Hi All, I need recommendations for a laptop under 700. General use not for any gaming. May use office and basic softwares. Prefer windows.
Laptop under $700

Lfawa on 17/04/2023 - 18:52
Thanks mate
buy used laptop on ebay. save your money for other stuff.
Thanks bjnico, I really don't know whom to trust on ebay. Is there anyone you recommend. Thanks
I've had a good experience with these guys : https://www.ebay.com.au/str/bufferstock/Notebooks-Laptops/_i…
Pay with Paypal for 6 months warranty
+1 for Bufferstock. These guys (Australian Computer Traders) are also a good option. They've been around for decades and offer one-year warranty for some of their refurbished laptops.
Bargain for $698.