally anything to the point of me needing to hide the bread. All cats are on grain free dry food (Meals for Meows, Ivory Coast, and one more I can't remember). The youngs are fed in slow and puzzle bowls.
We are on 4 meals a day cause of the boy's tummy issues.
Breakfast: The young ones get half a tin of Leaps and Bounds wet food each (grain free), old lady gets a bowl of dry from which she can eat whatever she wants. Unlike the youths she is very good at self regulation. Old lady might get a creamy treat with her meds in if she's being obstinate.
Lunch: Youngs: 1/3 of a cup shared between them of dry. If I'm home the old lady gets the bowl of dry to munch from (I have to keep the youths separate because they will steal her food). If I'm not home I use a timed feeder and the old lady might have to wait.
Dinner: Same as breakfast with the occasional amount of raw mince or cooked gibblets for the youths (80g between them- Old lady won't eat raw).
Supper: Same as lunch. Second dose of meds for old lady.
This is a complicated regime but its the only thing that keep's the boy's litter nukes at bay.
You are looking at (IRRC), 1/4 cup of dry is equivalent to 3-4 wet food pouches or tins. Mine are on 1 tin and 1/4-1/3 cup of dry per day and they are healthy and potentially a little chubby. Old lady essentially free feeds but she has hypothyroid.
Needing to hide the bread is so relatable. It's like, did you really need to take a bite out of every slice and leave it on the floor?
The youths' favorite trick is to eat the tops off ALL 6 bread rolls
That's the best part!
@Some Human: My aunt's cat bit into the birthday cake she was about to serve to some guests. She just smoothed the icing over the missing chunk.
I don't have a cat.
We've got 3 so that makes up for it
.Do you want one?
No, I appreciate the offer though.
Are you sure? I'll send it Express Post?
"I think you are doing it right as you are" says me, the caring owner of cats for may years :)
I too don't have a cat.
Do you want one?
I've had my cat for 3 years. Feed her wet food morning and night. She has access to dry food all the time. She is happy* with that (*i think. She still harrasses me for my dinner. But i put that down to her being a piggy)
Anytime I open a can of beans or any can of anything the cat harasses me, assuming I'm about to serve myself a bowl of cat food.
25 cockroaches
1 sachet of wet food at night, and she just grazes on kibble in the day if she wants, and greenies for treats.
They have different eating habits. I think it is better to underfeed them than overfeed.
I think it is ok to just feed 1 satchel a day. with a scope of kibble. You can seperate the 1 satchel into 2 feeds, morning and evening.I would also try feeding your cat raw food. chicken neck and liver or hearts.
Some like raw food, some dont. If yours would, I do recommend chicken neck.I try to follow the instructions on the packet, but I wouldn't follow what you're saying the Felix sachet is saying… I feel like they just want you to buy more food.
My cats are around the 5kg mark and I mainly feed them dry food with wet food once or twice a week. They get fed twice a day around 8am & 8pm (they would love more I'm sure… sometimes I give some treats in between their feeds though).
I feed them different Royal Canin dry foods which usually says around 60ish grams a day (I find 2 x 1/4 cups a day usually meets this) and I cycle between Ziwi Peak, Zealandia and Feline Natural wet food where their bigger cans (around 185g) are about right for a day's feed. I usually always give them a little bit of crackers too though when they have wet food.@Quantumcat How much do you eat every day?
it is determined by the wave function
some uncertainty around that.
A couple of bosons
The Higgs boson is a fundamental particle that is part of the Standard Model of particle physics. According to the theory, the universe is filled with a field called the Higgs field, which interacts with particles and gives them mass.
When particles move through the Higgs field, they experience a resistance or "drag," similar to moving through a thick liquid. This resistance slows down the particles and gives them mass.
The Higgs boson is the carrier particle or "quantum" of the Higgs field. When the Higgs boson is created, it can interact with other particles, transferring energy and momentum to them, which in turn gives them mass.
The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 confirmed the existence of the Higgs field and provided strong support for the Standard Model of particle physics. It also opened up new avenues for research into the nature of mass and the fundamental forces that govern the universe.
The Higgs boson is a fundamental particle
I found one in 2012. No longer have it, but that doesn't concern me.
The best idea is talk to your vet when they get their shots. They will give you an idea on what is best for your pet.
Probably better to talk to your vet when your cat gets their shots. The vet probably doesn't want to be bothered when getting their own vaccinations.
If you're already worried about underfeeding your cat it's probably not a good time to change their diet.
Easiest way to tell if a cat is underweight is behaviour - if they're not really keeping themselves clean, if they're ravenous for food, underfed. If you can see their skeleton at all (on a shorthaired cat) then they're underfed - there are plenty of charts around of what a cat should look like although it can be hard to tell on a longhair cat. Definitely a good idea to weight them regularly just to make sure things are normal and take to them to a vet regularly for shots, pills and just a general health checkup.
Mine is simple… 1/4 of a royal canin wet satchel plus around 10gm-14gm (we just use a full tablespoon) four times a day
With the satchel we have a very small round glass container. We empty and flatten it in there like a pizza and just split a quarter each meal
Dump it along with the dry food in his bowl And mix
3 cats here. Dry food only
Fed three times a day using a 1/4 cup scoop, but halfish full for lunch
One was taken in as a stray a year ago and scoffs whatever is uneaten by the others. That is why the food is measured out
.I just leave the kibble bowl full all the time. Wet food is only when I need her to eat well, like after an injury. But we have three bowls with water always full placed in different locations around the house, so she gets plenty of fluids during the day.
The vet at RSPCA told us good kibble (we are on Hills Science) is designed to have everything a cat needs, no need for wet food, or any other food really. Majority of cats are "grazers", will eat multiple times but a little bit each time. So as long as she doesn't overeat (like our previous cat, will eat everything you give her), just leave the kibble and water bowls full and forget the rest.
Same here - Cat has some allergies and grazes food. The upside is she can only eat dry food meaning that you can just leave the bowl out and she will eat how much she wants to then top up when needed. Downside are the trips to the vet and the more expensive food (Hills)
2 cats here. They always have access to dry food (Purina) and one tin of wet food a day (apple paws) and they have been fed like this for years and never had an issue. Both are now 7 years old and neither of them have ever been sick and are a very healthy weight. Vet told me once that wet food is not that good for them and never follow what they say on the packet to fed as it’s far to much.
One small outdoor cat. Feed him one pouch of wet food in the morning and one pouch of wet food at night when it's time for him to stay inside (otherwise he will be out all night).
He can eat unlimited dry food however he's not too keen on dry food and doesn't over eat so it's not an issue to always have a supply of dry food available for him.
Quarter can of Whiskas each.
1/3 of a cup of dry food each in the morning.
Some special snacks before I head of to work.
Some milk if they whinge enough.It’s probably better to feed based on calories eg 3kg cat = 200 cal. https://www.petplace.com/article/cats/pet-health/how-to-calc…
cheaper food has more filler so you may need to feed the cat more.
If you have a cat that grazes then you are fine, they tend not to overeat. If you have a cat that inhales its food as fast as possible then measure it out. If you have one of each…
I’m not cat expert but I see so many people saying their cats have access to dry food all the time. Cats will eat non stop if you give it food; which is why it’s not a good idea to leave it access to food 24/7
Unless your cat isn’t a huge fan of it; than it might be ok; otherwise it’s a bad idea
Depends on the cat. Previous cat + current old lady could happily free-feed and self regulate with no problem. My current young ones are basically black holes with tails and you have to hide everything mouth sized (the boy has been in cat hospital for eating garlic and his own lickimat…)
The vet told us about 80-90%% of cats are grazers. Yes, they eat often, but not much each time and won't overeat. The rest - yeah, you'll need to measure the food with those.
Wet food twice (about 55-60g each), Colesworth roast chicken twice (my cat loves this, I give him the inner portions and rinse because I don't know if there are spices that harm cats), +/- dental/urinary health drys.
Our cat is a year and a half old and weighs almost 4kg. We follow the back of the Royal Cannin dry food, one wet food sachel in the morning, 55g of Dry Food at night. In betwen that and after that we give her some treats and snacks. She seems pretty happy and is a healthy weight.
We have 2 female cats.
General rule - 2 girls, 1 cup.
So @250g, but they are 5kgs each.
1/3 of a cup of dry food in the morning (Leaps and bounds grain free indoor)
1/3 of a cup around 6pmShes not very food driven, barely touches wet food, not even that interested in chicken etc either.
Usually her bowl isn't even empty either
3.5yo Russian Blue, Royal Canin dry food 5 times a day in tiny 20ml measuring cup. She's always hungry though, but under vet's instruction she needs to be on diet to lose weight.
I had a Russian Blue. It was a RSPCA adoptee. Great cat. I miss him. :(
They had one on Midsomer Murders that was called Killmouski.
Mine was adopted from Facebook Marketplace, as the original owner reckoned she's too rough to small kids. It's just a silly cat doing silly things though.
2 Royal canin wet food packets a day, one morning with some water in it, one night again water in it (male cat, had urinary issues before that are $$$$$).
Since covid as he's also people he gets a small amount of biscuits at lunch when we eat.He's a big boy at pushing 6-6.5kgs but an inside only cat (as they should be, he's pretty not street smart) and while he's getting older he's still active enough but i don't think enough to need the prescribed amount they state on the boxes\packs as that would have him putting on way too much weight which we've already had to keep in check.
Yeah I do the same. It's crazy to me they suggest 1 packet per kg that's suggesting obesity. My cat would be over 5kg if I did that. She's about 5kg now feeding 2 sachets a day.
3 cheezburger 🍔
90 grams of Aldi wet food in the morning, another 90 grams at night, and as much dry food as he wants 24/7. He is 3.5kg, so I guess I'm underfeeding him according to the boffins at Royal Canin. Used to feed him just one big meal a day and that's what he was fine with for years, but he started to get ravenously hungry too quickly. Maybe worms? Two feedings about 12 hours apart seems to be what's recommended anyway. He used to be fatter too actually.
He won't eat anything with fish chunks in it. He won't eat anything with worming tablet either, have to give him the topical stuff behind his neck. He's kind of a pain in the ass.