EB Games clearing games this weekend apparently, they've also got Gotham Knights for PS5/Series X for $9
Amazon is matching Lets Sing already too - https://www.amazon.com.au/Lets-Sing-ABBA-Version-Mics/dp/B0B…
EB Games clearing games this weekend apparently, they've also got Gotham Knights for PS5/Series X for $9
Amazon is matching Lets Sing already too - https://www.amazon.com.au/Lets-Sing-ABBA-Version-Mics/dp/B0B…
PS5 is oos
Shame it's ABBA, not exactly popular with the age of kids these games would normally appeal to.
It's not just about the age of the players, it's about the "name of the game" and having a good time.
You're kidding right.
Apart from some Disney stuff, there's been nothing notibly iconic or lasting for at least a couple of decades now. Hence why you still see 18-30yo getting up and dancing to this kind of thing. And when played, the next generation again is also very interested.
there's been nothing notibly iconic or lasting for at least a couple of decade
Agree with that.
18-30yo getting up and dancing to this kind of thing
I don't these types of games, especially on the switch, are normally for this age range.
Got it delivered Monday… My 9yo daughter loves it and has spent a good 2 hours on it already… Oh, has now started playing ABBA songs on her Echo Show 5.
As they say, "the proof is in the pudding!
Or can use their Ebay store. $19 free deliv for Plus
Switch: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/304651176087
PS5: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/295255718413
xbox: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/295380182165
I got it for $14 shipped with the free $5 monthly voucher
Me too, thanks!
Me as well, thanks!
Do the 2 Mics connect to switch via Bluetooth?
Will the mic work on PS5 ?
they're usb and work on all consoles. i miss the wireless ones with lips on xbox
USB, not fun for party, someone will trip !
yeh, but no one can blame it on input lag. OR CAN THEY???
Do they require 2 free USB slots or do 2 mics share 1 usb port?
The Switch base has at least 3 USB A ports
Mamma Mia!
Here we go again!
How can i resist ya
Mamma Maglione!
Which platform do you guys think would be best to get if I've got both a switch and ps5?
Looks like you can’t use the mics in handheld mode anyway. I guess ps5 for faster loading time.
Switch if it's hacked, looks like they have other games in the series so you'd just buy this for the mics and sell the cartridge on ebay.
Thanks OP. I bought the regular game for switch, but it's useless without microphones.
for $19 just bought to be added to pile of shame
If it was the normal game and not Abba I'd jump on it for my kids
Batman sold out. Have to pay 12 bucks delivery. No longer a deal
$19 is awesome for 2 mics!!
Normally, that 2 mics itself is worth more than $19.
Can use it for all Let’s Sing games.
Have recently used these same ones for Guitar Hero/Rock Band on 360, PS3, PS2, and PS4. Generic AF USB thankfully.
Worth it for the mics alone!
Agree, I got mine via Amazon. Delivery due Sunday.
The Amazon link is showing “2 options from $48.00”
I still see the nintendo switch version for $19 currently.
Okay it’s $19.00 now. That was weird.
It might be getting low on stock now then.
Are these karaoke mics?
Should come with bonus earmuffs
Thanks op. Another piece to add to my dust collection.
Thanks op. Bought 1
Thanks OP! Did a price match with JB and used a Perks voucher to get it for $9 :))
Nice! I didn't think there would be any stock!
Also available for PS5 with 2 mics on EB Games for $19
I ordered the ps5 version and picked up today in store only to find a ps4 disk in a ps5 case with ps4 mikes. Did I get ript off mates?
Its a crime not buying it. i guess 2 mics worth $19 already? if this game stop my 3 kids fighting over nothing for 1hr. i would think this is an absolute win! Thanks OP bought 1.
thanks OP, got one.
the Mic is nice but if you're worried about tripping, could use the app on mobile phone and it'll work just as well
EB Games cancelled my order citing a lack of stock, yet it's still on sale for full price on the ebgames website and ebay.
I bought from eBay and it got shipped out today
I got the xbox version. the kids have already got bored of the abba songs.
Is there anyway for the mic to work with YouTube? I can't seem to figure it out. The mics work fine in the Sing game
Got Gotham Knights for $15.95 including delivery (no stock in VIC)
Edit: Got refunded 🥺
"Our team looked far and wide but couldn't find all the items you ordered."