This was posted 12 years 6 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Settlers of Catan Game + Various Add Ons + Other Games - $36.40 Delivered + Various for Add Ons

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The settlers of Catan basis game costs $36.40 delivered. In this price about $16.40 postage is included. Those will not increase if you also put in other items such as add-ons for the basis game or other games. The cheapest price I could find for the basis game is $59.99 plus shipping.
Yes the instructions in the game are in German but they can be easily obtained from the internet.

Here are the links:

The basis game and the seafarers add-on are also available in English (more expensive than the German edition but if you buy more than one still considerably cheaper than buying in Australia):

IF you look a bit on the site, you will find that the add ons are also available in the English version (bit more expensive than the German version).

If you buy make sure you buy all German or all English as apparently the add-ons for one do not work with the other.

Other games that are cheaper overseas you could put in:

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon Germany
Amazon Germany

closed Comments

  • ok i know the game itself wouldn't matter what language it is in(if you know how to play the game you won't need to read anything) but would the manual or the words on the box be in english?

    • No German but again this does not matter for gameplay at all. The few words you need canbe looked up or deduced from the pics such as Ritter = Knight.

  • +3

    Be careful with this - if you look closely at the game it's different in terms of the artwork etc to the Australian/American version meaning compatibility isn't as great with the retail versions over here.

    Also there are cards in the game that might prove to be a pain without translation, e.g. knight, road building, year of plenty, etc, etc, so you would probably want to buy an english deck anyway, which adds 15-20.

    It's definitely a good buy, if you don't mind that but I would still just go for the Aus retail versions - especially if you can go along to someone like milsims and pick it up.

    Definitely a great game for anyone interested in trying a strategy game that is different to your standard monopoly or crap you can buy in Target.

    I will add that I have completed much research on the best way to buy catan and expansions and in the end i just got them from aus retail for the above reasons because internationally you lose your savings from shipping in most cases.

    • Not here. You pay the postage once. You could get all of the Catan stuff for $108 delivered. You want to show me where you can get them all toegther for this price in Australia? Here you pay closer to $250 for that.

      • I'm not saying you don't save money (though you are overstating the case somewhat), I'm saying it comes at a cost.

        • +1

          I checked: the basis game alone is $60 and seafarers is $65.
          There is very little, if any, difficulty in understanding 5-10 German words, most of which you can actually understand by looking at the pictures. My partner's 12 year old daughter can do it.

        • Base game is $45 dollars at my local store. For english version, instant purchase and supporting my local store, this is a no-brainer.

  • +4

    Wow, still posting meh amazon deals?

    • +2

      They must be a major shareholder of

  • The German language is not that big a deal - the English rules are freely downloadable from several places on the net, and go take a look at if you need more.

    One caveat - the German edition has different size components from the English one. Do not expect to be able to mix & match German and English editions and expansions.

  • Why not pay an extra couple of dollars and get it from with all English cards/manuals?…

    Btw, it is an amazing game! Play it almost every weekend with my family

    • Because at $65 Aud including postage you might as well buy it in Australia. The good thing about Amazon Germany are the low prices, the removal of VAT, and the relatively low postage on these.

      • My bad, didn't go all the way to checkout, as I didn't want to actually buy it, but I went through the process and it looked like it was going to work out to be £26 shipped to Aus, meaning around $39…

        I thought removed VAT as well?

    • +2

      Only $60.40 from here inc. shipping:…
      Sure, the German version is more authentic considering the game's origins but I would rather pay the extra $25 to get something that you're going to spend hours playing in our native tongue. It will also be easier to get new friends/family members to join in if it's in English.

      • -1

        Or not be so averse to a bit of education and learn ten words of German!

        Also, see that the English version is available?

        • I didn't actually see that it's available - sorry. The English version from Amazon DE will come to ~$53 (and only IF you have a 28 Degrees card to get the best exchange rate). On the other hand, if you buy from Milsims games everyone can get the game for $52.30 for the benefit of fast shipping and support for an Aussie business.

          $44.80+$7.50 postage to Brisbane:

        • As I said, for the English version it becomes worthwhile if you buy add ons or other games (there are several hundred available at Amazon Germany) as postage is only charged once. In Brisbane, the base game costs $60 at the shops I know.

          My partner's kids are quite willing to learn ten words of German if then they can get three games instead of one! Maybe other people think they same way. Also, learning German seems to be useful these days!

        • -1

          As long as Aussie business continue ripping off customers and hard-working people they do not deserve supporting.
          If Amazon can sell the German version for 20 Euro, free delivery and still make a profit on it why does the same game cost $52.30 here? Ever thought about that?

        • Have you ever thought that maybe little Aussie businesses have nothing to do with the prices we pay? That maybe the overseas distributors are the the ones that are screwing us over? I work in a small business and the high prices we have to charge for some items (and barely make a profit on) have nothing to do with us.

          And come on man, you must know about economies of scale. You know - where a bigger business can sell products for less due to the quantity that they are moving. Amazon is the world's largest online retailer - bar none. You can imagine how cheaply they get their stock and how much money they can make with razor thin profit margins.

          I think you will find there are a number of products that Amazon sells that they do in fact make a loss on. I take it you've heard of a loss leader? They use these to draw customers in where they hope they will buy more profitable items.

          TL;DR? Yes. I have thought about that.

        • Dude, I could point you to several websites of small businesses in Germany that do not send to OZ (hence useless for here) but still sell the game at the same price as Amazon or only a bit more expensive but nowhere near the prices here. And they do not make a loss as otherwise they would go bust.
          In Australia many businesses try to rip consumers off - there is no sense denying that. And if you cannot have low prices and make a profit then your business model is bad and/or your effectiveness and efficiency is low.
          I suggest you read a Jim Collins book - it might help your business. Start with 'good to great" and then go "Built to last".

          As regards the products that Amazon makes a loss on - care to name some so I can check the veracity of your statements?

        • Frustrating me. Will start replying in bullet points:

          • Game made in Germany. Cheaper to buy in Germany.
          • Some businesses in Australia try to rip consumers off. A lot don't. Mine doesn't.
          • Business don't struggle solely due to internal factors. External factors (economic downturn, government handouts etc) play a huge role.
          • Don't have proof of Amazon's business practices as I'm unfortunately not privy to that information. Think it's a safe assumption as most large corporations with liquid assets to spare employ the use of loss leaders. Have also heard analyst Michael Pachter mention that Amazon likely uses videogames as loss leaders.
        • Dude, sorry but no wonder your business might have a hard time.

          1. Just because the game is made in Germany does not mean it is cheaper there. Examples: Volkswagen cars used to be a lot cheaper in Italy despite being made and originating in Germany. Glenfiddich is made in Scotland and yet it is half the Scottish or English price in Germany and even in the US it is cheaper in general than in the UK. Your argument is absolutely not valid. Billabong clothes are cheaper in Germany than they are in Australia - why do you think that is? There are endless examples of this - Toshiba are more expensive in Japan than they are in other countries, Apple is more expensive in China than in the US (although they come from China) etc.

          2. Rip off mentality with many Oz businesses. Of course there are some that don't but the exceptions just confirm the rule. On the whole, they try to make as much profit as possible, often at the expense of the consumers. Why do you think Gerry Harvey is lobbying government to lower the limit of $1000 for purchases overseas to something like $100 or $200?

          3. If you have an economic downturn here I am laughing my head off. What should Europe or the US say? Spain has more than %20 unemployment - that is an economic downturn! Australia has %5.6 and people here buy like crazy - TVs, games, are happy to pay expensive tickets. Seriously, if that is an economic downturn, I am happy with it (by the way, electricity and utilities are more expensive in Germany and yet the wages and prices there are not as high as they are here. Hmm, food for thought)

          4. I am worked on many restructurings and businesses' promotional plans - often it is simply bad management. How do you account for the fact that businesses like Citigroup or Wells Fargo (founded in the 1800s) survived events far worse than the current situation. Yes, they are big now but they were not then so don't even think about raising size as a factor.

          5. Michael Pachter makes assumptions - you even concede that by saying "likely". The only loss leader Amazon currently has is the Kindle Fire and they openly said so.

          6. You remind me a bit of people in the middle age. If they did not know how something worked and could not find an explanation, witch accusations were made and people burned. Amazon is very efficient and effective and is very good at negotiating prices - that is how they can offer low prices and still make a buck. Apparently, there is more to business than what can be found in the "Business for dummies" books.

        • You have some valid statements hidden in there, it's true. I just find it difficult to agree with you due to the patronising tone that permeates everything you have to say. And by the way Gerry Harvey has been importing games from the UK all year so he's not exactly our white knight. I just cannot be bothered arguing with you any more, Gallifrey. You are wasting to much of my time and energy. All the best for your future deals as I've hidden them so I won't get sucked into this again.

    • I'm confused - why go the site, when the US site (…) has the base game for $44.03 delivered?

      I bought this + Ticket To Ride (Marklin edition) for ~$90 delivered a few months back, so the price isn't a short term sale or anything.

  • sprechen sie deutsch?

    • Sure, who doesn't? It has been proven lately that it comes in very handy!

  • +1

    WARNING: If crappy dice rolls potentially infuriate you, do NOT buy this game!

    • Buy Can't Stop instead. that's a game where crappy dice rolls simultaneously hit you hard, but it's fun taking that risk.
      or make your own version of it. it was originally a pen and paper game.
      It's also based on similar odds that Catan and Backgammon are based on. You'll have to cut and paste that link. Sorry

  • +2

    My favourite local place to buy from is still Games Empire (NSW). Settlers base game $45 pickup or + freight…

  • +1
  • +2

    There are Aussie stores that sell the English version. Milsims Games ( in Bentleigh in Melbourne (SE suburbs) sells the base settlers game for $44.80 ( Easily the best price I've seen for the English version. Their shipping costs are very reasonable too. The guys there are always super awesome and helpful and massive games fans themselves. I'd buy from them any day over a referral-fishing link for the non-English version.

    • Ah, what? Referral-fishing? What is that supposed to mean?
      How much would the whole Catan set be/ Basis game plus all the add ons mentioned? Cheaper than $108?
      Also note that the English version (the very same one you buy in the shop here!) is available, too.

  • If you want to find more English games, on the top choose "Spielzeug" as category and type in "englische Ausgabe" in the search field. Then click "Los" and you should get all the board games that are available in English.

  • Just be careful on Cities and Knights of Catan. There's a lot of cards, and writing in that game.
    As illusionarybreeze mentioned, Basic Catan and Seafarers rely on dice luck (based on odds of 7's coming up the most). So it's playing the odds, similar to Backgammon (another fantastic game).
    The problem with Catan is if you get screwed by the dice early, you stay screwed, and it leads to the leader growing exponentially.
    Which is where Cities and Knights rules. It takes away a lot of the luck, and balances it out with text-driven event cards.

    TL:DR ????

    The Catan series is awesome. it introduced me to Euro games. But after 50 games or so, I only play cities and Knights of Catan now. And you don't want a german version of that.

    • If you look on Amazon the English version are available, if you buy more than one still cheaper than in Oz.

    • Interesting. I might give Catan a go with Cities and Knights if it balances things out. As it is, I much rather pull out Carcassonne or Ticket to Ride every time.

  • +1

    Re the dice rolls, the other issue with catan aside from it being luck based is that you have to rely on other people following the game and not making dumb trades e.g. one card needed for someone to win the game and my idiot brother in law trades it because he's drunk.

    Don't get me wrong, I love this game, it gets the most table time out of anything I own :)

    • Maybe give your bro alcohol free drinks when playing!;-)

    • This is where C&K rules. It's much easier to have a strategy, and pick on whoever is leading (depending on which strategy your going for).
      From memory, I think you need 12 points to win as well, so it's a bit more challenging.

      Damn, now I want to play it again.

      The 2 player card game is also very good IMHO. Not to be confused with the light 2 player dice game.

      • I've never heard of C&K. I'll have to look into this!

        • +1

          In case it was ambiguous, C&K = Cities and Knights (of Catan)

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