Appears to be the lowest price that I can see. Free delivery to Adelaide.
Edit. Price drop to $1595
Appears to be the lowest price that I can see. Free delivery to Adelaide.
Edit. Price drop to $1595
Don't own. Just eyeing off. Have heard many good things about this too.
Not good for electricity bills though with only 2 star energy rating. Its rated at 1130kWh, which is about 2x the power consumption of an average similar sized TV.
Yeah that's a fair jump. Probably something that wouldn't concern me too much though.
Are LED TVs really that bad compared to QLED and OLED? I keep being told OLED is the only TV worth buying
If you're in market for a TV and this is within budget, once you got it home and set up you'd fall in love with it. Oled would be better but you're paying a premium for it.
I have 2 oleds and love them but these TV's are still great for the price.
Unless you are rich and can afford to change TV's every 2-3 years or so, I would steer clear from OLED. Due to being organic you are guarenteed that at some point it will fail in a non-acceptable way and the algorithms/methods used to alieviate the failure can only do so much (I honestly don't know why consumers don't care more about this).
In saying that, mini led is fantastic and the blacks looks great and I don't notice the blooming (microled will likely be the best but probably still years off). I use the 55" of this tv and it is great!
On the other side, I'm optimistic in hoping that consumers aren't caring as much about OLED issues because it really isn't as big a problem as the internet leads you to believe (since people really only post when they have issues).
I'm 6 years with 10k hours runtime into my B7 OLED that supposedly was burn-in prone, and it's got no faults at all. Even after being used as WFH monitor full time for 2 years during Covid lockdowns.
I don't know how you've gotten the impression that a brand new OLED would need to be replaced after 2-3 years. Maybe if you bought an OLED 10 years ago. You could have issues with burn in, but that's not an issue for the vast majority of people and wouldn't be expected with normal viewing conditions.
My B8 is from 2019. Play heaps of games (some are at 1200 hours) no burn in.
Yeah they said my plasma screen would burn in / fail after a few years, and I've had it for 11 now, still going strong with no burn-in.
Depends how picky you are. If you're someone who cares about colour accuracy and watch movies in a dark room, you'll probably want an OLED for the best possible experience.
If you want something to watch FTA, Youtube, Streaming services etc during the day and don't really fiddle with the colour/motion settings, an LED TV is fine.
Mini-LED fits nicely between both and sits closer to an OLED in terms of dark room performance.
No, depending on your circumstances LEDs might be better suited than OLED, they are generally better in brighter rooms, no risk to burn in with static images, no issue with black crush, and use on average less energy. The con of course is less contrast and low light dimming.
Black crush is not inherent to OLED. My Panasonic OLED has some of the best near black performance of any TV currently or previously on the market.
Full array local dimming TVs have also had black crush issues as well as raised black issues depending on how the local dimming has been implemented and the scene that is being displayed, which is to say they're far less consistent than an OLED.
We know OLEDs give perfect blacks, the term black crush refers the fact that OLEDs are not very good with very low light emissions, ie something that is in shadow and hence is dark grey or light black, this is hard for OLEDs pixels to do so usually they just turn off the pixels entirely, which gives complete blacks and as a result sometimes makes the scene too dark or you loose information, you can of course overcome this by upping the gamma.
LEDs dont have this dark grey light black issue but they can't do perfect blacks, such as say watching a wider aspect movie for eg where you have black bars or with subs on, you will have a little bit of light bleed coming from those areas.
@binary101: WRGB OLED has no inherent problems with "very low light emissions". It's the TV's processing that has been intentionally programmed to crush black in order to hide other processing issues they can't be bothered fixing.
I mentioned the Panasonic OLED because they fixed these issues and sold an OLED that handled near black better than any LCD.
@binary101: Whilst you are correct, black crush isn't great on WRGB OLED, QD-OLED appears to have improved on this.
@Maths Debater: Good to know, this info is about two years old when I was deciding between an OLED vs LED TV, it seems both the issues I had at the time, power consumption and the black crush has been addressed to some degree.
@Maths Debater: QD-OLED has a different issue, de-saturation of colours at low brightness. Unfortunately, no consumer tech is ever perfect.
use on average less energy
When it comes to energy consumption Mini LEDs are the worse of the lot. LEDs and OLEDs are on par, and in some cases, OLEDs are more power efficient than full array LEDs. For example, even 83" Sony OLED consumes ~35% less power than smaller 75" TCL Mini LED.
Sony 77" A80K OLED - 629kWh/year
Sony 83" A90J OLED - 765kWh/year
Sony 85" X95K LED - 1076kWh/year
TCL 75" c835 Mini LED - 1130kWh/year
Good to see OLEDS are on par with LEDs now, I was comparing TVs two years ago? and was kind of shocked that the OLEDs were either equal or used more power than the LED counterparts, also I like to compare TVs of the same brand/ year model to get a better comparison eg.……
These are Mini Led TVs and are amazing at what they do, they don't have the perfect blacks of OLED but a very close and on the plus side the brightness is much better then OLEDs and the HDR content really pops. Mini LED is also much better if you have the TV in a bright room. OLED will shine in a proper theatre room for sure
I went with the Samsung QN90B earlier but this is also a very very good TV, would have gone for this or the Hisense Mini LED had I not gotten a really good deal :)
Mini Led tech is highly recommended
You dodged a bullet not ending up with the Hisense Mini Led.
Pick your poison.
LED gets much brighter than OLED and isn't susceptible to burn-in however they suffer from blooming which is very distracting IMO. Having said that, OLED panels are getting much brighter (MLA). Considering the price OLED has been selling for, I don't know why anyone would consider an LED but that's just me.
That is absolutely not the case. Some people just want the absolute best of everything even if it means paying 2-3x. Mini-LED TVs are excellent and you can't go wrong with them.
If youve never own a plasma tv, and happy with LCD tv then you are fine with LED/QLED. if you are paticular with picture quality, then be prepared to spend more on OLED.
The TV manufacturers always invents a lot of "buzz words" to gaslight us, the consumers. If you aren't going the OLED way, there one simple rule when I am choosing a LCD TV (unfortunately plasma TV isn't in the game any more so it got much more simple).
I got one on the pricing error deal a month or two back.
I was a bit concerned about TCLs reputation for sluggish interfaces, but I’ve had no issues.
Very happy with it.
What was the price?
Pricing error was at JB for $1,495.00
65inch is also $1260, cheaper than the previous JB perks deal
Great TV, speakers are really good, stopped using my HomePod OG’s
Went 55 > 75, it’s bloody huge 😂😅
The speakers sound better than 2 HomePods? $1000 speakers?
What are the viewing angles like on this TV?
"We deliver Australia wide using either Allied Express, Hunter Express or Fastway Couriers."…
Allied Express, hmm…may need to call up first and see who they use to deliver to your place. I'm in Melbourne, they cancelled deliveries on us for more than 3x..and they suddenly appeared unannounced on a Saturday morning, with a cracked TV.
This was a few years ago, before WFH was common so had to arrange somebody to be at home…things may have changed with Allied Express, but be warned.
I've had similar issues with Fastway (Aramex) in Sydney, although in my case at least twice they said they tried to deliver but got no answer when I was home all day and no-one showed up either time, then when they finally did delier they delivered to the wrong address and refused to believe I didn't have it. Took a few hours over numerous phone calls to get it sorted and eventually they went and got it and and delivered it to me.
Hunter Express is a shambles too, they're all to be avoided
Yeah that's an issue ordering through Appliance Central.
Have purchased 2 x TV's from them over the last couple of years and both deliveries were by Hunter Express.
The first was good as I got a call morning of delivery, so I could arrange for someone to be home.
The second TV I came home to find this-
To save hassle, I would just get JB to price match.
Bought yesterday for $1720, will be delivered in next 1hr
and its arrived and setup… great PQ in the 10-15min I spent watching (then back to work)
such a good deal, shame no option for larger than 75"
This TCL tv is significantly better. Mini-led and VA panel gives better contrast, and uses the Google TV OS as well. Really enjoying my 65, good contrast and brightness, particularly for gaming.
The U7HAU is IPS which is even worse.
Note: I don't have one, my research in Jan resulted in me selecting this TV, but it was no where in stock and I ended up with LG OLED.
From my recent research TCL 835 is best budget price TV, it leaves everything else in dust. Highly recommended.
Question for someone who know: Appliance Central warranty? Is it standard warranty for these products or are they factory seconds meaning the don't have any warranty direct from TCL?
These are brand new TV's so will be TCL factory warranty.
Appliance Central is a Betta store so no dodgyness.
This is free delivery to a suburb that's 15km from me. my house is $196 delivery!
Do you have a friend in that suburb.
no :( I have no friends
I can be your friend. It will cost you $195.95
Got it from JBHifi after price matching last week.
I got one for $1680
Now on the page it's $1,595… what the!
I will call them tomorrow and see if I can get the difference back
Damn. How low will it go.
What do you think of it?
I don't have it yet
I got it as part of this deal and they reduced the price about an hour after I bought it…
Crazy good price, almost as low as the 'price error'
65" down to $1195 too. Cheapest I've seen.
65" down to $1195 too. Cheapest I've seen.
Same here. I've been watching this drop and drop, it was $1400 just yesterday. $1195 is insanely cheap for this much TV.
Update: just bought one. JB couldn't do free shipping so offered the TV for $1159, which I then paid $59 on top for delivery ($1218 all up). In theory if you wanted to pick it up yourself you could get it for $1159 which is even better.
Dang. Wonder if i can cancel my Bing Lee order before it arrives and order this instead. Anyone know the answer?
Bing Lee is doing $1595 too but need to pay for delivery
The have 85 tcl 85C735 for $1860.
Looks like a good price
oh there is an 85"
It's 735 not 835 so not mini led
Wow, Tempting… I already own 65C835
Same price at JB Hi-Fi!!
JB doesn't include free shipping though
True.. however warranty claims are lot easier with JB if needed..
a deal to consider against this one..
75" C935 for $1880 + delivery
These TVS are discontinued, if you plan to get one, get it right now.
I had my eye on this TV for a week, it was always this price, I kept putting it off until I saw this offer pop up on Ozbargain,
All of my local stores had already sold out and had no plan to get anymore in, I drove an hour to the next town and got the last one, it was on hold for another guy but I managed to swipe it.
Sorry my dude.
// $1,595 JB HiFi
Price dropped to $1590
$1585 now
Such a good price for this TV.