Hi all. Yesterday i sent Google my Pixel 7 Pro due to the screen bleeding. They have already sent out the replacement. I'm wanting to trade it in through JB but i don't have the phone yet. Would it be risky to start the process without knowing what the quality of the replacement would be? ps: they sent me the new IMEI number in an email.
Should I Wait before Trading in Phone?

Aren't the replacements Google send out refurbs?
Good point, although still why trade it in? It's not like there's a newer model out there. I assume Google refurbs are like Apple, in that you can't tell the difference except a sticker on the box.
Tbh,I miss Samsung,lol. I know the A series would be a downgrade..
Could offer you a Google gen 1
It should essentially be brand new condition. You shouldn't be able to tell the difference aside from not being in retail box.
Oh,thank you! I wasn't quite sure. :)
If you kept your retail box just use that, if JB even care.
I don't think they do!
I wanted to start the trade in, but i will wait for the replacement to arrive,just in case it has scratches or there is any issues with the battery,etc. I don't want JB chasing me up for the difference. It's worth $450
You could probably get a little more than the trade in price for it.
I'm more curious why you'd want to trade in a brand new phone.