The World's Richest Man Sells Overpriced Designer Fashion Goods

Bernard Arnault CEO of LVMH is now the richest man in the world. LVMH owns brands such as LV, Dior, Hennessy, Tiffany & Co and a host of other designer labels.

Full disclaimer - Myself and my wife are both victims of senseless material spending owning items across many of his brands and consuming their liquor at times. Despite the hype and vapious enjoyment, we both realise how silly some of these items are for example, $4000 for a Dior bag knowing very well the materials, labour and "craftsmanship" equate to probably little over $100 in real value terms - no wonder this bloke is rich

I do find it interesting that in todays world, the most (financially) successful human is no longer one who provides oil for transportion so that humans and human necessities can move around, or a property magnate who provides shelter, or a chain of supermarkets where people can get their food and water, or even the tech guy who provides easier ways for people to talk to each other

Its the guy who sells extremely overpriced clothing, jewellery and alcohol - possibly the furthest thing humans actually need to survive, especially in a world where people are suffering at an all time high

Quite telling where our priorities have always been. Our desire to show other humans that we are better than one other trumps all else


      • Define luxury watch though. Is a quartz watch from Gucci considered a luxury watch, or are we talking the expensive Swiss automatics and/or Rolex types?

        • My grand Seiko is a quartz and is pricier than any Gucci watch etc. But it's my fav watch despite having pricier watches in the watch box. I feel like some people set their own standard if what trying too hard looks like. Honestly if that person has always wanted that Rolex or Gucci and they can finally afford it. More happiness and good fortune to them. I don't know why everyone feels they need to critique another person's purchase decision.

          • @maverickjohn: Sir, I'm just trying to get an understanding of his definition for luxury watch.

            • @Munki: But does it really matter is where I'm coming from..
              What luxury is to me is going to be quite different for what luxury is to you.
              If you want to go to what general consensus of luxury . There are web resources for tiers.
              In the end of the day I think everyone should do what they like as long as it doesn't put them in any situation to compromise them financially

  • why are people by this shit for anyway?

    • Deep down it is all about insecurity. Whether you are poor or rich, the desire to show people you are x, y, or z is what fuels this level of discretionary spending.

      If consumers genuinely cared about quality, they could have everything custom made with the best materials by the finest craftsmen for a fraction of mass produced designer branded goods

  • The arguement from some is that some of these brands like RM Williams (which this guy doesnt own anymore but another billionaire does) are high quality and rapirable and i can really get on board with that.

    However if you have the money to spend on something high quality and repairable, why dont you go to a cobbler, tailor, milliner, etc.

    Then you get high quality, repairability, AND it can be bespoke just for you if you want.

    And you're also supporting an artist / artisan instead of a billionaire.

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