Best Interest Rate for Home Loan

Is 5.34% good variable rate for home loan now ?

Edit: looks like a good deal comparing major banks. Am with NAB


  • +2

    Very good

  • <=0% is best

  • -2

    Get 0% from bank of mom and dad, and hope they forgive the debt because you'll inherit their millions in wealth one day anyway.

  • Very bad

  • +6

    There are cheaper and more expensive options available.

    • +1

      That is profound.

      Thanks for posting.

    • +1

      JV chipping someone for posting pointless / unhelpful response to the OP….wow

      Pot, id like to introduce you to kettle!

      • +1

        JV chipping someone

        I upvoted the comment….😕

        • +1

          Don't worry, I knew you would appreciate my troll response :)

          Edit - I'm more offended by this than I was with JV's response

          posting pointless / unhelpful response

    • Best interest rate for the buyer or the bank?

  • -1

    Best Interest Rate for Home Loan

    I seem to recall Japan had negative interest rates a couple of years back, so they were probably the best ones…

  • Depends. If it is no frills rate with redraw not offset.

    I've seen similar but offset is $10 a month etc etc

  • I got on a 5.24% variable with 100% offset recently with one of the major.

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