This was posted 12 years 6 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Stargate Atlantis - Complete Season 1-5 [Blu-Ray] AUD $67 Delivered @ Amazon UK


You can now get the complete Stargate Atlantis series on Blu-ray for less than $67 (using Amazon UK's currency converter), which I believe is the lowest price ever for the series (at least on Amazon UK). The same set is currently $195.99 @ JB!

Some other recent discounts you might want to bundle together to save on postage (prices below do not include postage):

Usual stuff: UK Blu-rays are the same region as Australia, Amazon UK takes off VAT at checkout (but not in the cart).

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I was thinking that it might be a good time to get this on DVD, but the DVD set costs more!

  • +1

    No brainer at that price, bought.

  • +1

    $13.50 a season… The price it should be!

  • -3

    The original Stargate was great but
    at length 'tis being flogged to death.

  • Picked this up for $76.49 December last year. So good deal!

    edit: whoops accidently hit the neg button…anyone know how to change that?

    • +3

      Click on 'votes' just above the OP's name up there ^ and you should be able to revoke it, I believe. :)

    • +2

      Go to this page:

      It will allow you to change your vote for this deal.

      • Cheers, thanks guys!!

  • Edit: meant to post as a reply. Whoops!

  • Opinions: is this better or worse than BSG?

    • Worse, but still a very good series.

      • Agree. There's only a handful of SciFi series within the past 4 years or so worth seeing that I'm aware of - this, BSG, Stargate Universe (annoyingly cut short after 2 seasons), and Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles (which got better as it progressed and was also cut short after 2 seasons). All are worth watching, and are much improved when seen ad-free and back-to-back and in order (insert harsh glare at Australian TV channels, especially on that last point).

        • I hate you so much for saying Terminator SCC was good -.- The ending ruined my hopes and dreams.

          Although I agree with the others. Also I don't mind Continuum or Fringe.

        • :-) In my honest opinion, TSCC was surprisingly good, especially the season 2 thread involving Cromartie / John Henry + Catherine Weaver, but I agree it just ended abruptly in a way that left me going "And then what happened?!!!". Although I blame the network, rather than the show, because they cut them off too early in a way that never allowed a complete story arc. But I empathise with your frustration.

          And thank you for the pointers on Continuum and Fringe, I'll be sure to check those out.

  • Excellent price.
    JB has this for $196 or $47 per season.
    Sanity $190 or $50 per season.

    • How on earth did you work out that maths?
      $196 / 5 = $39.2
      $190 / 5 = $38

      • If you look at the web site the individual seasons are priced more expensive than purchasing the whole box set in one go. Not 1/5 of the complete box set price.

  • Awesome bargain, bought :)

  • Thanks
    Was getting the usual "what do you want for Fathers day ?" questions from my kids.
    Now I know what to tell them (after me ordering it of course !)


    Now back to $99.34 delivered

  • Package arrived today. Brand new and only took 12 days to get here shipped from Amazon Germany. My other Amazon UK purchase shipped via Royal Mail. Still hasn't arrived. And it has an estimated 2 week delivery time.

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